Lol Reebok is attacking Trump on twitter because Trump complimented Macron's wife

lol Reebok is attacking Trump on twitter because Trump complimented Macron's wife

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So...are we really not allowed to compliment people anymore? I'm starting to think this really is like some giant long-con to get people to start reproducing, because last I checked if you don't nut the fuck up and compliment a girl, you're not going to ever have a shot with them.

Stop reproducing, fucked up famalams


>Awful plastic Chinese-made shit company
Literally can't give any less of a shit what they say about anything.

forgot my video

>Million dollar corporation pretends to be progressive to get more money
I'm constantly alternating between hating liberals or leftists more.

>tfw trump will never lie through his teeth and tell you "you're in such good shape"

Can't keep up with all the companies I don't want to buy from anymore

it's true
same reason why they teach girls that all men are rapists and teach men that all women are crazy feminists that will scream rape over everything
All of this to keep whites from reproducing,.

is this the company reebok, like the shoe brand? or some libshit appropriating the name on twitter?

details please, so we can add the company to a list of traitors to be boycotted

I was thinking the same thing. Is there a curated list out there somewhere with citations included? A lot of them are easy if you're a minimalist or at least not a nu male, but others are more subtle especially since there's like a dozen conglomerates that make fucking everything on this planet.

dont worry bitches love being grabbed by the pussy as much as ever, if not more

The funny thing is that it wasn't even a compliment. It's essentially saying "wow, for an old fucking pedophile who looks like ET in a wig you don't look as terrible as you could possibly be"

browse /biz/ frugal threads and Sup Forums prepper threads. you'll have no want for frivolities ever again

>the interns who handle the company's twitter feed mean that their shoes aren't any good

Fine, I'll just call them all fat cunts from now on. Such sweet victory ladies, I hope you enjoy it.

Was he trying to 'have a shot' with Macrons wife?
Its bad manners to talk about another man's wifes body at all.
If you're the POTUS just stop addressing womens bodies. Just stop it.
Literally no woman wants to be complimented on her appearance by Donald Trump (probably not even Melania) but he clearly thinks this is some sort of honor coming from him.
>Sup Forums bothering to defend Donald on this because Sup Forums will defend Donald for literally any reason
Come on Sup Forums this isn't your dad, its the president. Hes been told several times to stop doing this with every woman he meets but he has zero self control. Its completely unprofessional and everyone knows it.

>good goy, don't vote with your wallet.

Which is another way of saying:
>Macron, here is some emotional validation so that you don't feel insecure about your granny wife

Calm down, you colossal faggot.

At least he doesn't assassinate people for crossing him.

>b-but muh presidential manners

>shoes made in china are good

The Reebok shoe brand is already losing profitability.

>Its bad manners to talk about another man's wifes body at all.
he wasnt speaking to a man's wife, he was speaking to a (prospective) friend. jesus fuck, it's like people never watched an italian mob movie before.

i just dont understand how people dont see old school NY in everything trump says/does

is redwing still /ourboots/?

She looks like the type who works out a lot. I'd wager that Trump knows this and complimented her because it's completely normal to compliment ppl who work out on their gainz. Of course shitlibs are subjecting it to their weird social justice prism and turning into an act of hateful misogyny because they're bugnuts insane.

The info graphic implies it's never okay to call a woman beautiful. I do this all the time and it seems to work pretty well.

Trump has been banging supermodels since before I was born. He's probably repelled by her and Melania was probably laughing her ass off on the inside.

I hope your mom dies of cancer


>Its bad manners to talk about another man's wifes body at all.
I'd just like to point out that in many social circles it's rude if you don't compliment your friends wife. Complimenting their wife's beauty is also a compliment to the husband

those shoes last forever
my dad bought his in 1998

Reebok is still is business?

I haven't seen anyone wear its trainers in years.

I hope their share price drops by 3p. I hate the west.

There's not one in-shape woman on earth that wouldn't like this compliment.

Old school NY wap behavior isn't appropriate in a modern head of state. Why would you think that fitting this stereotype is supposed to absolve him from being an embarassment.

Do you retards have to resort to this for literally everything. Kill yourself slowly.

She's shit tier Milf

ahh, so this is why Joe Rogan has been fairly anti-trump lately. fucking hell Joe I trusted you

They're not only in business, they're the official sponsor of UFC.

That's a small little fighting thing you might have heard of...

LL bean is too. Also new balance. All of them make quality shoes.



its fucking biological

Complimenting a woman is not wrong in any way, shut the fuck up you autistic retard

Reebok has shitty products. I was looking forward to boycotting them, but nah. I already do. 'cause their products are shitty.

This is the president you all voted for Sup Forums don't be ashamed now. Or did you think the presidency was all just one big joke of a game?

Someone tweet this to Reebok and ask them if this is really the hill they want to die on.

An old person complementing another old person on being in good shape.

Dlumphf >:(

Why would a company like Reebok get involved in something like this at all? I see no real upsides for them and a lot of downsides

Dude, imagine seeing a dudes wife thats like 40 years older than her husband. She looks like fucking gollum and probably has a raspy fucking 2 pack a day voice.

You would go full fucking spaghetti and complement her out of pity because of how disgusting she is.

