Does Sup Forums play video games?
Does Sup Forums play video games?
only the losers
Oh look, it's the same beta cuck who spams interracial porn.
Why don't you leave, Chaim.
t. turbo autist cuckistani
EVE online is basically a ancap simulator.
Or pick related.
Wow, the dumb cuck can use proxies.
Proud of you
>proud of you
>words cuckistanis will never hear
I'm actually impressed.
Keep going.
Nah, forget it. I forgot you have more important things to tend to.
>implying I visit that cancerous shithole
Of course, you would know what is happening back at home.
Trying to cover it up?
I've seen your threads across multiple boards for several days now. What, you don't think people realize what you're doing shekelstein?
Living with friends in C3 wormhole in EVE.
Pure AnCap simulator. Depending on activity we evict some carebears for proffit from other WH`s
You do realize more than 1 troll uses Sup Forums right?
I only shitpost in here and Sup Forums but it has nothing to do with spamming images of your mother jumping on black dicks. I would just get banned in 5 minutes like an idiot.
But you keep up your fantastic detection work, retard
Yet I saw the exact same "gaymer betas" filename just a few days ago, when you were going on about how BBC is superior and how white boys should accept it
Playing PUBG and Classic WoW at the moment
Whatever interracial troll was using it probably just stole my filename because he couldn't think of his own.
I have posted threads using that image before.
Is there anything else you wish to blame me for?
playing WoW TBC and sometimes oldschool snes or Wii/ps3 games
I'm hyped for Under night in-birth Exe[st] on the 20th. Gonna import that shit.
It's the only thing i do.
t. neet on disablebucks
I fucking hate my life
Whatever man, I just think it's pretty pathetic that you spend your time spamming Sup Forums.
I play dota 2, that's it.
hearthstone, rocket league, league of legends, and tekken 7
I think it's pretty pathetic that you live your whole life on here and continue to get baited into blacked threads.
Really not my problem but you can keep screeching if it makes you feel better.
Mhm. Keep replying. Yet I'm the one getting baited.
Cya Shlomo.
Actually, I just like posting cringey kekistani images, thanks for your help goyim.
Primarily only Paradox games like Eu4, Ck2, Mount and Blade and Team Fortress 2. Got off of console games years ago, hated spending 60$ per game.