Legit question Americans, why do more highly educated people woth Democrat?

Legit question Americans, why do more highly educated people woth Democrat?

In Europe the higher educated and higher earning people tend to vote for the economically right wing parties but in USA it's the exact opposite.

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Because "highly educated" includes gender studies and other bullshit

all the rednecks and hicks voting for this idiot

This has me skeptical because the rich and very highly educated vote republican to satisfy their own interests. I agree with , it is probably the people in arts and 'Gender Studies' or it's just a lame study.

>In Europe the higher educated and higher earning people tend to vote for the economically right wing parties but in USA it's the exact opposite.

Well, they tend to be liberal when it comes to issues outside of economy. My former "family in law" was that kind, usually because they live in their own little bubble in suburbia, keeping away from the peasants. Especially visible when it comes to immigration, they love to talk badly about those who oppose it, but their condescending racism shows very well when they have to deal with immigrants outside of ah pairs and bus drivers first hand.

Trying to spare you a long essay - you need to know the history of how people prioritized the issues. For many years social issues have dominated our politics. After the Republicans got in bed with the Religious Right the issues were framed along lines of the three Gs: gays, guns, and God. So generally speaking more educated people became socially liberal while more religious people became social conservatives. Because we didn't have strong socialist tendencies the economic issues took second place as the country focused on gay rights, black rights, euthanasia, gun control, abortion etc. For a long time big business voted Republican to advance their economic issues while the Democrats represented the working class. But more and more companies became activists that again put social issues ahead of economic ones such as promoting women's rights and minorities. But I can't explain this recent shift to the hard left where the Democrats now openly cheer for limiting free speech. The Democrats now seem to be on a great purging of white people, unless they're white allies who openly cheer against white people. The shift has left us now as pitting globalists against nationalists and people are once again realigning themselves.

NBC news survey

if you mean they have meme degrees in ethiopian feminist tribal dancing obtained in Shlomo University then you are compleyely right

High IQ is highly correlated with empathy towards others, which leads to a tendency to adopt leftist views

Because college in a non stem field is liberal brainwashing. And all the non free thinking people fall for it to conform.

>includes gender studies and other bullshit
The "muh gender studies degree" meme is weak as fuck

College is an indoctrination center

>Because college in a non stem field is liberal brainwashing.
>repeating this tired meme that you've probably never researched

> I literally have this degree
> social anthropology
> right wing as fuck

If you study other cultures and aren't retarded you realise western culture is best culture and everyone else is subhuman

You're absolutely right tho, in general meme degrees are taken up by leftists and they are completely incapable of rational thought. They look at a Polynesian tribe raping kids and go omg so cukutral and interesting. The double think is astonishing. Really makes you think


actually in education he held 50% of educated WHITE PEOPLE but like everything else dependent immigrants slide left

How so?

I meant that isn't actually relevant towards this poll because "highly educated" =\= "high iq"

Trump won with individuals making 50000+ but lost with highly educated.

>I can't explain this recent shift to the hard left where the Democrats now openly cheer for limiting free speech

So he was right that higher IQ leads to more leftist views? You're just saying it's not relevant to this poll?

Because they take a lot of time to teach political beliefs in higher education. A lot of people with bachelor's degrees had to spend maybe 1/3 of their time learning why black people are better than you, all white people are racist, the future is female, Indians and Chinamen deserve your jobs because they are oppressed and poor, etc.

It's not so much that people fully believe this stuff, it's that they are trained to accept it. People who step out of line or discuss issues in the "wrong" way or in the wrong words make them nervous. Clinton being an insider with a lot of coaching knows all the right terms to "win" arguments, while Trump just said whatever he wanted and triggered that response constantly even if people did not have a good rebuttal.

This is where you get the idea that Trump is evil, uneducated, untrained, etc. He said the things people are trained to fear, and Clinton was flogging the audience every time she spoke. They teach politics in schools and Clinton used her knowledge of the lessons to make points people are obligated to agree with, while making people extremely afraid of losing social status whenever Trump opened his mouth.

