YAAAS!!! Muslim gay wedding


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We will not stand for this

First they subverted Christianity and now they subvert Islam.

The (((Communists))) are winning.


>show the world
what country do they live in, i wonder? probably not a muslim one...

i am utterly surprised that they're still alive

gr8, the gays will redpill the normies on muslims faster this way

it sucks that some crazy muslim is going to find them and kill them. but it's what they do to those types of people. sad world we live in.

UK, so you're half right

Take solace in the fact that muslims all around the world will be forever butthurt about this.

they wont be for long

>when you realize it's not the west that needs saving from islam, but it's islam that needs saving from the west


They're gonna get Jihaded. Just wait.

I see what you did there

daily reminder that mohammed was a based black gay man

They only subverted shit tier Protestants. Catholics don't stand for homo marriage.

For what purpose?

You're joking right? Catholics (American ones at least) are some of the biggest sinning coke head pieces of shit I've ever met in my life.

fatwah inbound

Not to mention the Catholics centuries of fiddling choir boys.

every religion on earth has diddled children, that's how it used to work. just so you know.

So every polack that strolls into this thread doesn't give them clicks. In reality, it only really works when the OP does it


Rather a coke-head than a cock-sucker. Protestants are pathetic

This pope ain't wrong though, "reject the sin not the sinner" and whatnot. What Sup Forums doesn't get is that no one is ever convinced by an insult, turning someone away from a degenerative life is a complicated, delicate work.

That pope also understands that at the current rate there wouldn't be any catholic people in two centuries, a change of tone was needed.

give me a home where theres no pope of rome, shitskinned mongrel :)

Archive these links next time:

>click on the link to see what country this is
>"A couple from the UK"
It's all so tiresome....

Polacks should run ghostery, adblocker and do not track instead of being retards.

No fuckface. Run ghostery.

They still get clicks you massive retard, whether you run Ghostery or not. Plus, Ghostery is fucking malware

Fuckin bangaldeshis

its merely taqqiya propaganda its merley an act to make us think islam is giddy and good, dont believe dune coon lies

those are hindus

Took me a couple of seconds. Not on my roof, I don't bloody well think so kuffar

It's what muslims do man. And when it happens the problem will be blamed on straight white mares. Clockwork man.

Butthurt until some lunatic kills them

10 bucks says that they're found dead in a week by an honor killing

Who wears the burqa?

what is wrong with that dudes hand? Tortured by muslims for being gay?

How long before someone tries to teach them to fly?

It's a tradition for Muslim women to get their hands painted. The guy is obviously the bottom.

Media just made them a target for radical/tradition Islamic attacks.

>show the world you can be gay and muslim
So what muslim majority country was this done in and when were they not thrown off rooftops or forced to have gender reassignment surgeries for doing this?
We (as in all the open minded citizens of the internet) should start a kickerstarter to send these 2 to a muslim majority country in order for them to spread their message to those who need it the most.

> he's never met a Southern Pentecostal

I enjoy seeing muslims trolled about this as well as the ahmeddiyyas.

Anyone with a functioning brain that has passed through adolescence knows no religious text will ever condone homosexuality, that it's all about promiscuity, that it has documented poor health outcomes, that it's adherents have gender identity issues.

But yeah, troll these stone temple morons with this crap.

And with the Ahmediyyas; obviously a religion can determine who belongs to it or not (as well as behavioural codes). I think the Ahmediyyas obviously are a post Islamic religion and I don't think their beliefs are substantially different to mainline Islam, but they're just smaller, more cult driven and probably better educated.

We need to get the message to Muslims and Africans that coming to the west will make you gay.

What are their reactions on Facebook, I wonder. These pillars of Liberal society :^)

How can you argue that being gay is not genetic? Those guys obviously look gay

You can't be gay and Muslim.

They're wearing makeup

In first world country where you rights are protected?

Pull that shit in middle east

They can be married, gay, and also stoned to death.

delet this

I hate muslims but seriously, you can't be gay and muslims.

The book says that if you are gay, you should be killed.
If you are gay and do not believe this, you're not muslim.

That's what the Muslims themselves are saying on Facebook, and causing suburban white girls to try and disagree while also not disrespecting them.

You need to go one layer up into the metanarrative, Jean-Michel.

>Sean Rogan
To make it even more repulsive, one of them is a native Brit convert.

The spiritual comprehension by the left is a practical joke. I once had to explain to one how a church rejecting gay marriage has the right deny a gay couple. Their response was that the church had been incorrect in denying them because they may follow the religion. I could not get them to understand that the belief itself denounced homosexuality and that for two gay men to believe in it was contradictory. The idea of belief to the left seems to be as liberal as their outlook on anything else, completely personal all the way through. They could not understand that not every church was a foundation dedicated to personalized and individualized belief.

Catholism has the most kiddy rape from popes

>probably not a muslim one...

It is actually. UK.

We should spread this and the Swedish stuff to Muslims.

I just don't understand anymore.

JUST two years ago (((they))) were upset about the Bible merely saying the homosexuality was a sin, but the Quran saying killing faggots and throwing them off building is okay for (((them)))?

They're going to get diversified.

My Humble Apologies to every Brit bro for this Fruity Abomination...

Hope they know how to fly, the real muslims wont take kindly to this

Wooden bars = rubbing fingers
Roof protrusion = kike nose

Oy vey!

I'm almost certain those "tattoos" are Hindu, not muslim.

Westerners typically see a funny hat, and conclude it's muslim.