What the fuck is wrong with Black women?

What the fuck is wrong with Black women?

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If you don't side with Blac Chyna over Rob Kardashian, you aren't redpilled.

The money always comes back to the white man

Are you high? Blac Chyna is a super whore that went back to stripping this week

Sounds like you've answered a large portion of the question.
Another part is fatherlessness. Seeing a healthy relationship teaches kids how to act around their partners and what kind of partner is desirable. With no father around to provide a model the girl will use the media or her mom's boyfriends. And of course a single mom is going to fill her head with all sorts of ideas about how important and special she is and how she deserves a millionaire super model husband, or to just make babies and tip men off for child support and collect welfare

>a black woman wrote this
>using niggermania memes such as she/he-boon


Is that Daenerys from Game of Thrones?

>What the fuck is wrong with Black women?
Black is wrong. Lurk more faggot.

and Rob Kardashian tried to wife this bitch.

I don't blame her at all for being a dumb money grabbing cunt, that's pretty apparent in the first place.

Rob Kardashian is the dumb cuck who tried to treat her like a serious human.

She is winning in my book, she is playing her game exactly how she intended, and he is sitting around crying like a faggot because he was stupid enough to wife a stripper.

man she looks weird af

>that hair
Cultural appropriation.


The nerds from the future will make those hoes extinct lel

Blue pill fags will be blue pills simp fags, they'll be all #NotAllHoes like a fucking liberal says #NotAllMuslims.

>Not knowing what hypergamy is in 2017

Why don't they pick a role model that is a positive force in society instead of this fucking nigger.

not all black people I know, sage for obvious shill thread, 8/10 bait I replied

Nah m8, nukes will fly before that shit happens.

do you watch dj akademics by any chance?

Too many things to list. It would be easier to say what's NOT wrong with them.

Noep, wat dat burger brah?

I got redpilled into hypergamy by www.rationalmale.com and a bunch of PUAfags materials.

He is a youtuber who makes videos about rappers and shit.

He calls Rob Kardashian a "simp" like you did.


KEK, nerds will develop it to the latest consequence, they don't really have the option to go to foreign lands to conquer land and take the women of fallen enemies. Thing is, they could spend 4 or 5 years learning game, but I think they'll just develop the robots lel.

Imagine a generic fantasy setting.

You have Humans
You have Dwarves
You have Elves
You have Orcs
And then you have Ayl'tooaga'shirps.

Those are black women.

They choose government over having a family.

Simp is a guy that gets pimped by a weemen, a beta fag (beta bucks). It's really pimp culture vocabulary.

Patrice O'Neal also used the term a lot, I think (if you don't know who dat is, you're missing out big time, best comedian ever, red pill dispenser, hell I'm even poast a vid of him).

youtube.com/watch?v=opbpBEGR9po - WATCH THIS SHIT YOU FAGGOTS

sleep tight porker


He never got over Rita Whora.

Should I feel proud that I have no clue who that is

Gas the niggers now.

The man is stupid but she still used him. Stop being a white knight, this woman needs to be (after a legal trial) lynched and have her wealth redistributed to charities for white children.

You think white girls don't pull this kind of shit?

If you're a simp, weemen are hardwired to take advantege of you to the full extent of their (very impressive) abilities.

>What is hypergamy?

That honesty wow

More cereal now, they all take as much advantage of week dudes as they can, it's not a bug, it's a feature (and that is why if leftists take over and just let weemen do whatever the fuck they want while giving them more and more protecting the whole thing will tear itself apart sooner or latter, lel).

I really liked talking with two black girls I met some months ago, they were both very intelligent, single mothers, one was really really fat but she has an extremely analytical mind, the other was hot and wanted to bang me and was also really smart, and the interesting thing about them was how open about all the red pilled stuff they were, I was talking about game and hypergamy and pimping with them and they were just candid about stuff, cuz basically, women have licence to pimp, it is socially acceptable for them to financially pray on naive men (which is most of them). The hot black grill even told about an ex-bf of hers that would take all of her money, with full permission from her, and she allowed it because in her words "he just made me feel so special you know", and I really chuckled at how dreamy she looked when remembering the dude hahaha.

> cheated and scammed my way through life by using the good faith of people who actually cared about me to further my own narcissistic insecurities.

People like this deserve death by stoning. It's not even difficult, tactful or brave. She was literally fucking over the people who considered her an ally. It's the psycho-manipulative equivalent of a sucker punch/running away afterward. It's the nigger thing to do.

And what did she gain by this? Almost nothing, she fixed her limp fat body and bought a hell lot of make up and clothes. Women's SMV is much more fixed than a man's is. Even physically a guy can continue to grow and hone a body. Women just have ass and tits, the rest is pre-set. So the joke is on her.

This is actually a great example of modern womens failure (and mens). You see modern men don't often understand how malleable their attractiveness can be. From attitude, personality, charm, confidence all the way to social standing and genetics. Men can even continue to grow in maturity, size and physicality way into their late twenties. But few men do, however women totally try this. They try every single easy fix-it-all to make themselves look better. But the joke is that they are genetically capped since 18. But the Plain Jane and Average Sally will continue to try to bait Chad's attention by putting on fake make up, having surgery and 10 day workout challenges. And none of it will work.

The irony of life.

Jumped in here for the laughs that often come with nigger hate threads, but came away deeply troubled by how all you presumably erudite edgelords seem so intimately updated at a micro-detail level about shit-tier People/Us magazine gossip and seeing up front the contrast of the great minds = ideas, morons = people discussion standard.

Is the reality of Sup Forums simply a bunch of fronting bluepilled dumbshits wishing they had the intellectual muscle to outwit at least a doorknob if not something animate - trying to act enlightened but never being able to resist cackling, clothesline hen gossip whenever and wherever it breaks out?

Leaning yes.

Is any part of her face real?

I paused Richard Wagner to watch this video