Choose your faction.
Choose your faction
>Choose your faction.
>that shield
wow so this is the power of autism
Kekistan and Sup Forums is not the alt-light. The alt light is jews like Laura Loomerstein and other jews, deliberately dividing the right, and subverting the more moderate civic nationalist alt-light into willing eager shabbos goyim and virtue signalling Social Justice Warrior of the "right"
Those flag waving kekistanis and Sup Forums shield waving LARPers are us, the true-alt right, also the crowd that showed up at HWNDU. I will work on and correct your meme.
The only correct faction.
Back when the whole (((alt right))) bullshit started I remember how much we laughed and made fun of it. Fucking imbeciles actually trying to construct a strawman before our very eyes to attack in front of cameras.
Months upon months later here we are, thanks to the fucking nigger tier intellectual prowess of leddit, a somewhat significant portion of the population believes the (((alt right))) exists and represent us, and an even more stupid portion of the population is going along with it and attempting to represent us.
All we had to do was just let the left box with shadows and you actual niggers fucked it up. I hate you all and wish a withering AIDS death upon you faggots.
Faction? I'm just here to fight.
What a try hard shill. It won't divide us any further.
Going by that photo I choose alt-lite because they have sick ass memes and all alt-right seems to have is a portable light source