Post your criticism of the right or "alt-right"

>most right-wing news & commentary websites are designed horribly and look like amateur, low credibility websites

Other urls found in this thread:

could you post some examples?

That the term "alt-right" exists. It's a term coined by media shills
It's literally just right-wing and that's it. (not awful but still a bit amateurish)

Remember that most people come across these websites by clicking an article on Google (or one you're trying to cite) so it's not always about how the home page looks, although most also look like shit anyway.


They don't get how spooked they really are.

Proper pic without BS.

they like rich people way too much
they dislike poor people way too much

Drudge has one of the best layouts of any web page on the internet. Also Drudge knows his viewers aren't retarded so he doesn't need flashy animations and bold characters to get attention.

The simplicity and overall minimal design of Drudge is not that bad, but I wouldn't include them.

Drudge is a news aggregation website, so they just link to articles hosted on other websites rather than produce original content.

>The Drudge Report website is simple and, according to Paul Armstrong of, retro in feel.[29] Jason Fried of 37signals called it "one of the best designed sites on the web".[30] It consists of a banner headline and a number of other selected headlines in three columns in monospaced font. Most link to an outside source, usually the online edition of a newspaper, which hosts the story. When no such source is available, either because the story is "developing",[31] with little known details at the time, or is an exclusive scoop, a special page is created on the Drudge Report servers, which contains text and sometimes images.

>Stories on the site are ascribed different levels of importance, which Matt Drudge rates at his editorial discretion. The Report almost always holds one major story above the logo, usually just one sentence hyperlinked to the most important story of the day. Other stories surrounding the main headline can be found in the upper left-hand side of the page and link to more specific articles dealing with aspects of the headline story. The standard story, either the headline or links below the logo, is written in black. The stories Drudge considers most important are in red, all under a single major headline in large bold type. For especially important breaking stories, especially if they are still emerging, Drudge places art of a flashing red light on the screen.

The ideologues tend to have a knee-jerk reaction against some leftist-dominated issues, when it's mostly the implementation to be concerned about.
Case in point is environmentalism and climate change. Carbon taxes--the proposed (((solution)))--are bullshit, and the globalists would never want to fix an issue if they can take people's money indefinitely by playing on their fears and altruism. But the issue itself is real, and seeing the burgers on here with graphs showing made-up temperatures from hundreds of thousands of years ago is a bit depressing.
I know the "government get out" sneks mean well, but nonetheless it can get irritating.

The climate change thing is also overblown by the left, so we tend to discredit the whole thing when we expose that. Kind of like the holohoax--6 gorillion is bullshit, but there were kike casualties, and they deserved it.
But I digress. Temperatures rising by a few degrees won't destroy civilization. They will, however, wreak havoc on natural ecosystems, which is what I care about. I want to preserve nature just as much as I want to preserve the white race. They're not that different, from a values standpoint.

Pic example..

You still hate women, even when they agree with you.

1) Not really being aware of their own social ineptitude. Many on the "alt-right" tend to be so consumed by internet culture that they don't realize there is an outside world, with outside problems. That guy who went to a Sam Houston statue rally with Pepe posters and the like, wasn't even aware why the rally was happening. He had no clue how to win those people over, and just made our side look like idiots. This is a serious problem. Learn to socialize.

2) Anti-intellectualism. Varg Vikernes. No sources on his claims. No debate. Nothing. His entire world view is based on issues that have happened over a thousand years ago. Dumb as shit.

3) Anti-natalism OR race-mixing. I think this stems mostly from a sense of hopeless in the sex department. It's a human tendency to rationalize an inferior position. The rationalization could be in the form of spewing the "too poor" meme (more realistic, albeit), or more commonly claiming that women are evil, or something about the court system. Race-mixing is often easier these days. Of course when you're trying to find a female, to eliminate so many potential females seems a bit cruel to do to yourself and to them, but it's a necessity for our races survival. If you can't overcome this, you're useless to the cause in the long run. The future is all that matters.

3) Hedonism and spending your money on non-sense. TheGoldenOne comes to mind. Go to the gym if you can easily afford it, but don't spend your money on it if you can't. You don't need a gym to be fit, and in addition, you don't need to be a bodybuilder to be fit. Why not have children?


4) Too much internet culture. Dear God, please don't take shit into real life. Kekistanis are Special Ed gone activist. Don't do it. Don't bring Pepe into a protest. Don't reference it. Keep it dignified. It's autistic as fuck. This sort of ties into point one, but still.

5) Revealing power level too much. Don't jump straight into the Jewish question. Don't rage about (((them))) as soon as you get into political argument. You're just going to look like a nutjob. Argue from a pro-white perspective, not an anti-anybody else.

6) Not enough support for nationalists/easily subverted. Support an entity or Youtube channel financially. These things take time, but most importantly, they take money. We need to support each other whenever we can. We don't have Soros funding us, so we have to fund each other.

No. The name alt-right came about because the kikes had infiltrated Republican/conservatives. The wars the US fought were for the kikes. Kikes like Bill Kristol pretended to be the ideological leaders. The White identitarians didn't want to be on the same side as the Juden, and neither did they want to be a part of the homosexual, nigger-loving, anti-White leftist rabble, so they became the alt-right. The "alt" part of alt-right is the anti-kike, pro-White, pro family part of the movement.

You're far too intelligent for Sup Forums.

sarcastic or serious? Either way, I just want to offer some advice to a bunch of people I politically support. However many of them haven't had a job, or shake at the mere thought of getting in bed with a girl. The NatSoc party wasn't just Hitler. It was millions upon millions of people who banded together for the betterment of their country, their children, and people

We are, for the most part, people who are uncomfortable in social situations. That's internet culture in general.

