Is this 95 IQ, dirt-poor Pooloo a harder worker than you, Sup Forums?

Is this 95 IQ, dirt-poor Pooloo a harder worker than you, Sup Forums?

Yes, because we don't need to work as hard

I'm still getting paid more though

I may not work as hard but I wear deodorant and I don't poo in the office/

Work smarter, not harder. 40 hour workweek is more than sufficient unless some major shit has gone down.

there's nothing wrong with shitting in a street specifically designated as a shitting street

we should probably designate some shitting streets in canada to make indian immigrants feel welcome

So if he was given an equal opportunity, he would outperform you?

What you don't understand is that you have no rights to anything. Everything you have in society can be taken away and given to somebody else by (((the elite))). So you had better be willing to work like a slave to fight for your position, if you want to keep it or be able to afford to help your child attain the same.

So he deserves what you have more than you do, and therefore it is okay if the (((political establishment))) replaces you with him in society?

>All men are created equal


With our 150+ intellect, we use far more brain capacity for the calculation, resulting in more efficiency per square brainpower

Couple that with the fact that life is a struggle, or "Life is suffering" -Buddha, at least some of us work our asses off too for survival and preservation of a living standard.

Yes I know I live in Sweden, but this is why I use real flag to show that life is hard everywhere.

For Pooloo it's a matter of survival if he stops working, for someone living in a highly developed country it's a matter of falling down the ladder so far you might as well jump off a cliff to cushion the fall

>we should probably designate some shitting streets in canada to make indian immigrants feel welcome
top kek

Depends on what we had to perform in.
Somethings he would beat my ass in and it also goes vice versa


Yes, if I worked hard I wouldn't be spending my time arguing with retards on a chinese shadow puppetry forum.

"deserving" something is a made-up concept.
the universe doesn't care what you deserve.
all that matters is what you get, and how you earn it.

who cares? hes a dumber one.

i put probably half my effort into avoiding more work. working harder isn't very clever.

>implying he doesn't just take credit for his co workers work

The only thing you Swedes have to work hard at is earning an unlock from your chastity cages.

please keep your degenerate fantasies to yourself

I'm 23 and have never had a job, so he probably is a harder worker than me

Please leave NA culture out of our thread

No.He is a more desperate worker

Sweden is still more white than Canada especially Anglo-Canada despite the massive wave of migrants

Work smart > work hard

Yes, but im a gypsy and also have an iq of 160 ;)

Ashekenazi genes are amazing when you dont get the shit end of the stick

Ants and Bees are "hard workers". How the fuck is that any measurement of success?

>don't need to work as hard
>works all day every day and most of his income is used to feed Ahmed and his 10 children

Short answer: No

Longer Answer: No not really.

I'm an abbo with an IQ of 14,000
Wide noses and nigger lips are amazing when you don't get the shit end of the stick

If nobody has a right to not be a dirt poor street shitting indian, then what will you be getting? What will your presumably white children be getting?

>He doesnt know the Ashekenazi genes meme
Ashekenazis have brains that shit on everyone else, but get shitloads of diseases and their bodies don't work properly because of inbreeding

You can see this kid is not a 95 iq from eyes. He way smarter than that.

probably, but im more inteligant

You never hear ants or bees complain about "ant genocide" or a need to secure their future.

They just work hard, propagate, and expand.

>Ashekenazis have brains that shit on everyone else
Only verbal portions of IQ score.

That's because ants and bees aren't being overrun by roaches, thanks to the work of the flies.

I doubt it. I've walked until some of my toe nails fell off at work, carrying 50kg, gone for weeks on 4 hours sleep a night, eating only in the evenings and drinking a half litre out of a swamp. Just to keep an eye out for my brothers.

Now I do a lot less and get paid a lot more. But I will set myself up to be mostly self sufficient on some land with my wife, and I'll work hard again, but for myself this time.

Just because someone is brown and has to fetch water every day because they live in a slum it doesn't make them inherently a harder worker than me. I was the guy who visits the slum on the other side of the world and provides security and medicine when someone decides they want to kill the people there.

Nice cuck fantasy you got there turk

You say that, but social IQ is literally what separates humans from niggers, if you want pure mathematical prowess, learn to live like the ants in china

Almost everyone is a harder worker than I am.

You do realize IQ isn't genetic ? Reading shitloads of books gives you better verbal IQ, while doing advanced math makes you better at logic and geometry.

I will say this, Europeans for centuries have worked hard to develop the societies which have laid the ground for wealthy states. Just because some Asian or Indian is going to work 16 hours a day doesn't mean he is more deserving to live in a certain region. We worked hard so we don't have to work under those conditions. We set up an environment where we work hard, but not overly hard, otherwise, it's a race to the bottom and no one wins.

He may be smarter than me. But he wouldn't last half a day as a Hanstholm Dock loader.

Son, I never qualified it as bad. It is just a fact that I pointed out. Why so buttblasted?

I won't blame you for being retarded, you're from pakistan

Social intelligence is one of the things that varies the most with genetics

verbal IQ in ashekenazis is simply a correlation to their social IQ, we're basically the anti-autists, its what makes us so good at screwing people

>Still believes in the average iq meme

I have never actually seen an Indian work hard or work well. They just work cheap.