When did you stop caring about politics? I did recently. The Jews won...

When did you stop caring about politics? I did recently. The Jews won, the white race will be extinct and there's nothing we can do about it. We've lost the game, we lost it way back in 1941-1942, so it's only painful for me to follow the news and happenings nowadays. I stopped caring.

Who here feels the same? Sorry if this comes off as a shill thread, but I'm just telling it like it is from my perspective. It feels completely hopeless.


>Sorry if this comes off as a shill thread
Complete shill thread.

>Be a sad loser like me goy
>repeat these words into your head
>Keep reading these threads

>not knowing about the relief force

(((Learned helplessness))) meme

I stopped caring when I realized that suffering is eternal, so it doesn't really matter who controls things. Every political system has its winners and its loses, and our circumstances would not necessarily be better under a new system. I also stopped ascribing to conspiracy what can easily be explained by incompetence. In a nut shell, none of it really matters. Live your own life, improve yourself and stop thinking some magic new system will lead to your salvation.

>things finally start to go our way for the first time in decades

oy vey, go- guys, it's all so hopeless, let's give up. I'm feeling sleepy

Success is not final and failure is not fatal. This victory, if you can call it that, is probably going to be short lived. People won't swap one group of autists (SJWs) for another group of autists (alt right), it's only a matter of time before liberalism regroups and bounces back. This bullshit just goes back and forth, like a really shit game of ping pong.

Probably 2 years ago. The only thing I give a shit about is getting my taxes lowered.
Politics for me is all about entertainment now, rather than impotent outrage.
