The Inevitable Civil War in America (Con't)

Quick Rundown
>Ideological Civil War (left v right/urban v rural)
>Powder Keg waiting to blow
>Around 2024


Other urls found in this thread:

You wish, Schlomo.

post your complete analysis showing why this year is significant


Read the previous thread. It has nothing to do with "muh Jew"



why does my taint smell like rotting garbage?

>Muh jew

That's how I know who (((you))) are. Fuck off kike.

>"muh Jew"
this. piss off kike

You did it, user. You named the Jew. Congratulations. I'm going to fuck right off and into the gas chamber because you called me out on it. I'm not even Jewish, but I feel like I need to be gassed because you called out my Jewish tricks.

Now why don't you try reading the previous thread?

2024 is significant because Trump is term-limited and if the GOP loses control of the presidency, especially from a Blue Texas or from a non-white demographic making the key difference in votes, then that will be the trigger for the 2nd civil war.

Give it a rest, my Hebrew friend. No one is interested in what you're selling, and your arguments are both disingenuous and evasive.

Make a clear point about the subject of the thread or kindly bake yourself.

Im going to post here because there isnt much going on. Id like to ask for your opinions. Im pro guns, pro choice, support gay marriage, i think all the gender identity stuff is ridiculous, support free health care, support drug testing welfare recipients, i avoid paying taxes whenever possible; have been doing so for the last 5 years while bouncing around the u.s. i make around 50,000 a year. I support war. What am i considered????

If, and it's a big if, the pendulum swings back to the Dems (they're honestly too fractured at this point) it would be a disaster. Initially, the 2024 was meant to be kind of a last ditch effort by the Left. Kind of a Battle of the Bulge

All it'd take is one man with nothing to lose and everything to gain to get things onto the fast track. There are far too many such individuals.

>nobody is interested
>last thread hit post limit

Apparently it tickled a few almonds.

Civil War 2 required reading desu

I suspect there will be a civil war (using the term loosely) in the US before 2024.

The left has shown its true violent and belligerent nature. It's become more and more evident in the age of Trump. The right has been biting its collective tongue for years. Between the compulsory acceptance of moral deviance (catch-all term for anything outside the norm of "traditional American values"), the perpetual victim class (Islam, LGBQT, feminist, illegal immigrants, BLM, etc) and general petulance, the left has endeared themselves to nobody outside of their caste. The Democrat party is collapsing and they aren't going to go down quietly.

I'd say that the fuse has already been lit, and it's just a matter of time before it blows.

I know that the "Day of the Rope" is a popular wet dream of a meme on Sup Forums, however it won't be far from reality. This will be an ideological left/right war as much as an urban/rural one. You will see mass chaos and infighting within major metropolitan areas. Martial Law will likely be declared and mandatory curfews enforced by pain of death. Those who live in rural communities will be mostly fine. The hammer won't drop on them as hard, though they will still be dealt a major blow.

There will be hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dead. With that much death, there will be an epidemic of disease the likes of which the US has never experienced. Since most hospitals are located in metro areas, medical services will break down at a rapid rate.

It will destroy the black and Latino community. The Latinos will do better since many will just head south to or through Mexico. Canada will undoubtedly be dragged into the fray. If for no other reason than to secure their own borders.

The ideological left will be annihilated or driven so far underground that it will take several generations for it to rear its head back into the public eye.

While I absolutely agree that any Civil War in America would result in a world war, I disagree that it would be fought on our soil.

I believe that the major worldwide players would see it as an opportunity to flex their own muscle.

Russia would invade/annex former Soviet nations creating a new Russian Union.

China would invade SE Asia, Japan and the Koreas.

Islam would try to rally the troops and gang up on Israel. It would result in either Israel glassing the entire Arabian peninsula or getting BTFO.

India would invade and probably nuke Pakistan.

Europe would dissolve into full on Left wing death squads.

Russia would invade and conquer Europe.

I'm interested in what he is selling.
My second choice

I want to emphasize that I don't believe it will be "muh race war now." Will there be people from different races selectively targeting other races? Absolutely. However, I am convinced that the left/right dichotomy is more of a hotbed issue than the white/non-white one.

Something like that would be worse than the Civil War.
It's The Fourth Turning cycle, and pic related.

