DC reporter here

>DC reporter here
>WAPO will drop the bomb on Trump tomorrow
>papers are being printed as we speak

Other urls found in this thread:


>media still this salty after hilldibeast lost.
This is why we are still having a victory lap. They cant let it go!


Anyone feel like wrestling?

I'm truly, honestly surprised that no one has showed up in your building and given you people a world of hurt.

Then again, these stories are meant to cause left wing radicals to attack Republicans and those right wingers I suppose.

Going to suck when newspapers finally go under. Can't get that streak free shine with paper towels.

Trump is about to get B O G G E D


Prove it (((OP))).


Is Skippy still assblasted over that tweet from Trump?


The media can only self-insert to the film "All the President's Men" it's such a LARP.
But thanks to 24 hour news cycles any bomb shell they drop will be forgotten about the next evening.
Nothing they will ever do will matter ever again. They are like Sisyphos rolling the stone up the hill.
But in their care they are more like sissy faggots.

we should have voted for Hillary

Moshe would be proud at this level of commitment OP.


No they won't. They're hacks out to get the president fromthe start

LARPer detected. A real reporter would use the correct nickname of WaPo, not WAPO.

Drudge always highlights WAPO bombs the night before. No Drudge = no bomb.

U lose.

excited for the article about Trump dipping shrimp in ketchup

good thing nobody reads news papers anymore .
I wont even pick up a free one for my Silver line metro ride to work.

WaPoo owns a fake online university that has bots for students and bilked the US taxpayer out of mega bux and made student loan slaves.
Drop that real news in that fake paper.

appetizers -
Trump’s Russian Laundromat
How to use Trump Tower and other luxury high-rises to clean dirty money, run an international crime syndicate, and propel a failed real estate developer into the White House.
By Craig Unger
July 13, 2017
Sorry lads can't archive -
Error: Network error.

>assmad trumpkins

Money laundering.

Honestly, in a world of politics, most people are going to take that meeting.
If somebody called and said, hey — and you’re a Democrat — and by the way, they have taken them — hey,
I have really some information on Donald Trump.
You’re running against Donald Trump. Can I see you?
I mean, how many people are not going to take the meeting?
- On Air Force One on Thursday 13 July 2017

Recommendations in image for you, OP.

What is a Wapo?
Is she QT?

You should get some sleep, or go back to making up lies about Russia hacking power grids and shit.

I’ve done a lot of business with the Russians, I know the Russians very well. They’re smart and they’re tough and they’re not looking so dumb right now.
- The Donald w/David Letterman back in 2013

Asking if Trump has investments in Russia was never the right question.
The question to ask was whether any Russians had investments in Donald Trump.

If I ever decide to go out with a bang it's gonna be shooting up a wapo office

Washington Post

I hope it's huge, wretchedstainedanon. Try to prematurely remove Trump, Bannon, Sessions... ohh I wanna see this so fucking bad.

That actually sounds pretty yummy

washington post

It's gonna be a long eight years if you are still hurting

>money laundering

You don't have the goods. Who's the source?


8th Wonder of the World -
Trump Taj Mahal paid the largest fine ever levied against a casino for having “willfully violated” anti-money-laundering rules.

Dondon's daddy bought 3 million in casino chips to help bail out the failing casino.
How do you fail at running a world class casino???

Hey newspaper serves as good tinder or fire starter.chek em.

Admits there's no smoking gun on Trump.
A lot of "guilt by association" reporting, aka
"Where there's smoke there's fire."
He's been doing business deals with Russians for years. Okay got it. Any actual proof Trump himself is guilty of a crime?

Sunny Isles Florida
Last October, an investigation by the Miami Herald found that at least 13 buyers in the Florida complex have been the target of government investigations, either personally or through their companies, including “members of a Russian-American organized crime group.” Two buyers in Sunny Isles, Anatoly Golubchik and Michael Sall, were convicted for taking part in a massive international gambling and money-laundering syndicate that was run out of Trump Tower in New York. The ring, according to the FBI, was operating under the protection of the Russian mafia.

>How do you fail at running a world class casino???

Trump Inc. is a criminal enterprise.

Oh look, another story based on a bogus Fusion GPS source. When will you people learn from your mistakes?

>This just in, Donald has gotten a third scoop

The Clinton Foundation is a criminal enterprise.

Stupid reporting.
How about printing something meaningful like ineffective, inactive democrats with no platform or common sense.

>Telling lies to strangers on the internet

Jews will be dying soon.

>memeplying anyone actually reads past the headline
>memeplying anyone even reads your headlines

Republican leadership is pretty much screwing themselves over which master will give them the best no-hands fapping experience. The left wing has a few retarded LARPers, but the alts on both sides are drifting toward each other at the class level. To keep that wedge between the philosophical cousins, dividing what is pretty much a two-prong, youth-driven surge in populism from both ends of the spectrum, they prop up the one guy immune to 'ism' accusations.... Trump.

Conservatism has a lot more to offer than 'muh Jebus' and 'kek, they aren't white', but now that's all the lower end has to define itself as distinct from the Left. Fucking sad.

Is that Bog hanging with Macron? Ahahaha

>user here
>ASSHOLE will drop the deuce in the can tomorrow
>Toilet paper is being manufactured as we speak

how long can you say,
I know nothing about [ fill blank ].
seems to be working fine, for the moment.

here is a documentary from ZEMBLA.TV
"The Dubious Friends Of Donald Trump" Part I and II

Yeah, I actually looked into all of this while he was running. Including the lawsuit (still pending I think) against Trump and Soros. It was money laundering and price fixing or something. (alleged).
I didn't like it, but no charges have ever been brought.

