Time to turn the blacks on the Jews...

Time to turn the blacks on the Jews. we can use Fake twitter/social media accounts to look like black activists and to deflect all the hate from us onto a mutual enemy.

>Jews had a huge part in the slave trade
>Jewish Hollywood is portraying blacks as apes in their movies ex: planet of the apes
>Jews view blacks
>Jewish privilege is way more predominant than white privilege
>media is largely Jewish and spews anti black sentiment
>Jewish policies created the welfare state for blacks enslaving them to vote for Jewish control

If we can turn the blacks against the Jews since they are already in an aggravated state and are retarded we can then make them fight one another. lets turn the pets on their masters.

Other urls found in this thread:



this is actually plausible. any redpilled black already hates the jews and even the hood rats who live around jews dont particularly like them

its also true that blacks AND whites are being fucked with by the jews

heres a bump, OP

bump this shit. good thinking

>Make claim that Sup Forums's racism is overtly racist and dangerous
>Get mocked by other posters "ur takin memes 2 serious"
>See this thread

Jesus christ, this place is fucked up. I can't imagine living a life with so much hatred. It must be such a heavy weight on your conscious. It must poison everything you do and see. Horrible.

It's not that bad.

I've already met two blacks who literally venerate Hitler, saying he was a good guy and they would do the same. One was an "Israelite" and the other an Israelite sympathizer

>Surrounded by tons of customers at Walmart
>Ask coworker what he thinks of the holocaust
"You mean the holohoax"
Didn't look around, and not only didn't lower his voice, but raised it


>Have your legacy stolen from you
>Have your reputation stolen from you
>Have your wealth and people, plundered and manipulated

>Doesn't feel hate


Okay so you've met people like that but not every person who disagrees with you is a cuck and absolutely hates you. I just don't understand how people can't be so stupid to generalise so heavily as to be bias to a whole race/group. It's what some people on the left do to the right. I'm glad that in my lifetime people with similar ideologies will be crushed.

Too many words. Niggers are only semi-retired.

Nigs already hate everyone who isn't a nig (they also hate nigs), and they have for as long as they've existed. The reason this won't work is because people have already learned to tune out niggers' impotent rage. The only people that fall for it any more are white women.

>Jews were slave traders

>Media is racist, media is jewish

>that auto-correct

Leaving for sick trips tho

Jews helped popularise Gangster rap because too many people were writing rap songs about reading books and being educated and positive stuff.

>we can use Fake twitter/social media accounts to look like black activists
No need. Just keep posting the facts about how Jews have fucked over everyone including blacks. Blacks have zero impulse control.

Go post another BBC thread you cockholster

Go back to New Zealand. There are too many of you faggots here in Aus.

Read the Talmud, and understand that these people hold a great amount of power. If you think WE are the ones full of hate, you will take your gaze off of our hate, and see theirs. Their hate, and actions based on, is the source and fuel for ours.

If the power they hold is taken from them, you will see hate for them disappear

Talk about how the ancient Egyptian Kangz used to keep Jews as slaves, so no Jews are trying to get revenge for it. Tell them to awaken their inner Egyptian.

That shia lebeouff arrest certainly adds credibility

I actually dislike maoris and samoans coming here from nz than any other immigrant.

It has to be something that would be taken seriously.

It's a fucking joke. Take that sand out of your ass

Good shit, OP.


Lyor Cohen is a Jew who runs hip hop. Let them know that Jews are using their music to promote degeneracy among black communities.

Just like Jerry Heller.

Should probably network with the Hoteps.
They're basically redpilled blacks without fear of naming (((them))).

i've been thinking this for a while. redpilled blacks can be useful to the cause because they don't have to restrain what they say and even when people try to silence them, they don't give a fuck which is why they're allowed to still be openly homophobic. this is a powerful tool that is overlooked.

The JQ will change it all, even though I concentrate more in the benefit of white people, I won't let the fucking kikes ruing other cultures too with their greed.