Remember that highly educated does not necessarily mean more intelligent or more knowledgeable.

>why do more highly educated people woth Democrat
These numbers are all made up. Votes are secret. Nobody knows the actual demographics of the vote.

"Educated" people make money and are scared to lose their jobs if they support Trump so they lie. End of story.

I dont know the correlation between iq and political ideology, if it even matters. My point was only to say high iq =\= high education

>people who were indoctrinated by communist professors are more likely to vote communist
no shit faggot.

How are they going to lose their job if they support Trump? Are you saying educated people actually support Trump...but have to lie about it out of fear of being fired by other educated, secret, Trump supporters? That's a lot of pretending.

>highly educated people woth Democrat?

Highly educated is not synonymous with high intelligence. Most of the plebs, shilling for the Democrat Party and social retardation, are mere products of our Social Marxist universities, exemplifying passive intellects, institutionalized and - more often than not - coerced.

"Write an essay, declaring the Mulatto is the highest, most exalted POTUS ever to brighten the slave-built White House - reparations for two-hundred years of 'White Privilege' - or you won't graduate because you're racist!"

Other than dropping the class, out of school, entirely, and learning an actual trade, what meaningful choice does a triggered-happy, gormless mouth-breather have?

That's exactly what he's saying, minus the part about being fired by other Trump supporters. I'll refresh your memory about the CEO of Grubhub who sent a company wide email after the election telling Trump supporters to resign. So, yes, people fear losing their job for supporting Trump

So is the (I'm assuming educated) CEO not a secret Trump supporter also? It's just those educated workers underneath the CEO?

correlation does not imply causation

Now you're just being contrarian. The other user said it's difficult to measure how many educated people support Trump because many fear losing their job. You took that idea to the extreme, suggesting that secret Trump supporters fire other secret Trump supporters. You know full well that the left tries to demonize anyone who dares disagree with them politically because that's their MO: hurl insults when you lack a substantive argument and get people fired. So people have learned to conceal their political views until theyre alone at the ballot box.

>American colleges
>Creating graduates that aren't dumber than when they first enrolled


The Left is more appalling to emotions, the right on righteousness

It is a fairly well-known thing that very intelligent people tend to express themselves in a very rude and straightforward way irrespective of social expectations. They don't do very well in a "high culture" environment where they have to talk a certain way or use certain terms. They are very bad at following rules governing their conduct and particularly so with rules that govern the way they think and talk.

They don't do very well in university, and most people who work in academics are in the 100-120 range. There are thought to be pretty respectable minimums for earning things like doctorates (130+), etc. but the average person going into higher education is going to be average. They have to be capable of following instructions and diligently defending their rank in a social group, nothing more and nothing less.

Professors, university researchers, post-graduate students, etc. can generally be thought of as "above average" (~110), and your typical student is going to be just average (90-100). If these people are voting more Democrat then superior intelligence is not the reason because it's simply not something they possess. One obvious reason would be that college students are getting more and more shit-colored, since standards for them are lower and they are being given comical amounts of money to get enrolled. Those people vote 90%+ Democrat regardless of their level of education, so greater representation in education is going to push college graduates way to the left statistically.

I remember hearing that black women had the highest rates of achievement out of anybody, which says a lot more about the university system than it does about ideology.

Becouse education system got fucked up badly and it rises mostly indoctrinated people, and only few free thinkers.

A degree in prehistorical feminism doesn't make you intelligent

educated people don't really grasp what it's like to actually have to live around certain ethnic minorities and feel bad for them, attributing their problems primarily to racism.

with that said, if you have a mostly white population that doesn't have a 2 digit average IQ, a social-democratic liberal society is a perfectly nice place to live. see: Europe before the Muslim and African invasion and Jewish subversion. many things that Sup Forums advocates (like eugenics, keeping socieites primarily white etc.) were perfectly acceptable in left-wing social democratic parties until after WW2 when the left underwent Jewish capture. the sad thing is that many of these ethnic minorities could've been helped by things like eugenics.


