Spic hate thread.
Duh Fuq....that's a KID!!!!
Savages. All of them.
The spaniards should have killed them all
holy fuck, why did I come to this board. Back to /fit/
damn, that was an arduous one, he looked like he felt most of that
reality isn't easy to the eyes
based spics i can't wait until my countrymen feel their holy fury.
What happened? I can't see it on my device.
i fucking keked
They messed up his mcdonalds order
Fucking savages
you need one those apps that you can open a webm in
That's the dullest fucking knife they could possibly find.
That what happens when you use a dull knife. It just takes for fucking ever. Gotta keep those knives sharp folks. Lesson learned, thanks OP!
not my proudest fap
Ah, the fuck.
All of you
download VLC player if you're on iphone
>Cant even cut off his head properly
If you're going to be a barbaric degenerate do it properly
This is coming to America, these fucking sub-humans.
One swing should remove a head, or you're not a real man.
Kill them all
When are we going to stop denying the obvious?
Australia is ruining this fucking board.
Fuck these backwater low IQ island dwelling chinks.
Fuck off back to Sup Forums you god damn retards.
This has fuck all nothing to do with politics.
Mexicans are cannibalistic subhumans, we should conquer them, civilize them with the whip, smash their culture and replace it for our God-fearing Christian one and destroy their satanic temples and their cities... wait!
>Trumpers want to do this to liberals.
Yikes, bring a new level to the "join us or die" sentiment the right expresses.
Yah fuck Aussies! My kids can't walk down the street at night with those crocodile hat wearing niggers running around.
I cant believe theres people in the world that want this trash as neighbors.
W-we're not that bad... There's a good 10% of us that aren't animals. All of us that are human are usually at least 75% European but still.
they really want that ammo and some armor shards.
>le 52% face
Hahaha, stay mad a*erilard. Cant handle the fact that this will be your country soon.
Tbh if i were a the devil i would just give up on humans. Their evil make even the devil himself shrug and think about the reason of his existence.
>This has fuck all nothing to do with politics.
how clueless can u get
nobody in charge wants to do anything about removing psychotic people from the general population of any country
they know that if you develop a reliable system to find and remove these people from society, they themselves will be some of the first to go and they don't want that.
status quo makes this all happen
status quo is politics big time
fuck your cluelessness
context pls
Has everything to do with politics. Prove me wrong.
oh man can't even fast forward the gif, the muzzies make it look so easy, mad respect
Mobile fags go back to Re `ddit
If you don't care enough about politics, people like that will pour into your country and buy a house near you.
what do u racist cunts think of this one
Fucking pussies. Gas yourselves.
>but still.
There is no "but still"
It is a well known fact that indio DNA translates to uncivilized behavior
The Spanish empire really needs to make a return.
The jews convinced the colonies to betray the motherland.
BolĂvar, San Martin, and de Miranda were heavily judaized practitioners of freemasonry
Put your cock away
>not going back for thirds
What the fuck happened here?
so what did that kid do?
whats the story?
Learn English you fucking skippy
>doesn't understand generalizations
Oh boy
Also I would like a sauce in that considering the Aztecs were more advanced than the Nords that you guys like to suck off all the time.
Probably a rival's kid
Good, all these old white dudes that travel to Thailand to fuck underaged ladyboys deserve the parasail.
Thank god I paused before anything happened.
Yeah I've learned to avoid the "surprise gore" of Sup Forums.
How can anyone hate spics when we create the best gore on the net?
Are these police who busted a narc op? Or am I missing something?
I didn't realize they were just as brutal as the cartel
Was he feeling this??
>He's thinks there's a difference between the police and cartels in Mexico
They are all the same desu
Well, if they're beheading each other there's gotta be some kind of difference
hard to treat someone who pulls that kind of shit like a human. respond to savagery in kind.
>implying CIA and undercover agents don't do the same shit
You're a fucking naive dipshit living in a fantasy world. Our government just knows how to bullshit you gullible retards better.
>what is the Vendel Period
Our biggest mistake along with not completely wiping out muslims.
