Crofag here, all serbs must die

Crofag here, all serbs must die.

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pali bre traktorče i kupaj se u mokraći ko pravi bre srbin bre

Replace serbs with nigger and your good to go

Idi bre ti se jos ljutis jer ti neko umro u ratu like wow luzeru
>pic related


sad sam fakat sve video

this. just google srbi peku ovna. 1st pic is serbitches orcs

Stop this b8

>Sasha and Sadie
Excellent choice.

Don't your people hate Serbs?

fuck off pineapple

Oh, do fuck off kid. How limited is your imagination and vocabulary that you have to resort to the most pathetic of baits to get (you)s.

There are 90% chances that you are square head shaped dinaridic troglodyte from Herzgovina or D.Zagora.

serb detected

In the internet sure what would the balkans be without iur good old fashion hot air?

In real life we don't care or are neutral about them,but everyone hate niggers though

yugoslavia will be back. it is only a matter of time.

I got drunk and pissed in a church in Dubrovnik. It's a nice city.

If it does, it won't be including us. We're just too different from them. The divorce is permanent.

The patrician's choice

What if we promise to invade Italy & Austria so you get Trieste and south Austria?

Do you tell yourself that every time you wake up? Dont worry, im not talking about you being included in "yugoslavia", no one wants that astral shithole back, just that you're not different from croats atleast. Which makes sense due to catholic background and austro-hungary borders.

*Orthodox turks

t. Indian Catholics

Karadzicu, vodi srbe svoje, vodi srbe svoje.
Nek se vidi, nikog ne se boje, nikog ne se boje.

If Croatian Faggots try to act tough in the Balkans, threatening war, or killing Serbs, Serbia should just say go ahead. If any sort of conflict, however large, breaks out, their 12 mil tourists will flock like a group of pigeons. Their country is already barely functioning with the tourism crutch to hold em up, so that would essentially break Croatia up into 10 pieces in and of itself.



British person getting drunk in Croatia, how surprising

gib back our borders or we'll veto the shit out of your schengen integration

I'm for it. I'd rather see Celovec and Trst be full of Bosnians than the assholes that currently live there.

Of course we're different. It's pretty strange for a Slovenian to witness a Croat using Muslim words for everyday thing like mahrama, česma or majmun.

rly makes you think roach hiding under deus vult flag

Rab reporting in, you guys high?

Serbs are just Croats but are stupid and look retarded most of the time (closer to Russians then)

General Wu is the most typically Serbocroatian-looking person of all time.

Pic is presidents of Bosnia and Herzogovina - one croat, one bosnian, and one serb. The one on the right looks like a turkish rapebaby.

Guess which one is serb?
Protip: the whitest one is a bosnian.

i see all my venerable coast being serbless.
fells good

THIS!!! Based murican

>my coast
Try Alfred and Spiegel more like.

Serbs don't hate Albos from Albania at all. Those from Kosovo and Macedonia aren't our cup of tea
>t. Serb on vacation in Greece

I heard the cops are looking for you, for what you did to that nigger in the bar. Props Marko

Oh, so having bosnians in slovenia = croats, i see.

i honestly dont give a fuck anymore im just grateful that i have blue eyes and light brown hair


But honestly, that negro looked so based

osijek reporting in , i want to die

Ask any country what they are known for they will say culture, music, food, history.

If you ask a Croat and Serb what their countries are known for they will say hating each other.

Of all the conflicts I have ever read about, this is one of the most retarded. You're the same people who speak the same religion.

Albos from Albania aren't so great, Istra is full of them, they have a lot of restorants.

And they do shit like serve pregrilled fish, frozen, then reheated in the microwave.

Dont wont to even start on the "culture"

why do you and the irish dont get along then?

Serbs are literally the reason the western world is in the shitter.

Serbs started ww1 (which also led to ww2), which killed more white people than any muslim or any other foreign conquest

no, but Bosnians are a side-effect (necessary evil?) of Yugoslavia. Wherever there is anything Yugoslavia-related, there are hundreds of thousands of Bosnian immigrants as well.

Oversimplification. Many countries are not known for anything, and Croatia is actually known for its beaches and Serbia for genocide.

