And that is why we call he Madame President. Oh, wait....
Simbly ebic.
i cri evry tiem
Uhh, no sweaty. She didn't win anything.
>only 3 million
who cares
>Hacked by Russia
>hey guys, Trump is turning out to be an absolute disaster and will go down as the worst president of all time. What do?
"How about we just circlejerk over 8-month-old memes?"
Good job guys, keep living in the past because you know how badly you fucked up
You idiots are in for a very long eight years.
you mean lost
Now that you got that out of your system OP quietly go back to stroking it over this nasty evil biatch! What you post won't change anyone's minds that don't already worship this _unt.
>8-month-old memes?"
How the fuck are you gonna handle 8 yrs?
Trump has already won 2020. Its gonna be fun watching next election debates while he makes fun of his opponents Russia conspiracys
At the rate dems are going its looking good for JR 2024 too
Still posting HillCunt threads shill?
should have been written MEGA MILK
The biggest redpill is we have 20 million illegal beaners and they always vote democratic. They literally invade our lands with illegals so they win elections. You can shove muh 3 gorillion up your kike ass. Cunt.
What do these shirts go for now I want one
What part of "48%" do these fags not understand?
I wonder if her corporate masters ever lost faith in her.
how exactly are we making America great?
>we won! Who cares if we're destroying the country? All that matters is we won!
still too retarded to recognize one of your own?
>Hacked by the Russians
>Hacked by FBI
>Hacked by the Red States
>Hacked by the Media
>Hacked by the System
>Hacked by the DRUMPF
>Hacked by the Alt Right
Dude is there a snuff film of the FBI kneecapping her? That sounds awesome. And how do you have a woman? Seems like it would be a good way to get the sex if I can just hack them.
>kneecapped by the FBI
Hasn't the FBI done everything in their power to tuck Frump though?
>Ask for an ID
wtf #ImWithHer now
see for my response to your comment
I don't care, you're implying Hillary would have been better
But she wouldn't have been
>wtf #ImWithHer now
a literal retard would have been better.
>how exactly are we making America great?
we destroyed the Bush and Clinton dynasty in one season
>literal retard would have been better.
Must suck losing to one
>still lost even though she had 3 million more votes
>must suck realizing that enough voters were retarded enough to vote for a retard that said retard got elected
>fucked over Bernie
>murders whistleblowers
>gets free pass from FBI for various crimes
>media shills for her
>still loses
maybe next time dems could concentrate on getting the woman, black, gay, muslim, hispanic, trans, abortion, open border, climate change and fag bathroom vote.. They could win!
This is now a Colbert thread
>enough voters
the pedophile vote could be huge in the coming decade
>the pedophile vote could be huge in the coming decade
Thats one scary scenario
> implying HILLARY got as much media coverage as Drumpf
Oh the faggotry of the left.
It's really sad that burgers allow their elections to be decided by a gerrymandered process and not by actual 1:1 representation.
5-10 million illegals voted for her in California.
That's literal foreigners voting in your election.
Think about that.
Need proof on that though.
sad that usa has a 240 year old republic, longest standing since Ancient Rome.
so very, very sad.
wuz dis
Need proof of that inbred bogan
> unironcally voted against his interests
Well, how about letting the Feds do an audit in Cali?
Last I hear, Cali refused.
You have over 10 million illegals in Cali. The adults are given driver's licenses, which they can use to vote with. Do the math.
>Still won
And here's her prize
>funded by Comet pizza
You don't even live here go eat a vegemite sandwich you lying cunt
nice cross post from Facebook faggot
when are we going to have hard cold evidence to prove this meme wrong? we know at least 5 million people voted illegally because they are non-citizens, and almost all of them voted for clinton
What part is wrong?
> 240 year old republic
It's so funny how burgers think they are truly free and democratic without a cabal of unelected interests making the real decisions.
How does gerrymandering effect the presidential election?
I thought it was 5 grilllion ?
Illegals can't vote nigger
Fake news.
Won what?
>if you lose you win
And still managed to lose with those 3 million more votes. Inspiring, truly.
>will go down as the worst president of all time
I need a sauce on that. He's already cancelled the TPP, which Hillary and Obama supported. Democucks wanted to give more US jobs to Southeast Asia.
no that's the number of undocumented workers in America
rookie error
Jesus christ that is some next level nu-male on the right.
You missed the part where they can in Cali because they're given an ID that doesn't say they're illegal.
It's so funny how commies think anyone cares about their opinions.
Conservashits vote against their own economic interests
>propped up by the media
>Protected from what should most certainly been jail time
>got almost every illegal immigrant, black person, and leftist shithead to vote for her
>massive voter fraud committed in her name now with every blue state refusing to hand over voter data because they are scarred shitless of voter ID laws
>still lost
how can a presidential candidate be THIS SAD?
Fuck my bad rip :*(
Need to audit for sure.
I don't disagree that it could have happened, I need proof that it did happen.
I live in cali nigger , illegals cannot vote. Voter fraud is a huge fake conspiracy pushed by the right because they realize their party is shit and only beta while Christian male cucks vote republican
Quit bumping this shit
Sage goes in options
So then, how do you vote?
You show up with an ID and name and vote.
There's nothing saying an illegal can't do that when they've got a driver's license.
>no report of Trump sending Hilliary a bogus consolation prize like that
Kind of a bummer actually.
>Trump sends Hillary an old bowling trophy for second place
Now that would have been epic lulz.
1:1 representation is actually less applicable to local interests, due to the size of the nation and the fact that the coasts have a population advantage. Basically, local interests would be ingored in favor of the retarded plebeian masses.
People will always divide into tribes and groups, consciously or not. We are not all the same just because we all live in 'Murrica. I don't want all the decisions for my state being made by degenerate Califags and Jew Yorkers, hence the Electoral college forces Federal-tier politicians to appeal to the mean average interests between most states in order to win.
I know this is hard for a gibsmedat babby-tier commie like you to understand.
>3 million illegal votes
How'd that go for her again?
But trannies kill themselves in both timelines
>Yes goyim, vote for free trade, open borders, larger and less restricted government, more government programs, more regulations and so on, all so that a small group of globalist elites can acquire even more power and money at the expense of gradually destroying a three thousand year old civilization.
>What's good for the masters is good for you!
Popular vote:
>Gary johnson 4.5 million
>Mcmuffin 800,000
>Stein 1.4 million (mostly from CA and NY, states she already carried)
If we'd had a runoff vote system that only had two candidates like France, trump would be 3 million ahead.
Her entire lead in pop vote is from CA.
I too live in Cali and your a lying nigger. I watched vans full of Mexicans show up at voting polls. You do not need proof of citizenship to vote here you stupid son of a bitch.
Kek true.
>voted against his interests
Trade protectionism has been abandoned by Democrats because you care more about getting spic votes now. That's why steel factory unions voted for Trump. Also, intelligent people have more interests than just getting welfare checks, and most of us don't need them in the first place (the majority of welfare-recipients are Democrats). We value culture and nationalism, things which modernist leftists often say doesn't even exist.
>implying Cali is corrupt as fuck
Delusion is a hallmark of Democucks. You're not used to hearing any criticism of the left, because you listen to normie (kike and leftist-controlled) media 24/7. I bet you unironically like Colbert jokes.
It's a shame that illegal votes couldn't have been larger in republican states. Did they get too confident? Did they think it would expose their fraud? What about flipped states?
What happened?
>isn't president
Women lose non stop
Going to need proof of illegals voting in California Tyrone nigger
>This triggers Sup Forums hard enough for a 100 post thread.