Tfw you realize most issues discussed on Sup Forums will become irrelevant in ~50 years thanks to technology

tfw you realize most issues discussed on Sup Forums will become irrelevant in ~50 years thanks to technology

Automation will make discussions about capitalism vs communism obsolete
Genetic engineering will make discussion about race obsolete
Sexbots/artificial wombs will make discussions about women/gender relations obsolete

What are some other issues that will completely change thanks to technology?

>muh automation
technology is ridiculously tough to predict, as evidenced by my lack of flying car parked outside the moon base.

>Sexbots/artificial wombs will make discussions about women/gender relations obsolete

If you honestly think we'll have functional AI in 50 years, you're retarded. We have nowhere near the necessary understanding of the human brain.

All human issues. The robots will rise.

The views of Sup Forums will become illegal opinions in the future. Screencap this.

We still have time to discus

>Automation will make discussions about capitalism vs communism obsolete
Wtf. How?
>Genetic engineering will make discussion about race obsolete
>Genetic engineering
>mutant baby abominations
Are you fucking insane user?
>Sexbots/artificial wombs will make discussions about women/gender relations obsolete.
Oh nvm you are completely bat fucking crazy.

If only we could get people half as excited about the flying cars aspect of technology instead of the jerking off all day in front of it aspect.

Humans aren't even currently responsible/intelligent enough to handle highways and cell phones and you think that tinkering into far more dangerous unknowns will be the answer to our prayers?

Why make things illegal when you can just make them socially unacceptablr and anyone outside of the fringe will self-censor.
No need for monitoring or police force or prisons.