I'm glad we see eye to eye on this

Perhaps if Austro-Hungary had remained we might have become civilized in these parts but "da ebul opressor!!!!!" s*rbs couldnt fucking accept not being savage barbarians

I agree there

Da malo skrenem sa teme:

Šta mislite o rehabilitaciji Josipa Broza Tita kao velikog Hrvata koji je vladao zastranjelim jugoslavenskim carstvom?
Ako se protiviš Brozu, brišeš gotovo četiri desetljeća hrvatske povijesti i radiš medijski cirkus kad ti je lakše napravit ono što rade ljevičari: Usvojiti.

Šta mislite?

Mogao bih napravit youtube kanal pričati ovako cijeli dan, jel bi mi se ko subscrajbao i dao šekele na patreonu?


You mean Nigger Disneyland?



udri se desnom nogom

Croats and Bosnians lived much better under Austria-Hungary. But serbs had to chimp out.

It's sad how such an irrelevant nation like serbs led to so much death and destruction.

Low quality bant, you know full well Serbia just initiated and wasn't the cause of ww1, it would have started anyways in the following years or months faggot.

More Croats talk about Serbs than their beaches. My family is Croatian. it's all my dad and relatives talk about when they drink. When I jokingly told my dad i'm a proud Serb and want to marry a Serbian woman he beat me with a belt.

Only a Serb could be proud at his behaviour in Haag

Why don't we stop the hate?

>it would have started anyways in the following years or months faggot.
>would've, should've, could've

There were tensions in Europe. I didn't even say that Serbs were the cause of ww1.

But the trigger was literally the killing of Archduke - nobody even denies that serbs are to blame for this.

Serbs were never the cause - they are too irrelevant and unimportant. But they were the trigger that led to the death of Europe.

Shvatit ću to kao "Da, subskrajbao bi"

this is now american hate thread

Lmfao this



go eat drumpfy's semen as usual

Indeed, but croatia is over 90% croatian, which you cant say for other ex-yu countries and it keeps it self wrapped up in cultural stuff all the time, as much as we try to be degenerates like other western countries. I dont know much places that associate with bosnian/serbian culture aside from maybe Vukovar due to it having like 40% serbs.

*blocks your path*


raus srbine

Weren't you both supposed to carve up Bosnia together? What happened?

Based muslims happned

>rehabilitaciji Josipa Broza Tita
lik je mrtav

You could say he was cro fag user or crofagnon

I have eat worse in the capitales of north europe.
Where are turists there are opportunists.


dobra ideja, mogao bi nastaviti kult koji stuje tita i primamit budale na sakupljane
a kad se budete sastajali bacis im granatu u prostoriju i resis se tumora balkana

Sad već znam da imam potencijala, morat ću samo iskrivit glas da me ne nađete i ne istučete ;_;

Friendly reminder that Croats are so fucking mentally ill they're trying to erase the memory of a man who literally saved them after WW2.
If there was no Croat Tito you would be utterly fucked. National schizophrenia of the highest order.

>croat can't afford so much heavenly chocolate that he falls asleep in a pile of it and stains his shorts


another one

cool story bro


>americans fall asleep in piles of chocalate

>gay fetish
no surprise here

Ive known alot of Croats in the west (Canada ands america, mostly Canada) and they are more extreme than others from Europe. It might be the ustasha thing with them fleeing over the ocean after ww2. Knew my uncle who was from Vancouver, and his croat wife's family hated the living shit out of him. He was depressive so that wasn't good but also had a fuck load of money and they couldn't do shit to him. He was really smart, won the math genius contest for Bosnia yugo republic some year.


Dubrovnik was a shithole

Are you fucking retarded?
No Tito means Chetniks get to be the legitimate resistance to Germans in WW2.
There was no Croatian opposition to ustashas besides Tito's communists.
Without those communists, you're literally just people who picked the wrong side, while Serbs fought against occupiers. You would be raped in every sense.

hey, don't knock Croatian chocolate until you've tried it, palsy

these people literally got shamed in the streets while in america they are praised

Serbia's PM is a literal dyke

didn't you and the bosnia get fucked by serbs tho?
the only thing that saved you guys was NATO


Fuck Cro-ape-shita and the fucking crescent moon on their flag.

> all serbs must die
Why do you want to kill yourself, catholic serb?

thats hardcore dood!


>the only thing that saved you guys was NATO
>he confuses Kosovo with Bosnian War
>doesn't know that even tiny Slovenia kicked Serbshit ass