It's not as bad as you might imagine. You have endorphins numbing you and dissociation during traumatic and painful events. The brutality is to send a message.
Fuck off spic
Mestizos are the worst race after jews, even WORSE then niggers. They are inferior but a little bit superior to niggers so they can get together and have a common leader (like the narcos) so that makes them more dangerous. They are resentful as fuck and think they are entitled to do anything they want "because muh reparations for amerindindian genocide"
Scum of the earth, I would end this filth race were it up to me.
You clearly can see this behaviour on their part on Sup Forums. Usually chilenos, uruguay, mexicans etc are very aggressive and disrespectful, never posting anything relevant or interesting, its either some random insult or some shill anti-Spain post.
They need to be exterminated, scum of the earth, worst thing is there are like over 200 million all over their shitskinned countries and are growing at an alarming rate, because (sadly) they dont starve to death like niggers
spic here, life has no value in the eyes on the brainwashed people with cartel cholo culture and beer and where is superman when you need it
we are fucking niggers whith niggertier culture and nobody seems to be aware that there is no hope for anything here
fuck you for posting this shit
Even worse, (((they))) want to make every one like them, pic related
these are the poor innocent immigrants the liberals want us to invite into our country without the need for proper immigration.
do you guys really want these savage fucks coming into our country?
>insults people he hates
>says that the hated people post nothi ng but insults
Will you gas yourself when the time comes?
Spic hate threads will be a daily thing from now on.
>all this stupid bullshit
Now I remember why I stopped coming here. Back to reading for me then.
let me guess
>t.guy who has been killed in this manner before
>that webm
just Aztec genes and behavior
it's part of their culture, don't be racist
We need to repeal the 1965 immigration act and make mostly Europeans come here.
Deaths really not grotesque I find torture like the one dudes with box cutters to be the worst. If you're going to kill someone even if its in a barbaric manner at least have the courtesy to make it take less than 5 minutes.
hey retard where's your evidence that 'it's not as bad as you think'. Oh, that's right you have absolutely none and it is as bad as looks until the body goes into shock you fucking mongoloid. So please an hero or shove your butt plug further up your ass before spouting off bullshit
When do we get to do this shit to antifa?
Fuck off I went to Australia and you stupid slant eyed motherfuckers are the worst. Speaking mandarian everywhere with your buck teeth and slanty eyes. Terrible people.
t.ernesto quispe
>implying we should care what the CIA does to foreign nations and nationals
As long as the USA is #1 I don't care if the CIA are fucking with some dumb jungle niggers.
I don't know about them fancy words like endorphins, but as far as this specific video goes it was suggested that the guy was supposed to be in shock already by that point.
They probably drug them not to pass out and feel the shit during torture. Truly, they are savages.
>A thread about animal abuse
>Throw in a webm of a person dying
What's your problem?
mfw they are trying to make the whole world look like me.
i love (((them))) now!
That explains the transexualism a lot in many ways I didn't quite comprehend. I also noted the complete void of economic attack of anything politically related to economics.
In Canucka land no one is attacking the government for the green energy depression, high as fuck housing, but are instead in a pointless fucking playground, playing the game called "culture war".
The public, 95% of people are just as stupid as the niggers of Africa.
>They're pushing harder for global economic control.
>the city states are also rising
>soon we won't have a fucking choice, just their "choices"
>CONCLUSIONS: These results provide support for the reliability and validity of the Peritraumatic Dissociation Experiences Questionnaire--Rater Version and for a trauma-dissociation linkage hypothesis: the greater the dissociation during traumatic stress exposure, the greater the likelihood of meeting criteria for current PTSD.
KYS right now.
>be Mexican
>join the police force to serve your fellow citizens
>get beheaded by a Cartel
>join a Cartel to not get beheaded by a Cartel
>get beheaded by a rival Cartel or the police
>work in a restaurant
>your owner hasn't paid his tribute to the local druglord
>you and all other employees get beheaded
Build that wall.
>tfw my nephew is half spic
A subhuman low IQ degenerate
>no thanks
you can stop them, and also
you are runign out of time friend.