>rationalizing this hard
>hes just complimenting a fitness buff which i'm completely assuming she is because its convenient right now
He only does this with women, user. Literally never men.
Why can't Sup Forums face the obvious reality that any woman who's half attractive that he meets, he tells them so.
It doesn't matter if you're his employee, a political staffer, a journalist, another head of states wife, if you're attractive in any capacity he will comment on it. If he wants to compliment a woman but can't think of a reason, he will default to a comment about their body (notable that this is his default focus for insults too).
This is the kind of shit that will get you fired from middle management but apparently its acceptable in a world leader.

Women like getting complimented user

I'm not ashamed. I voted for him, in all likelihood I'll be voting for him again in four years. Thing is, he's a grown up. Grown ups don't get all crazy about really benign shit like this. At worst it was in slightly poor taste. In reality though it was a nice thing to say to someone and it doesn't fucking matter if you like it or not.

Also it was a white lie, that woman is a goblin. You going to impeach him for lying now?

Getting political kills your friends and if a company kills your userbase. It is so dumb to just ostracize a big part of your customers like that.

You're a fucking cunt

>complimenting a woman's body is literally never the wrong thing to do
retard alert.

>When you find over 5 years old Yu-Gi-Oh! cards that you lost years ago in peak condition

Reebok's now known as Reecuck.

I wouldn't address her appearance at all, user. Talk about LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE.
How retarded do you have to be to not manage a single topic of conservation other than the one thing you're explicitly trying to avoid.

probably a "social media manger" gone rogue.

It's a common "profession" that social studies graduates get into.

They are worth dick. They are only worth something if you sell individually but that is insane.

He complimented men all the time during the campaign, on how good looking and strong they were. Nobody cares though when it's about men.

Tweet and Write to UFC, who they are the official sponsor for.

UFC will dump them if there is an uproar. I believe Dana White is a big conservative and Trump Supporter and most of their league and fans are NOT liberal

As dumb as it is I don't see why anyone gives a fuck. None the less is willing to boycott a company they once liked because of it. It's so fucking miniscule and irrelevant.

How booty blasted are you lmao

>you are allowed to act like a manchild and obsess over toys (also consumer goods.. like Reebok selles)
>not allowed to complement a woman

Well is Trump gay?

Are you guys seriously implying that "You are in such good shape" is not an absurdly autistic thing to say to someone? Are you guys actually all autistic permavirgins?

At this rate you'll be living off the land making everything yourself.

>Saying women are beautiful is sexist
>But chopping off your dick is 100% natural

Complements are just what he does. It's part of business and building rapport. Makes you likeable.

how did you become like this? a whole fucking country of absolute faggots

Firstly quote the actual post.
Secondly, he did not say wow baby you're smoking hot, you must work out great arse.
He said hello, recognised she was a middle-aged woman and told her she is in great shape and she looks beautiful.
In fact, how you can even have a problem with this is insanity. Seek help

women like being complimented by attractive men, user. Older women married to world leaders like to feel powerful and intelligent. if you really think she enjoyed this comment instead of being embarrassed you're a moron.
>I don't like you
Wow user my feelings. Post a picture of your ass and i'll tell you if i'd fuck it or not. That's what people like, right.


Need a comprehensive list at this point

Reeeeeeeeebok boycott incoming

Not that I would ever buy REEboks, since I've fallen in love with the comfort and quality of New Balance, but lul. Now I'm going to insult peoples' REEbok shoes when I see them.

She's like 70 old bitches like being told how not old they look

Yes, I would say that to any middle aged woman that looks trim and has a mug like a fucking schnauzer.
And no, but I did not get laid by never complimenting a woman or by asking her if it's okay to say she's beautiful because then I really would be a permavirgin

>YoU MuSt be MaAd
I enjoy watching this man humiliate himself, and every time he does I come on Sup Forums and watch you wind up monkeys bend over backwards to justify it somehow.
Every time he does it it puts one more nail in the republican coffin and you degrade your common sense a little bit more.
I could give less of a shit about Macrons wife too, the woman is a gargoyle.

UA and Adidas are superior.

>no argument
Next time you meet a girl, drop this line out of nowhere, i fucking dare you
Thats asuming you actually meet women regularly while not having basic social skills

I've always been an Adidas man myself. Reebok is the Mr Pibb of athletic shoes.

What's wrong with Nike?

Nobody wears Reebok anyways so who cares?

Telling her shes beautiful is way different than mumbling "Y-Your in good shape"

Remind me why I would want to waste time in a board filled with cryptoshills?

> The 80's called.
They want their shoes back.

>babby doesn't like being IMPLIED
suck it up user
>He said hello, recognised she was a middle-aged woman and told her she is in great shape and she looks beautiful
Because that's what middle aged women want when they're meeting an ugly foreign leader, right user? They want their body to become the topic of conversation? They really, really do not.
Shes not your girlfriends drunk aunt at a barbecue, she doesn't want to be assured by Donald of all people that shes still attractive.

Archive (sorry for the blurry version of pic related):

They're a fucking shoe. People pay them for their shoes, not political opinions, and the only reason they are posting this is because they think it will help them sell more shoes.

Seriously who buys Reebocks? Not many people, but now all the liberal faggots will buy them.

>Speaking for me
>Speaking for her
My god you're a sperg

(((who could possibly be behind this?)))

Rules for compliments.

Fucking hell.

Implying liberals buy shit

remember when reebok was relevant? i don't

Nice imitation.