>incoming tweet in a few minutes

Nice try
Please come again and try.

July 10, 2016 12:01 a.m.
When major firms could no longer stomach the risk, Trump turned to this shadow bank
Ladder Capital Financial, an eight-year-old Manhattan REIT, is one of a growing number of firms underwriting riskier loans that commercial banks won't touch

Ladder Capital, an eight-year-old lender based in Manhattan that specializes in making loans that banks often avoid, has granted $275 million worth of mortgages to Trump in recent years, according to city records.

Trump turned to Ladder after major New York banks long ago stopped doing business with him, according to his personal financial statement filed with the Federal Election Commission.

The likes of Citigroup and JPMorgan Chase appear to have turned their backs on Trump since the early 1990s, when the developer nearly collapsed into bankruptcy and the predecessors of those two big lenders seized assets like Trump Airlines and the Plaza Hotel and sold them at a loss. In his 2007 book, Think BIG and Kick Ass in Business and Life, Trump offered some insights into the ordeal that may help explain why big U.S. banks have avoided him ever since.

“I figured it was the bank’s problem, not mine. What the hell did I care?” he wrote. “I actually told one bank, ‘I told you, you shouldn’t have loaned me that money. I told you that goddamn deal was no good. You knew you were charging me too much interest.’ I was just kidding—but maybe not.”

investigations pending not according to any timeline
there is a bigger picture and this administration has become the great distraction

we'll see

This is truly nothing.
Fuck the Big Banks.

The death sentence is on the line; conspiracy to crimes against humanity.
We're going to see a Nuremberg 2.0 when this is over. Thousands will be tried and executed for these crimes, including the WaPo owner, ed. board, editors, and "journalists."
This is why they're so desperate and acting so irrationally.

The operative term is - shadow-banking industry.

This is not a crime. Who cares?
Sage btw

Has Skippy returned from his supposed "cross country drive with his wife" yet?

Is that supposed to be a buzzword to use against Trump? lol. Please. Evidence only.

>Who cares?
evidently (You) care

There is literally nothing Trump could do that would make me wish Hillary was president instead. We really dodged a bullet, stay mad libshits

>dropping the bomb on a Sunday

fuck you and your shitty slide thread, at least make your scenario plausible

Fuck off actual homosexual. Sup Forums was pro Assad before it was pro Trump.

Literally no one cares about MSM anymore, fuck off.

You all are living in some fantasy world where you're part of this fast paced thriller movie set in the 70s and you're a brilliant journalist on the brink of a major discovery. You're not. You're just annoying propagandists.


why not read up on it and how things tie together in the business history of Trump

Did the Russians hack another power grid in Vermont?

Lol, perfectly said. When will MSM realize we don't give a shit about them, they are trash, and the only way to get real unbiased journalism is through normal citizens livestreaming from their iphones?

>trump and assad hate each othe-

>printing papers

will b flipping burgers if lucky in 6 months

>Literally no one cares about MSM anymore, fuck off.
That's where the Donald gets his news

John Podesta inventing fiction again? Or reporting on another entrapment? Can't wait.

I know this: there have been a lot of shady people around him. True. And a lot of allegations and actual investigations of people. And for all the hype, he's never been charged with a crime that I know of.

>Money laundering.
Like with a cloth ??


Good thing Don Jr. had an FBI asset in the meeting with the Podesta set up Russian honeypot lobbyist. The Russian translator works out of the New York FBI offices. Does THIS story also involve Podesta client Russian "oliagarchs" like Emin's father/ Can't wait.

JapAnon, is that you?

LOL. Only thing WaPo has is hemorrhoids.

*raises a glass* here's to Woodward cutting another notch in his pen.

noiiiice checked

I wish

That's never going to happen user

and hint on what it'll be about?

>be me
>see this LARP
>think to self: where could this have come from?
>ah, louise mensch
>go on her twitter
>first thing i see is her new article
>whats it about? money laundering
nice try, time to go back to masturbating over mensch's conspiracy theories

there's no way this would not have not been reported during the election season where they were trying to throw everything against the wall to get Trump

As POTUS himself noted, it was used for Julius & Ethel. (for espionage, not treason, though, he got that part wrong).

You gotta wonder why he had that case on the brain. He's a goldfish, no object permanence. I assume his lawyers had just walked him through the potential legal exposure.

On a Sunday?


kek, the hairy armpit haired louise mensch posts on Sup Forums

yes. see You could say this about the meeting itself. And it was absolutely rumored during the election, along with shady connections to the ruskies along the lines of what junior tweeted out on tuesday.

Heard this a long time ago.

Cool story fag

No. I saved all of his stuff and saw a thread he started posting in disappear within 3 seconds about a month ago...I can't find it in plebs.

>using image from watergate
>implying watergate was journalism
>implying watergate wasnt just some controlled release by a CIA agent that literally told everything to two reporters who did no real journalistic work at all to obtain

The Trump brand has been found guilty, fined, and paid out of court settlements
The donald guilty by association?
Is Trump not in control of his brand?
No, then who is responsible?

MORE fake news?
Color me shocked.

blompf is finished for sure this time