The best solution is to go out and try. But it's pretty cringey until you learn what you're doing. And our social institutions are being eroded by diversity. Christianity is in decline, and the Pope is indicating that he won't save it.

>the right

Anemic ideology that has consistently failed to conserve anything.
Gun rights? No.
Family values? No.
Birthrates? No.
Demographics? No.
Freedom of speech? No, not in Canada anyways.

Absolutely refuses to talk about race or play IdPol when literally everybody else is doing it. Its noble I guess but it wont work in the long game.

>the alt right

Blames the jews just a bit too much imo. I know (((they))) love to push degeneracy but thats only because it sells, not because jews are some hive mind that has a vendetta against europeans. I'm not trying to minimize jewish influence but sometimes blaming them for everything gets tiring. "Cuck" is used a bit too liberally along with "white genocide". Its not so much a genocide but a replacement plan for labour under the guise of multiculturalism. I still fucking hate it but I'll save the term white genocide for situations that are more accurate like South africa. My last and most important gripe with the alt right is the open nazi fetishism. You could have irrefutable proof that hitler did nothing wrong and that the holocaust was fake and people still wouldnt believe it. Its honestly best to just drop all the iconography as cool as it may be.

Its really not easy to criticise the Alt Right since its so decentralized and diverse.

>inb4 "reeeee kike shill" if you identify as alt right and you actually cant take or refute constructive criticism without acting like a babby you are doomed to fail

>4) Too much internet culture. Dear God, please don't take shit into real life. Kekistanis are Special Ed gone activist. Don't do it. Don't bring Pepe into a protest. Don't reference it. Keep it dignified. It's autistic as fuck. This sort of ties into point one, but still.
hear, hear

The only person I can think of in the movement with any sort of qualification by education or prestigious work history is Jared Taylor.
Ivy league graduate, fluent in 3 languages, well traveled, actually has a family, etc.
Compare this to Lauren Southern for example. Political Science major college drop-out. Running a youtube channel.

Another big problem is ironically not being interested in politics. Enoch has said things like he doesn't care about economics or that legality of government is "boring". Good luck convincing anyone worth convincing to even listen to your position. How many on Sup Forums even know their state representatives?

#1 & 5 are too accurate that shit frustrates me. As much as I love memes and shitposting leave that shit on the fucking internet where it rightfully belongs and dont act like a sperg.


I really don't get what is so bad about transgendenders? I know one and he (born female) is alright. His voice is a little high but not higher then some others.

This. Giving the wrong people attention because they're more flamboyant is another big issue. Jared Taylor is presidential material, but he doesn't get near enough attention, and of course he doesn't want attention, he wants the salvation of white people. It's a shame how that works.

Anyone who doesn't agree with every one of my autistically nuanced views 100%

Nice digits

that was the old alt right
the new alt right is designed to poison someone with a label
it is claimed that the alt right elected trump but google trends prove it was something else entirely that elected him, hence the reason they need to label it as poison
>anti-kike pro-white is not a poison idea!
maybe when your name is user. but make no mistake the minute you put a real name to these ideas your family is ruined. richard spencers mama?

>race mixing is good
>mixing our race makes our race stay
Nice autism, m8

Did you even read what I said? I thought Argentina was the good kind of spicland. Are you all this stupid?

actually i didnt understand it properly i think

no, bill kristol is a democrat
the alt-right is just conservatives

>right wing economics were obviously the way to go in the 20st century but will have no place in the coming age of technology and might even cause serious societal colapse if it refuses to evolve
>claiming to be the cutting edge of civilization but wanting to destroy such a basic divider between primitive savages and the civilized world as adequate healthcare for the people of your nation is absolute nigger tier and genuinely backwards

I was saying that the minute some 6/10 soft spoken Asian girl comes along, all the views on race are suddenly thrown out of the window. It's weak and shameful, and should be stopped.

It's absolutely ridiculous that this is a thing, but it truly does need addressing. I've met men who have been in the movement for years who approvingly showed off pictures of their mud-blood girlfriends.

Fucking unbelievable

Lack of sources and straight up denial.

Case in point is supporting Trump. Right-wing is meant to come from a base of truth, while the left wing comes from a base of emotions.

They are the SJW's of the right.

Do pure women like this exist?

what a smart dangerous mofo


Very true. I voted for Trump, and ended up rationalizing my decision afterwards. It was purely a fuck you vote, and I admit it.

Clinton was objectively more qualified, but I didn't give a shit. I regret nothing, however. What's done is done. If I had the chance to do it again, I would pull the lever for Trump every time.

I'm sure there is a more rational choice, like not voting to begin with, but that doesn't sound as fun to me. Sorry, guys.

You fuckers literally cannot decide who's white and who's not.
>"Slavs aren't white."
>"Italians/Mediterraneans aren't white."
>"50% white isn't white."
>"75% white isn't white."
>"90% white isn't white."
This is especially a problem for white nationalism in America, where "pure" whites are legitimately difficult to find.

The right-wing needs more popular culture that isn't directly related to politics, only infuses it's political values into it.

Look at the left-wing. Twitter is left wing as fuck, but it's existent isn't fundamental formed around it's left-wingness. People can go on Twitter to talk about tv shows, or whatever. For the right-wing, our alternatives to this are all completely politics centred.

It's one of the reasons that Ayn Rand is so iconic. Her fiction books are right-wing values in a narrative that isn't... entirely focused on political.

We use to have more, but liberals have completely taken over. I'd say it's one of the reason they have grown so much.

Why: it's culture infused with political values that makes the most impact to people who don't otherwise care about politics.

Also women don't care about politics, they care about pop culture.

At least post the real one.