Are manlets the ultimate bluepill? Should we even consider white men under 6 feet white?

Are manlets the ultimate bluepill? Should we even consider white men under 6 feet white?

lmao my sister is taller than that guy was.

it should be forbidden for manlets to make children.

manlets have the funniest looking bodies I've ever seen

I see enough chubby manlets pull 9s from a bar

Its all about charm and confidence bro

Manlets are a stain on the gene pool. Any """""man"""" under 6 foot should be chemically castrated, as not to spread his subhuman genes onto another generation.

>Should we even consider white men under 6 feet white?

There are no countries where 6ft is the average, not even the Netherlands.

>just be yourself bro even though women are programmed by nature to be attracted to the tallest and most alpha guy around

The shitposts are getting so stale it's not even fun, at least change up the same five threads before you shotgun them across the board.

>Being a lanklet with the balance of a toddler.

>should we even consider them white

Divide and conquer detected