Liberal education. The more college you go through, the more liberal professors/peers you have to listen to

In Europe the higher educated and higher earning people tend to vote for the economically right wing parties but in USA it's the exact opposite.

Can you back up? Your assertion isn't true in the UK, pic related.

You don't understand American politics, very well.

In the USA, Democrats are right-leaning centrists. Republicans are ultra-far-right socially, and have no economic position or coherence. Republicans spend wildly while cutting revenue. They're not the economic right--they're the economic batshit-crazy.

>In Europe the higher educated and higher earning people tend to vote for the economically right wing parties but in USA it's the exact opposite.

High earning =/= highly educated. High earning voted Trump

This. Liberal arts degrees in actual history or anthropology have at least a 50% chance of making the holder less of a leftist.

English degrees, outside of meme liberal arts degrees, are the true cancer.

It's not as simple as that. While more educated whites are also less Republican, the opposite goes for non-whites. Educated non-whites are less Democrat than uneducated ones.


>why do people who spend excessive amounts of time in indoctrination centers tend to support the viewpoints with which they were indoctrinated

Good question user. I'm sure you'll receive a plethora of quality answers.

highly educated means highly brainwashed towards the leftist agenda.

>I remember hearing that black women had the highest rates of achievement out of anybody, which says a lot more about the university system than it does about ideology.
I think seeing a black women that is most likely smarter than you irked you a bit and basically everything you said before this was a way for you to diminish her intelligence in your eyes.

That's not surprising. Liberals tend to be very racist, it's just a different sort of white man's burden racism wherein one thinks their culture should be a motherly figure to exotic, foreign cultures and accommodate them because they believe they're lower than them. I see it all the time in America. Libs treat 40 year old black people hollering like mad when they get arrested similar to lost puppies or children who don't know any better.

>Left-wing environment of universities including leftism enforced as law, with punishments including failure and expulsion
>Promotion of diversity in colleges giving blacks, mexicans, women, and other non-Americans priority and even free rides
>Association of the right with religiosity pushing away STEMs
Probably more but that's the gist of it.

Hit a nerve? I'm talking about their voting pattern. Or didn't you read the rest of the post?

Most educated people go to universities in America. When you go to an American University it tends to be extremely liberal. Most scientists and engineers that are considered "liberal" or "democrat" have never actually worked a real job or leave the university, they get a job with the university and stay in the liberal environment, or they get employment with a liberal company.

In America lower level engineers or tradesman or plain workers will generally have employment before education, they know how the system works. After school they stay in the same environment but are just at a higher level. They still vote similarly but are quite a bit more educated and better analytical thinkers when it comes to the world. They generally vote the same.

The difference is pay and security. These University jobs and the like are generally very secure and those people don't see the point of capitalism because they don't need it or have been involved. Those that have to save money to pay or don't have a gravy job know the importance of opportunity and capitalism.

That's basically it though.

Except it's not and your narrative is nonsense.

Republican policy outspends Democrats every time, in every field, including entitlements. Republican spending is out of control, and they cut revenue while doing it.

Higher IQ leads to more radical views. Contemporarily, the most available radical path is leftism and communism, because culture demonizes the far and middle right (nationalists) but not the far and middle left (globalists and communists).

>highly educated people woth Democrat

That's not entirely true. They voted for Hillary, but not necessarily democrat.

Hillary had the supporter base with the highest IQ and highest level of education of any politician I can think of. Bernie and Trump basically got all the genetically inferior subhuman waste.

"educated" is much closer to brainwashed than intelligent.