NWA were house niggers that made their race look bad and promoted by a jew.

I've had the same experience.

But by Israelite they meant kangz related.

thanks for the video, ill definitely use this

>implying there's anything wrong with hate.

Ray Hagins not only names, but describes removal of the jew and preaches something like a reformation of African spirituality.

exactly whites have been kicked and programmed to fear breaking thought crime, blacks not only get a free pass but are also extremely vocal and impulsive. if we can harness that it could be huge to fight the Jews who if they respond will look racist against blacks

this good shit

The Jewish influence in the slave trade is interesting. I'm sure there's some more information we could fix up on this topic.

This is true.


Blacks already know Jewish men despise them. Reinforce it with appropriate memes because it's the fucking truth.

We don't even have to exaggerate. That's truly hilarious.

Also say that Jews promote gangster rap to make black people look bad and keep themselves in power.

It's not untrue.

Margaret Sanger is a goldmine! She is also one of Hillarys friends

what happened to blaxit.

Blaxit was unrealistic. This is possible. No lies or exaggeration. Just spreading truths about Jewish power and influence over blacks. Simple operation, simple goal.

Hate has lifted me out of the depths of depression.
Where once there was hatred for myself and my life, there is now hatred for jews, niggers, muslims, cucks, fags, and degeneracy in all shapes and forms.

Just have to convince them of the truth. Jews were the slave traders, not whites.



Malcolm X and Ali dropping some juicy reds.


Righteous hatred
Righteous wrath

It feels like sanity.

Why were people clapping for the retarded shit Mohamed Ali was saying?

you know what (((they)) fear the most? unity.

Commence Operation Moon Beam!!!!!!

good one lets do it

He was actually talking some sense, I mean he isn't the best at explaining it but I understood what he was trying to say. Love for your own race, not hate for other races.


Right. There's nothing deceptive about this. It's just showing the black community that half the problems they thought to attribute to white people aren't actual white people. They're white when it's convenient to place blame, and then holocaust card their way out of responsibility.

> most niggers are aware of the jews.

Then why not cement the fact? I've never known one red pilled enough to name them

I read this article a few weeks ago and immediately wondered if this guy is real or is that just a white Sup Forumsack's rp blog

>half the problems

its pretty much every problem in the black community

>blaming other people for problems - pushed by jews

>welfare state killing off family structure - pushed by jews

>degenerate music glorifying gang culture - pushed by (((somebody)))

before (((democrats))) fucked eveyrthing up by telling blacks they shouldnt try because whites keep them down, they were doing just fine


heres a good recent video about it

He wasnt a Christian sorry to tell ya bub.

this looks like a jew trick

You're obviously oblivious to the dangers white people will face in the future. There is a neo-marxist conspiracy working to pit all minorities against whites, and this conspiracy is being funded and organized primarily by Jews.

Turning blacks on Jews will obliterate the (((narrative))) and will force Jews, if they know what's good for them, to stop broadcasting anti-white propaganda at black children.

>I just don't understand how people can't be so stupid to generalise so heavily as to be bias to a whole race/group. It's what some people on the left do to the right.
Exactly. It's called giving your opponent a taste of their own (((medicine))).

>If the power they hold is taken from them, you will see hate for them disappear
This, 100%. Unfortunately they would rather perish than lose power.

If we could turn blacks against (((hip hop))) in the process this could be /pols/ greatest achievement.

I'm pretty sure they owned over 40 percent of the slave ships that serviced the Americas.

All we have to do is make fake facebook accounts pretending to be black people, join their online communities and start spamming memes. Facebooks algorithm will start spreading this around to other blacks automatically.

Ice Cube and most blacks just see Jews as White+

This needs to be meme'd across Black Facebook.

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Rabbi Shekelstein The Wise?

