Alright, what does Sup Forums ACTUALLY think of this guy?

Alright, what does Sup Forums ACTUALLY think of this guy?

Other urls found in this thread:

We don't think about him

Enough with the e celeb shit


>Kekisan flag, come on Sargon stop making these threads.

He singlehandedly ruined the Kek meme with all his "Kekistan" bullshit.

His shtick got old once SJWs got old. And they're tired out as fuck at this point. Low hanging fruit.

Dont make threads about E-celebs, E-celebs talk about us - it shouldn't be the other way around.

This thread again.

I think he's a well-spoken academic, which we could use more of on YouTube. I just wish he would post more of those research-based videos instead of ranting on and on about SJWs and whatever the hell k*kistan was supposed to be.

Sarcuck of Acuck