>But more and more companies became activists that again put social issues ahead of economic ones such as promoting women's rights and minorities. But I can't explain this recent shift to the hard left where the Democrats now openly cheer for limiting free speech. The Democrats now seem to be on a great purging of white people, unless they're white allies who openly cheer against white people.
Jewish capture of the left post WW2, as part of a larger desire for revenge for the Holocaust. Taking advantage of the good-will of Europe and the US post-WW2, they had a pivotal role in flooding Europe and the US with third-world immigrants, because they don't feel safe unless they live in a multi-ethnic society. They say this themselves, it's hardly controversial.

Even things like Civil Rights, which were a legitimate injustice against blacks, were conveniently co-opted in a way as to benefit the Jews.

Education system here is full blown Marxist
Srsly, its really really bad

You'd have a clearer mind and better critical thinking skills if you drop out of school early

universities are indoctrination mills

I'm sure if you separated these people into STEM and non-STEM you'd see a clear lack of STEM educated leftists

Because highly educated people aren't really "educated" in the same sense their predecessors were educated.

American colleges/universities are indoctrination camps. They're brainwashed to blindly accept leftist ideology.

Universities are Mind Rape Complexes

>Having a degree in lesbian dance theory makes me more intelligent
Fuck off, nigger, and your (((higer education))).

Education means nothing here.
As has already been pointed out, higher earners vote Trump. If you have a degree but low income then you made an absolutely atrocious long term financial decision in America.
The race gap in IQ and the race gap in voting paint the picture that idiots will vote Dem.

The people who graduate with STEM tend to be an even split between left wing and right.

The people who graduate with degrees in the humanities (or useless degrees like women's studies) vote exclusively liberal. This skews these statistics.

These polls try to influence people into thinking 'smart guys vote for team X' when in reality, they are useless, because they never mention the type of degree the pollsters recieved.

Good analysis.
You need enthusiasm to grow a party. Dem's enthusiasts are hard-left, feminists, abortionists, SJWs, etc, so the party is catering to them and will go harder left.
DJT saved the GOP by injecting Americanism/National pride enthusiasm.
RINO's will be purged in the following elections.

Racism. It's not complicated. The less educated are normally more racist. Or are more inclined to blame their situation on "the other".

Many of them believed voting for a nigger would send a message to the "elites". It didn't. So now we have Trump.

But degrees like that aren't really that common. The gender studies meme is how right-wingers dismiss higher education to avoid actually answering the question at hand, even though hardly anyone actually gets a degree in that kind of shit. The bulk of degrees are pic related.

Gender studies didn't even fit in my screenshot because it's toward the very bottom of the list.

shouldnt higher education mean more pay tho?
or do you have to factor in things like trade jobs that can have a higher pay potential

Source or this graph?

>the most available radical path is leftism and communism
But now that is "mainstream", and also the media and the society father-figures *do not dare to talk about some issues*, aka PC, so the counter-culture now is race-realism and nationalism.

>1960s vietnam protests
>Escalates to the Kent State shooting of 1970
>Civil rights protests
>all taking place by university students, supported by the public and Ivy league universities
>Those students went on the become professors and faculty members
>focus on racial/gender/religious inclusion instead of education has grown from 70s into the present day
>as the focus on inclusion grows, liberal arts students and mostly non-STEM departments are taken over by left leaning students
>As the left has grown more intolerant to the right since the 90s, its become taboo to believe in the right
>because intolerance is seen as protecting students, intolerance is taught more and more
>so now our educated population is more left leaning than right leaning

Majority of students a getting toilet paper degrees and there's no jobs for them to fill

If it was my way I'd strangle these cretins with their debt and put them into forced labor or expulsion

>making things up is the same as facts, right?
None of that is true, though. STEM departments remain the largest and best-funded, dominating the shit out of the "liberal" bogeymen you dread.

Republicans consistently attack science, then pretend that it's art majors who hate them.

>mfw liberal arts used to be the same as undecided/undeclared

Economists are still right-wing. Engineers still trend right when they're not being bullied into compliance. Oops, I think I just gave away the answer. Jerks go into social science to manipulate people, sane people go into engineering to improve the world conditions under which people operate. Economists get the right training to hold up their middle fingers to bad policy, but engineers don't.

just because you are educated, does not mean you have learned anything of actual practical function, form, or use. Gender studies can name all 487 genders and their features, but can't (or won't) lift 20 kilograms. Porn stars education in blow jobs has more functional education than these people.

