So,last night I was at Ultra concert,and me and my friend ended up with two Norwegian girls. What I noticed is,their skin is not white,it's fucking orange. Coupled with blonde hair,shouldn't they be called yellow,and not Asians? For example,my skin is literally white.I'm pale,English pale.But Skandiavians are fucking orange.
Did you guys notice that?
Andrew Jones
Orange skin is usually from fake tan.
Hudson Evans
notice what user?
Xavier Scott
She needs to get on a mailbox.
Jose Long
here we go, another cap season to alizee
Bentley Perez
>French are whit-
Nathan Taylor
It was probably spray tan you unfuckable hate nerd.
Dominic Cooper
>Ultra Test yourself on all possible std's.
Justin Wood
you are just now noticing that white people aren't actually white? let me save you a couple more decades of mental exercise, then: not all white people are the same color.