How can we solve the problem with (((Alt-Lite)))?

Alt-Lite is cukcservatism 2.0 and must be stopped. Have any ideas?

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I wonder who is behind this post

Alt-Lite is a (((civic nationalism))). They don't care about race, heritage or anything else. They only care about shekels and soft-globalization.
Different names - (((same peoples))) - same result: the final solution of the White problem.

Did (((PJW))) actually defended gays in his last video?

Yep, he is.

>Implying the alt right isn't cancer

Tell us, Reddit.

Fuck off, PJW is useful. I started out watching people like him and Sargon and now I'm a white nationalist. The only cancerous ones are Rebel Media and Cernobitch.

JIDF, please.

(((Rabbi Media)))... Maybe deploy the memetic weapon?