


Slavs are truly subhuman.





Those are Soviet troops waiting for the west to fall so they can liberate them.


Come here, boy, we need to talk



Tigran - doesn't want to be here
Shkobar - was born in the zone
Dyhya - has repeated year 5 multiple times
patsans - parents were related before they were related
Nok - Hates russia but also likes their flag so much he wants to wear it
vinny - token normal kid

>patsans - parents were related before they were related


Shkobar is a living legend btw





Slavs aren't subhuman, they're abhuman. Stronk, stupid, sure - but still technically human.

They're basically this timeline's Ogryn shock troops. Pic related.

Just Picasso my shit up.

fucking disgusting, that sandwich looks moldy

Some slavs look like completely normal human beings but others go 200% slav mode and just look deformed and inbred.

Please don't blow yourself up. DON'T DO IT NIGGA


delet this


>The ones with the best hairlines look the least Slav.

male pattern baldness genes outta control

I love this reactionary interpretation. It's not like it's the morally uptight priest who's always raping little boys right? Like you realize that if people pretend things are fine on the inside doesn't always mean that's how they feel or are? But no, if someone dares talk about their issues they get labeled with them and downvalued so people are forced to hide their problems and the problems get more extreme.

Not saying it's either or though as loads of feminists are just crazed extremists but this general meme bias is silly as fuck and I love how you guys are so protective of normie values even though there's nothing more you hate than normies but the ones who are slightly less on your side gets all the hate.

What is this? the dying skinny skinhead convention?