Varg gives 16 facts about (((Christianity)))
Explain yourselves Christcucks. Why should anyone support your shitty (((religion))) in this day and age?
Varg gives 16 facts about (((Christianity)))
Explain yourselves Christcucks. Why should anyone support your shitty (((religion))) in this day and age?
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How does wearing corpse paint and murdering your best friend for fame make you an expert on something?
>2. paul is a murderer
>varg criticizes a murderer
varg is such a stupid nigger and should die on the day of the rope
Holy flip (((Sup Forums))) on suicide watch they just cannot accept criticism of their jewish non-White religion
most of these are the same shit reworded over and over
butthurt non-White
>using Varg to make judgments about something as important as the question of God
I don't care if you hate Christianity or not but if you believe half of what this moron ever says then you're retarded. He knows nothing factual about: genetics, autism, Europeans in relations to neanderthals, how eyes work, etc.