American education systems are hemorrhaging enrollment, money, and employees after Berkley appeared to be the extreme version of current "normal" among colleges now as well. They're trying to shift back to a function over feels environment- you'll probably see the information you've presented shifting pretty drastically in the next few years.

I'd say that more educated people go to where the money is because that's just smarter. Democrats are literally throwing cash at people who "share" their ideals and are willing to shill for it.

>Be smart, say Democrat ideals are awesome, retire at 30.


Higher IQ people tend to be center / center-right in their political views.
-- from Hive Mind by G. Jones
Yr welcome

>Samantha Bee detected

That's not true, at least a it won't be for long. Lefties get indoctrinated at university and end up voting for the leftwing parties, and they are necessarily the most educated

(((Social sciences and histories)))

>making things up is fact

That's ironic. What he said was completely correct. Everyone knows the left have taken over the universities, even if stem fields have less of a leftwing bias than liberal arts

He's correct, though. In basic terms, the students of the Vietnam era saw civil rights as their cause. Those students now run the universities. Connecting those dots is quite easy. And it used to be the case that the right rejected science. The pendulum is swinging, as the left now demands that a man with a penis is a woman, and a Nobel prize winner loses his job and career for daring to suggest that there is scientific differences among races. Read the sad story about James Watson

It's part of social sciences

High IQ just correlates to skepticism in general. You can tell your below average bozo anything in the school and he'll take your word for it, he's fine being told what to think, not how to think, because he doesn't question. The only part of the basic education system which even tries to teach people even the barest hint of critical thinking is physics, at least over here, but most students don't even realise that's the reason they're determining the acceleration due to gravity through experiment, they just go along because why would people lie?

This is why the modern leftist can hold so many opposing views simultaneously. They've been browbeaten into a kneejerk emotional response (You're a FUCKING WHITE MALE/RACIST/BIGOT in general) because their views don't logically make sense. You can't logically believe that Global Warming is an impending cataclysmic event, but the economy is so important that we need to artificially pump up birth rates with immigration, that lower skilled workers need more for their labour but we should flood their labour force because to not do so is racist. That "not tolerating intolerance" only extends to the right wing in European countries, means nothing to countries where they literally throw queers off of rooftops. These views are inherently contradictory to each other, but they've been conditioned into a Pavlovian response in lieu of questioning them and so, these walking contradictions run around in crowds without being able to articulate WHY they think their views are correct, but ready to shout down any who go against the good word. The chief question you can ask to show just how little throught they've put into these beliefs they've invested so heavily in is to ask what exactly are these "benefits of diversity" they keep going on about. Apparently it's that white people can't make their own tacos.

The only thing religion needed to get through the First Amendment was to drop that pesky deity aspect.

because they desperately want to separate themselves from the masses without considering that they're falling in the a worse trap

>thinks the left isn't moving into STEM

welcome to STEAM


>more educated non whites voted for him than non educated


Social Sciences, Visual and performing arts, communications, leisure and fitness studies, liberal arts etc. are all meme tier degrees. Those are the type of studies that only rich kids who can afford to fuck off their whole lives should be doing. Instead the diploma mills are using soft sciences to indoctrinate hundreds of thousands of naieve adolescents who inevitably end up deep in debt with minimal earning potential.

really makes me think

Why are people who took out loans for 80,000 for college to be a star bucks barista considered intelligent?

>thinks percentage automaticly means more people

Burger education

He didn't say it's difficult to measure, he said the "numbers are all made up"

good point

t. rural and suburban retard

>did not answer the question

>52,615 GB
How many people in 1 GB?

I meant percentage wise, you retarded toothpaste nigger.

Na kiddo, it's /thread