Colonialism 2.0 #WhitesWelcome

Why aren't we promoting Whites to move to 3rd world countries which are rife with natural resources, encouraging them to have 5-10 children, using their intelligence and natural expertise to harvest these resources and to replace the native populations?

>World Economy would grow magnificently as natural resource wealth is transformed into actual tangible wealth that contributes to world GDP
>Whites would quickly replace native populations as they would starve due to natural selection, whites would build magnificent countries in mere decades (see Rhodesia)
>Crime would decrease, wars would decrease dramatically due to peace, high living standards and the rule of law

Well, why aren't we promoting this?

>inb4 racist

Liberals are promoting the exact same thing except for non-whites, with the twist that non-whites decrease living standards exponentially while whites increase it exponentially

>pic related

100 Rhodesia farmers who fled from racist Zimbabwe move to Zambia and end up outproducing 150,000 Niggers

Other urls found in this thread:

bumping with rhodesia

Should also further note with today's White technology we could achieve a Rhoesdiaesque state in 20-30 years vs 80-90 years it took Rhodesia starting in the late 1800s.

bumping with rhodesia

Capital would be easy to acquire with natural resource wealth. Any loans would be quickly paid back.

how do we promote it? Seems like very few would be willing to give up their comfy lives for an African hellhole. Plus, there aren't many farmers around anymore.

Not just Africa, although it's ironically the most resource rich continent on earth.

Probably a race war must first occur. It's almost as if we're in the Weimar republic ..... history tends to repeat itself.

a race war is stupid, it will never happen and you're a moron for thinking it will.

you need only change the people's opinions on a few matters.

>diversity is not a strength, it is our greatest weakness


ughm, ..... South Africa right now? hundreds of thousands-millions of South Africans training for a race war because the King Nigger there said he's going to take their farms by force?

>will never happen

South Africa is already a slow motion white genocide. Niggers know they can kill a white and get away with it because of the sheer quantity of them.

You have lived for so long in a majority society its closed your mind.

>Why aren't we promoting Whites to move to 3rd world countries which are rife with natural resources, encouraging them to have 5-10 children, using their intelligence and natural expertise to harvest these resources and to replace the native populations?

Because all it will take is one bad year or populist nog to gain power and appropriate all your hard asserts, leaving you worse off.

The fact that you mentioned Rhodesia in your OP without even thinking of this beggars belief.

majority society


I'm talking about a similar approach to liberals. If we rebel against it, we get locked in cages, are labelled as racists and have our reputations ruined/careers destroyed/end up homeless or get killed by the authorities.

Meanwhile, if you're a Muslim, you can kill Americans, Canadians or allies and get $10,500,000 from Trudeau on the 4th of July and have Trudeau give speeches saying he deserves the money and insulting the dead US soldiers widow.