Admit it Sup Forums, she lost because she's a woman. Insecure, weak man-children and right wing retards were afraid of being governed by a powerful, courageous woman.
>but muh emails
It's pretty common knowledge that most criticisms of her were blatant examples of sexism and hypocrisy.
>but muh globalism
Please, its 2017, and globalization is inevitable. If maybe your only source of information wasn't Alex Jones, you could recognize the obvious.
Dumptards will defend this
Other urls found in this thread:
>Admit it Sup Forums, she lost because she's a woman.
she did.
women are dumber than men on average.
Loooooooooooooooooosssssaaaaaahhhhhh ahahahahahah.
Fuck leftists and fuck brown "people" (unironically).
>what is a bell curve
She graduated from Yale law school, retard
Everything she got was because of her husband. She earned nothing and just piggy backed off of others.
She lost because she is incapable of remaining conscious.
It was her only selling point, and you bought it hook line and sinker.
>Electoral College
Eventually you'll learn you're on the WRONG side of history.
You will remember this thread and know I'm right.
And you'll quietly whisper "I'm with her, and she persisted".
Remember when bait was good Senpai?
Just accept that she was a bad candidate. Such a bad candidate that they had to rig her primary election. She had the media, Hollywood and Washington behind her and she still lost.
And if she had won it would've been because she's a woman. So what's your issue?
>heat exhaustion can't happen if it's 78 degrees
>seniors aren't more prone to direct sunlight
Clearly was a nothingburger that retards like Hannity would not fucking stfu about.
>she lost because she's a woman.
Maybe next time she should concentrate on getting the woman, black, gay, muslim, hispanic, trans, abortion, open border, climate change and fag bathroom vote.. She could win!
watch this and tell me Clinton was any better as a man
She lost by catering to minorities
>My vote should count more because I'm a white man
That's literally what the electoral college is, in practice.
>lose election
>still try to lecture people
>all opposing arguments are bait
just admit it, all trump voters are dummys!!!! they're scared!!!!!! - t enlightened liberal
>Admit it Sup Forums, she lost because she's a woman
Funny, pretty sure it was the superdelegates fault.
>Admit it Sup Forums, she lost because she's a woman.
It has no relation to sex, her ideas were shit and were therefore rejected by the majority of superdelegates, which doomed her.
>globalization is inevitable
Nope, globalism is a cancer and need to be dealt with as such.
Bernie Bros? (SEXIST)
Trumpsters? (SEXIST)
Hmmm whats the connection here?
>blatant examples of sexism and hypocrisy
She paraded the mother of a drug dealer who tried to kill a cop on stage like a hero just because he looked like Obama's son
Clinton is anti-Second Amendment therefore never acceptable as a person let alone a leader. The sooner she dies the sooner I'll smile.
She's also fake as fuck. Not even niggers were fooled by her. If you can't get shitskins to the polls against the GOP, you are a liability.
Clinton will die knowing she handed the White House to Donald Trump.
She got drunk, fell down, and hit her head. Her eyes aren't in sync anymore and even Bill had to do damage control when he accidentally said how bad it was.
>improper use of greentext
just kill yourself
now show this angle
She assumed too much of the American people. Her arguments were too intellectual and went over the heads of morons who respond to immature insults and hatred of POC.
DC is all niggers, so they could get there effortlessly, and they did.
I seen that live at 8:30 am dont act like you dont know fucktard
Russia Russia Russia
OP you are 100% correct.
oh wow start arguing any time
triggered Blumpfthshits?
Shills can't take over pol.
Give it up
> The leaf not only doesn't know how the electorate works but he's never heard of D.C. demographics
> got his memes though
Please, don't rush to fill us in on how your 43rd election will go. We can wait to hear your insight. Take your time. Really.
jewmason lodge runs police courts
Peter W. Smith, GOP operative who sought Clinton's emails from Russian hackers, committed suicide, records show
Obama was dead on about "bitter clingers" holy shit
Go back to Media Matters
Seriously if men voted against her because shes a woman it changes nothing so stay mad
>If your crowd is smaller, you win!
>Everyone with another opinion is a shill
My grandma who's a lifelong democrat voted for Trump, her sole reason because a nation lead by a woman is a weak nation. She at least understands the international chess board despite being a democrat...
Kek. You have to win first to not be on the wrong side of history dumbass!!
Nothing lamer than an evident troll.
Just a reminder about this CUNT
My fucking sides
Holy shit kek! Trump sounds like a typical nagging bitch
ur grandma was smart senpai
She lost because she was unfit to be in such an important position and everyone in the industry knew it (landslide delegate defeat).
I'm loving this thread keep it up user we need more salt!
Sounds like a classical case of internalized misogyny, which is another symptom of patriarchal class structure
But seriously tho what exactly do you get ou of this? Do you really think people are going to bow down to your moral superiority?
Exactly. What dumb dumb goes to Yale
>If you get less votes, you win!
>People with different opinions are all trolls
sad tbqh
Who's in the oval office?
That's just one of her many reasons for losing sweetie
History will look back on you with pity, because there is so much you do not understand about the world.
>defending the electoral college
literally can't be done
>Admit it Sup Forums, she lost because she's a woman.
Wait don't you mean she lost because of Putin? Or do you just alternate between the two excuses?
Her corporate masters won't repeat the mistakes of the past election.
>things I don't like are slide threads
what it must be like to be you
The electoral protects against exactly what the left is attempting to do. Import mass amounts of people to vote for them. It has been in place for the past 250 years. Quit your wining and get used to it. Or better yet get the fuck out of my country.
I could say the same about in fact i can guarantee you no will remember Hillary by 2020
>Obama was dead on about "bitter clingers" holy shit
You've been bitterly clinging to Obama's asshole by your lips like a dingle berry for about 8 months now.
Libcucks still losing elections too huh? Didn't they spend like $50m on the GA 6th? I bet that makes you so bitter. What does it feel like to look in the mirror and see a shadow of your former self?
>Dont want a women in power cause muh sexism
>but we also wouldve voted for carly fiorina if she won the republican ticket
>all of pol wanted marine le pen
lol ok
You left out the most important detail leaf.
Internet hit pieces shat out by the kremlin and redistributed to the retard brigade that is the Drudge, Alex Jones and Breitbart crowd with blatant sexist dog-whistles and media scrutiny beyond any candidate in history. And with the odds against her she won the hearts of the people, but a gamed system rigged it towards retard white male voters in irrelevant states
You mean 65 degrees.
Way to go dumbass you just made trump look like a saint
And conservatives are dumber than liberals, on average.
affirmative action for women u dipshit.
>source: my ass
>she won the hearts of the people
So why is her approval rating shit why don't you dig that link up?
>less people want you to be president
>EC makes you president anyway
I think that's the most buzzwords I've ever seen someone pack into two sentences before.
>globalism and globalization are the same thing
I guess you can say the say for Le Penn right OP?
>EC swings results to appeal to states with the most white men
>not blatant sexism
pick one, flumpfetard
You're probably not even a real citizen anyway
Are you sure that being a woman is enough "flavor" to get her into that college?
Thank god ;-)
Trump and Obama's crowds would probably be that big too if they ordered police to bring everybody to the inauguration at gunpoint
Is that a bad thing?
Also you need to be dead to be declared a saint.
Yep, you're right, and no other woman will ever be president either.
Cry more about it. sage.