I thought not. It’s not a story the Goyim would tell you. It’s a Jew legend. Rabbi Shekelstein was the Noselord of the Jews, so powerful and so wise he could use Shekels to influence the midicurrencies to create profits… He had such a knowledge of the nose side, he could even keep the ones he cared about from financial ruin.

He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his shekels, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his nose everything he knew, then his nose devoured him in his sleep, transforming himself into Ouroborostein; The Jew Who Eats His Nose.


I just bring you to water it's up to you to drink. Juat know ((they)) have controlled both sides of the narrative for a long time, also I'd be remiss to not mention that its only the top teir Talmudic zionist who masquerade as jewish who are the virus, not all jews. Dnt get me started on wahabbism and how the vatican has been subverted.

You are correct sir.

Won't happen. At most we could expose who's running hip hop and how they've been using it dictate black culture.

>tfw born in Chicago
>literally had to flee the city
>people like this think they are the good guys
This timeline sucks famalam.


bump. this needs to gain momentum. Jews have every intention of using blacks to confiscate all of our property one day, exactly as they did to the Kulaks in Russia. This is not an exaggeration. We have to turn them on each other before it's too late.

Already in the works.

>The media is controlled by “them” and “their” strategy is divide and conquer. As long as “they” can keep us fighting “they” can always present themselves as the solution and PROFIT.

>The blacks love to spend on movies? Fine! They’ll make them some black movies to be proud of while they take the lion’s share. All blacks want are the emotions anyway. It’s a fair deal. Blacks get the emotions and “they” get the profit.

>The blacks want awards? Fine! But “they” get the profit.

You dont have a black activist twitter troll acount?



is this that black Sup Forums there were a few threads about awhile back?

if it is, im glad to see that theyre startign to realize that our goals are the same

i think a group of united blacks/whites is something (((they))) fear, which is why any time you say something nice about blacks you have shills jump on you instantly

Jews literally started the slave trade and people somehow forget this

Israelite niggers are radicalized terrorists who have been agent provocateured into saying brainwashed things like "death to America"... if you have any sense, you will avoid such obvious controlled opposition traps before they become the next Mossad false flag ponzi setup.


this is what (((trs))) and (((weev))) and all the alt kikes should have been doing for years, but no. they had to whine and philosophize about kikes on sticks and italian whiteness. i guess you could say i have no faith in the alt right.

>i think a group of united blacks/whites is something (((they))) fear, which is why

which is why the alt kike keeps telling you niggers suck israel rules donate to my venmo...


>i think a group of united blacks/whites is something (((they))) fear, which is why any time you say something nice about blacks you have shills jump on you instantly
This dynamic goes all the way back to the colonial era:


If pizzagate tells us anything, they never even stopped.

>Rabbi Shekelstein was the Noselord of the Jews
It's this kinda stuff that keeps me coming back to Sup Forums ... my sides!

>Jews literally started the slave trade
All true

Good idea. Do it. Make "Jewish Privilege" a thing and release the SJWs on it.

Focus on free speech and being racial realist, not on the kike invented label "alt-right".

Lets look at Hitlers track record... After his limited slip propaganda against jews he helped create Israel and shipped tons off to bolster the ranks of the Rothschild bankster venture. He attacked many of his fellow gentile ethnicities, made several horrible decisions at key military engagements and marched the majority of German men off an ideaistic cliff. He was supported by ratfaced Vichy French, "Italian" warlords and cryptojew sephardis from Spain.


They deserve this so much.


Let's also consider the word "gentrification"... So bankster kikes buy up the ghetto and use the zero percent loans from the federal reserve to fix it up and sell the property for way more to "gentry"... but when do we ever hear about the jurification of an area, population or ethnicity? You know, when ratfaced anglos or saudis or yids start spreading their schnoz seed around to all the local indigenous whores and all the little baby rats start popping up everywhere asking where daddy went... like the conquistadors who yidkiked up South America... or all these weird looking birdfaced Baltimore niggers.