What do African Americans think of blacks from Africa, and vice versa?
What do African Americans think of blacks from Africa, and vice versa?
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if you remotely understand blacks, they all hate each other but they hate everyone else even more
So all that talk about being "brothers" and Pan-Africanism is just a meme?
They probably consider each other niggers.
Rightly so
I've encountered both, also them enteracting with one another. Native Africans think that African Americans are degenerate and sometimes even disgusting. Are they /ourguys/?
These people are only doing that because they all hate everyone else. Using us as a scapegoat for their problems when in fact they are the ones causing them.
If there were no other races than blacks in the world theyd just be going around killing themselves and spreading anarchy to the four corners of the Earth
Blacks lack a key part of what it is to be human. They do not have the ability to think abstractly.
Concepts like time, empathy, forward thinking and the like are beyond their comprehension.
If you look at Pre British Zulu languge you can see how bad it is for them. Example i can give you is the fact in Zulu the word for say being on top of a hill is literally just up. nothing else. Up
This, the few native Africans I've met hate the African-Americans here.
Isn't it true that darker nigs get the piss taken out of them by the lighter nigs in "da hood"
these people can not feel empathy or anything that requires thinking about something other than the right now or themselves.
they would willing rape a baby if they knew itd let them get their dick wet without getting aids
In my experience Africans look down on ex-slave nigger populations but paradoxically often still want to mimic amerinig culture.
really the only remotely good blacks out there are the Mullatos.
The half breeds.
They can understand abstract thinking but even so they are still prone to violent tendacies.
I honestly feel sorry for these people
They try to reflect a lot of Jewish stereotypes tbqh
They dont cruise around in their '64, but they still jock bitches and slap hoes.
You need to know the "one drop rule" is an American thing and limited to America and places it has cultural influence.
In South Africa for example there are "Blacks" who can be further divided into Zulu, Xhosa etc "Whites" who can be further divided into Afrikaners and English. And if you are mixed race black and white you are "Coloured" basically both and neither. The distinction between Blacks and Coloureds has existed since mixed race children first happened in South Africa.
Basically "American Blacks" are not "Black" in the African sense.
as a white male in america i got to say
go back to africa niggers.
search google boat rides africa
top result
When we sent the niggers back to Africa to form Liberia, they realized themselves how much smarter and more educated than the tribal niggers they were. They also murdered thousands of the natives.
I'm mixed, my mothers is from Ghana. My Ghanian grandparents didn't like African Americans, they considered them to be uneducated peasants. My mother in high school was the only African and the black Americans would constantly give her shit for it.
other way around, the dark skin nogs are typically more violent and ruthless, light skin nogs are stereotyped as soft
When they're young yes. Otherwise they're suburban wiggers that grow out of that stage and get cushy jobs & education due to affirmative action while American blacks just can't compete.
I think you get the better Africans since it's more of a hassle to get over there and such.
We get the lazy fresh of the boat 'refugees' who just collect welfare forever.
pic related, 70% of somalians stay on welfare.
Blacks don't like each other at all. I laugh when I watch African americans speaking about brotherhood and sisterhood.
What a joke.
Mongrels are worse than proper blacks
I'm black and I don't care for the majority of Africans or Black Americans. Consistent negative experiences has led me to this conclusion and it keeps getting worse.
I'm a black American and can confirm that Africans hate us
kek, I though someone shooped a Planet of the Apes poster.
>Mongrels are worse than proper blacks
Mongrels are shit-tier subhumans, but any spec of white makes them 100x better than any full nigger.
The same goes for whites mind you, white unity is a joke to but the difference between whites and blacks is I can get along with a afrikaans person as an English person and we will rip on each other but thats it.
Blacks are tribal and have seething hatred for each other. Even in your country your blacks dont know what tribe they are from so what do they do? Create their own tribes in the form of gangs.
In African culture its not murder if you kill someone from another tribe in European culture its murder no matter what.
Yes and watch how quickly they jump on the "Fuck Whitey train" and betray their white half.
Thank god the majority of blacks here are pure breed Bantu
i heard it the other way around from a guy who knew baskteball americans. you lot think you are better then africans, by his story that is.
bantus need to give back rightful khoisan clay
They never fucked with the Khoisan. Even the genocidal Zulu kingdom did not bother them.
Nothing to gain from destroying a bunch of goat herding nomads.
Eh, it's mutual hatred
The only thing blacks hate more than whites are other blacks
I fucking hate it when negros refer to themselves as "African American"
Nigger you're black , you're not special
>kebab here btw
I believe this and I think this attitude was responsible for slavery. Different tribes capturing, killing, enslaving and selling them to the Portuguese, Dutch, Arabs/Muslims, etc. Black individuals are better off than some fake bullshit concept of "black solidarity."
Black guy here and can probably answer your question better than outside observers.
It's massive indifference Blacks don't care for Africa, Africans and nor would any visit due to pre concieved notions. If anything Blacks view them as lesser due to their origin and perceived notion of African culture being inferior when compared to American black Culture. Most anons say "well most Africans I've spoke too hate black culture" which is really untrue only the older folks have any negative view toward nigga culture which isnt disimiliar to the older generations of black folks in America and that's because they were raised and identify to their specific culture of origin. While younger African view American black Culture as superior and easily adopt it due to little ties to their own heratige.
Sorry if it's a little hard to follow on my phone.
African Americans
>we love our brothers from the motherland. They're the true niggers.
>eats shit
So technically speaking both are retards
This is /pol. No apes allowed
you would nig and nog like in africa. telling you. invent something. right so that welfare and free gibs mes some retard jew lawyer that owns whatever shit place you work at if you do, is all a figment
Now do the right thinf
One of the other black guys here. Preconceived notions led me to enquirer about them and I've found most are true. If Africans feel that American Black culture is superior that they are double damning themselves.
There are no "blacks" in africa. Black = african americans. Africa is huge with many languages and diffetent counties, same with europe, no such thing as a white race either you socialist morons.
you look jewish. banker 100%.
Okay, I'm one of the three black guys in the world that post on Sup Forums. You got any problem with ethnicity or cultural identity?
Africans have a good reason to be superior, black americans are slaves blood, they are inferior and defeated.
But wait also the blacks in africa were defeated all... Except ethiopia, so they created rastafarianism... But the emperor was killed by commies... What a disaster race.
It's good that you underestimate some of us. It makes you cocky and makes some of us a little more "prepared." I won't go after anyone unless they come after me first.