Why are you guys surprised that Muslims go on raping sprees when white girls dress like this in public?

Why are you guys surprised that Muslims go on raping sprees when white girls dress like this in public?

i want to bury my face in her ass if you catch my drift

I am not surprised. I know you are nothing but animals. I just wanna exterminate you like the animals you are.

>glued to her phone

I fucking hate millennials

>t. millennial

also, i probably wouldn't be able to help myself from grabbing her butt while passing by, and i'd be considered a beta by Sup Forums's standards. I dont think the problem is them in particular, its the media saying be as whorish as you please

Ami surprised that subhuman imbreds have to resort to rape because no decent women would give them the time of day?...no.

So why is it just muslims that have rape gangs then?


Wish that was my daughter, so i could slap the dog shit out of her.