I admit that I have no clue how big of an issue tribalism would be in that scenario. Would a right wing black person be more likely to lock arms with a right wing white or a left wing black? It's all just speculation, but only with the right.

I can guarantee that leftist whites would never join in arms with right wing whites. Leftist kids would gladly slaughter their own parents if they were on the wrong side of the aisle.

It's not as clear cut as I've initial predicted, but I think I'm on the right track with it.

Have you seen pic related?

Are you the Oldfag who mentioned the Fourth Turning Cycle in the last thread? If so, I'd like to hear more about it. It's an entirely new concept.

The third and most important book.

Checked and yes.

>What am i considered?
a faggot LARPing for (You)s. Have mine.

Where do whites go when the race war happens? What state/area is the refuge/coordination center?

>race war

This wouldn't be as simple as a race war. It would be a war divided by ideology and region.

Google it.
It's a cycle that can be traced back into Europe.
But do the math from the American Rev., Civil War, Great Depression/WWII.
All intervals of aprox 75 to 85 years.
And what year are we at today?...About yr 75 in the cycle?

That's quite an interesting post. My ideas of what it would be like is very similar to this user's statement. However, I think combat would be completely asymmetrical.


>urban vs rural

>implying cities don't have at least 1/4th of an employed underclass that will go Trump

It's a catch-all generalization. I'd say it comes down to sensibilities and moral leanings more than geographic location.

Also, this is beyond the Trump/Never Trump scope of things. That's just a symptom.

Except it always does.

jew shill posts a kaballah

>Europe would dissolve into full on Left wing death squads.
I can see this happening in most countries, as the trend is towards leftist liberalism. This will act as an accelerationism toward the nation's collapse as we know how far lefty governments always end (kek), but I think France for example, will have a chance of not succumbing to the leftist trend (or at least not internally, only if they are invaded by other countries after they fall to the lefties), and the reason I say this is because:
1- 1 in 4 ppl who voted in France voted for Lepepen. That is huge.
2- Most of the new far-right supporters in France are cops and military. They know whats up and are red pilled because they face the truth every day. They have training and access to weapons. Myself I intend to join FFL and one thing I noticed in FFL online communities is how there is a lot of hidden power level there, most guys are fucking sick of all the bullshit that muds do in France (although many FFL dudes are muds, and there are muds saying they get criticized by other muds for not being mud enough, lel). But one think is for sure, most EU countries are way to deep into subvertion and demoralization and a commie revolution is very very likely in Portugal (and it WILL be successful, good thing they also WILL starve to death in 5 to 10 years, lol), and that is why I'm getting the fuck out to the FFL asap, this country is doomed and commies are going to take over and starve hahaha.

This. The big schism is the ideological gap between left and right. The war is going to be fought between nationalists and globalists. - See this, it's pretty funny but illustrates a point.

based black man

You're right about the leftist being able to cull anyone not married to their brain dead ideology. Now the other question I don't know.

Most people have more in common with their neighbors than they do with out of touch Wash DC.

You'd say it's more that the ideological gap between left and right?

Hopefully, cuz in cities you can't survive for long periods of time when SHTF if you don't have a large enough group (of course there are exceptions, but if you think about it it's just common sense, there will be big ass gangs and shieeet like that to worry about, you can't have 5 or 10 ppl defending an urban area effectively, you have to take turns and there is other shit that need doing).


Good luck making it to 2024.

You've got a few months goy

The next recession is almost on your doorsteps and theres nothing the (((Fed))) can or will do about it.

The big start in the cycle of social unrest in Jan 2018 according to Armstrong Economics, and those dudes are never wrong. Buckle up, Kansas is going bye bye.

Automation + diversity is going to be disastrous.

That makes sense desu. If the recession trigger hits in late 2017 they won't admit it untill 2018.

Student loan bubble currently bursting apparently. Huge increase in defaults this year.

Auto-loan bubble is peaking in November-ish

Retail apocalypse already happening.

Absolutely it is. It's not going to be a cut and dry conventional war, so to speak. It would have the potential to resemble some of the Middle Eastern infighting that's going on. How can you tell an insurgent from a regular run-of-the-mill muslim? It'll be that way when trying to distinguish a leftist and a right wing; virtually impossible.

Which is why I put 2024 as the cutoff point. It's going to get ugly.

