REDPILL White women´s "degeneracy"


> ancaps suck
>ancapistan is inevitable
>muh ethnostate reeeeeeee

by saying "settled" I mean I am dating her long-term right now

Czech user, I'm female and I think you're right. I used to be liberal, and I had exactly the same mentality you describe, I liked Will Smith because he was promoted as cool, smart, top of the tree. Thankfully I didn't sleep around because of my Catholic upbringing, and I'm the total opposite to a leftie libtard now, Reality hit me hard as hell when I was about 23 so I swung hard right.

"Women CRAVE men with simmilar dna, because that is ensuring"

Simmilar to what ?

Because it doesn't fucking works?
Al least YBOP makes lots of research to prove their claims, that's why I'm on a two week nofap streak. I don't even know why, it's not like it will get me a sexual partner or something, also I did not even get any of the bad effects they claim porn makes to you. Not ED, no slippery slope, no nothing.

Sometimes ppl honestly change. She seek social integrity from you like a drug trying to desperately return to her biological roots to be a homemaker again. I know tons of girls that are way more obedient and ferociously unwavering towards their partner's every beck and call, but they don't know how to be independent and supplement the relationship themselves. Virgins supplement because they don't feel they have to subconsciously apologize for wasting their life with hedonist endeavors instead of building a family

It's always the lefties that swing the hardest to full right
t. Ancap voluntaryist NAP advocate but fmr miltary junta communist

Why would a 167 cm balding glasses wearing autistic m*le even try? You need to go to /r9k/ to experience how real life is outside of your Chad range of vision.

Be a good your best.

>find a good man, be a good woman for him..obey him, help him, enyoy him
>Try to introduce this way of thinking to some of your friends..every single person saved from madness counts
>have AT LEAST 2 beautiful white children