Australian Chinese gets deported back to china

im being forced to go to china by my dad. He said it's for my own good because western upbringing has made me complacent.
You were right pol. All the gooks are getting shipped back.
He wants me to stay in china for 6 months. Im going to die in china before I get the chance to come back.

Pic is proof of my shipment

please stop posting this shit

Wow arent you a spoilt lil bitch hope you do die in china. Wish I could have a father let a lone not have to work my ass off to leave the country.

what do you mean?
im not spoiled. you're just despoiled

Can you seriously fuck off, mate?

im leaving on september. im fucking shaking right now

this isn't how you shitpost, you're doing it all wrong.

how is it shitposting if it's real?

hahahaha PLA shill get the fuck out

I hope your plane crashes, stop with these fucking threads.