Why shouldnt women be allowed to work?
Why shouldnt women be allowed to work?
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It makes them miserable - they would be better off rearing children while they themselves are happy in order to produce well-functioning offspring.
Pic somewhat related
What is she doing with a combat helmet?
Should she not be home protecting, raising the bloodlines, the offspring?
Incompetent women should not work. Or rear children.
They should be passed up and ignored altogether in favor of a superior female companion.
Raising children to be healthy, intelligent and well adjusted is hard work. A mother who has raised 4 or more such children is far more valuable to a nation and a race than a female lawyer or policewoman
It ruins the labor market.
Cut the number of available workers in half by keeping women at home and (((they))) will have to compete for employees rather than prospective employees having to compete for a job.
you don't know every women. don't try to speak for them
Statistically women are happier at home raising children, so while I don't speak for all women I do speak for most. It is a modern "progressive" concept to force women into two jobs, child-rearing and a profession. The reality is that it is not healthy for a society to overwork women like this and will only result in degenerate children which will perpetuate the problem.
Thanks everyone so far, wasn't really educated on the topic but I think I got the bearings now. feel free to post some more red pills on women though
>Statistically women are happier at home raising children
source? and i'm sure men would be happier staying at home being neets as well
>The reality is that it is not healthy for a society to overwork women like this and will only result in degenerate children which will perpetuate the problem.
yeah being a nurse is so fucking hard. obviously women can't do some jobs like construction. Fuck off with your traditionalism.
Check out studies on female happiness as of the last few decades, to sum it up they have become disproportionately miserable compared to males, correlating with their increase in freedoms over the last century. Here's a study which is a long read but the discussion section in the last few pages sums it all up.
They should be able to work, but they should also be encouraged to have children. And once they become mothers their primary duty is to take care of their children.
The study shows correlation between an increase in freedoms/work force participation and unhappiness in women over the last 50 years or so. This obviously comes as a result of liberal leaders pushing women to become independent and provide for themselves, aiding the destruction of the nuclear family as we have known it.
>yeah being a nurse is so fucking hard. obviously women can't do some jobs like construction. Fuck off with your traditionalism.
Raising kids is harder than you think, it isn't as simple as just making sure you feed and bathe them every now and again. A child's development period is critical in that what shapes them then is what they will inevitably become once they grow older. If the kid is not getting rudimentary education from the parents or is not being taught strong values from the start then it will be at a massive disadvantage intellectually, or it won't have the core values necessary for being a well functioning member of society later on. This is why you consistently see human trash parents creating trash kids, it was simply how they were brought up from the start, and it will only continue unless your kid hits the genetic lottery and turns out to be far more intelligent than their predecessors.
>Raising kids is harder than you think
opinion discarded.
Also the sample sizes were small as fuck.
A cunt's work is raising the children and maintaining the home.
>Also the sample sizes were small as fuck.
What do you expect, a 100 million wide study? You can extrapolate data so long as your participants are representative and there are no other variables potentially affecting how they might answer the questions such as a large disproportionate amount of lawyers in your sample. The numbers they gave of 1500 - 4500 participants are fine for this.
There a shit load of women. I expect a much larger sample size.
Kids are cute and all and I love them, but money is more important honestly. I think most feel the same today.
Well you're welcome at any point to show a study with a larger sample size that shows that working makes women happier.
jesus christ ladies you're both ugly now stfu
It's also bad for society.
They should be allowed to work...
I don't ever make contact with women outside the workforce :/
Im sorry.