Well then where will the conservatives setup shop? I dont want my kids growinng up in Babylon

And throw in the confluence of The Fourth Turning cycle, and the debt of the States, cities, towns and counties, going to be very interesting.
I need to stock up on more booze.

I get where you are coming from. But I'd shift that cut off point down to 2020. This will be Flonald Flumpfs re-election year and the Fed will almost certainly crash it in 2019 to make nationalism look bad.

And yeah, it's going to get pretty ugly. most government jobs will probs get shut down. So expect female unemployment to skyrocket. Then the old-age pensions are going to get cut, so expect old people to be whining.

It's a toss-up between old-age pensions and food assistance imo. I think old people will get thrown under the bus because they are less violent.

At least more socialist city dwellers will die relative to conservatives.

And we have 7 decades of debt and government malfeasance coming due.
Of course it will all be blamed on Trump.

>The left has shown its true violent and belligerent nature.
They are being manipulated. The ones more prone to violence are typically mentally "broken" so it's fairly easy. Remember that it's not most leftists, it's a very small minority of even semi-competent people.
I don't want a civil war. You don't want a civil war. Very few people want one. Most major foreign powers likely want this, though. The globalists certainly want this. You could probably name several more than you believe also want this outcome.
But they need our cooperation to get it.
No matter our grievances, we need to keep impressing upon the left that they have been put into a literal information bubble and brainwashed.

I believe preventing and avoiding a civil war is an attainable goal, that it is a noble goal, but most importantly that it is a goal which is in /all/ of our best interests.
We have to avoid the wedges that they are driving between all the various groups in America.

The blog at Armstrong Economics should be read at least a couple of time a week.
He is calling for the stock market to go up as we go forward, Big Money looking just to survive by buying into corporations.

Yep, civil war is never cut and dry, and even if there are side at the beginning, when the scarcity starts to hit, it becomes groups turn against groups of the same "side", every group starts basically preying on every group if they need (of course weak ones are the first to be targeted by everyone) and everyone starts avoiding each other as much as they can unless they really have to barter or something (and many times that shit goes wrong).

Best to stick with your own. Your best bet is to have a big family (20 at least), all capable of fighting, all ready for SHTF (with skills and knowledge in DIY sanitation system and medical care and psychologically aware of the shit that will go down around you and ready to shoot first and ask questions latter), away from any city and prison complex for 200 miles plus, in a self sustainable compound properly protected (hidden, trapped, with killzones/funnels(although a trained eye will see thru the funneling), surveilled and preferably with an escape route in case you get run down). You also better know your harambe warfare tactics very well, cuz as cities get deployed of resources and huge ass gangs of maraunders start roving the rural areas in search for a place to stay, they'll know they won't be able to be on the move forever, and they will fight tooth and nail for any good piece of land (and they will have good weapons, impossible not to, taken from dead/captured military and from run over military depots, as well as illegal weapons before SHTF).

Make it hard liquor then friend, at least it also gets wounds disinfected :D



you're fake news, buddy.

Just.. stop.

It super easy to plant the seeds that grow into a full blown civil war, it's nothing but a MSM psyop really, and all the ppl that would benefit from it are the ones that have been plating those seeds for the last decades. You spew some red pills at the normies, after they listen to you they get their MSM brain wash 10x harder and longer every single day, and don't forget most of them are demoralized so they won't be able to accept the facts, they will just kill the messenger (the bringer of them red pills) because the red pills are uncomfortable (cuz they are true) and most ppl just want to keep their buzz up. The chances of avoiding massive civil war is slim to none, your best bet is to prepare for it as best as you can and asap. Try to red pill normies and shieeeet of course, but you won't be able to fight thru the conditioning of many.

This. I read everytime I go online. Also watch the "The Forecaster" documentary about Martin, it shows how corrupt NYC and IMF really are, really insane shit.

>it shows how corrupt NYC and IMF really are, really insane shit.
We are literally Rome.

Philip K Dick would literally say that is literally the case, kek :D

Sorry to be shilling for my own poast but I think this is something to consider.

Fuck you, flag fag. You didn't say "Simon Says."

There's more based red-pilled people in the cities than you would believe. Being boxed in densely with negroids teaches you real fast.

Guess the Jews and Illuminati are scheming for New World Order.

Sauce pls?
When it was written is a mystery. But it is interesting.

We will be the true winners.

Thanks brah