This is the 46th President, say something nice about him


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Yep. Zuck the cuck 2020: At least he isnt Drumpf!

He has worse hair than Donald Trump

OMG I love Facebook! Imagine how much he will connect the world.

He is a billionaire Jew who owns a literal doomsday bunker.

What part of "billionaire Jew with a literal doomsday bunker" do you think appeals to Cletus and Hyde on their farm in South Carolina?

Seems to be taking to medication well

He has a very punchable face.

Where, behind the laughing serial killer?

This. The next president most likely will require the support of middle America. Liberal urban America has finally lost its death grip. How will the left ever recover. Seems like all they can do is try the celeb angle which wont work. Trump wasnt voted for because he was a celeb it was because he was a bigot.

He can connect to my wifes world if you know what I mean.

>implying he wants to be president

trump won because of the rust belt which wont vote for zuckcuck in a million years.

go be a leaf elsewhere.


Why did you vote for Jewdo?

They are probably hoping all the "rural retards" die of old age and the mexicans take over.

I wonder what kikebook would be like during his run up to the election

I ment bigot in a good way.

He's a 5'7" California Jew.

His chance of becoming president is -300%.

good try dumb leaf.

He has the neck of a whippet.

This fucker is dumber than Trump. And don't give me this shit that he's rich. He stole the idea of Facebook. He stole the code. He had to fuck his investors out of money with the help of Lawyers. Nothing this asshat has done has been done with his own brainpower.

we here in the rust belt will backstab trump if our life don't improve in the next 3yrs.

Even if it means voting for the rock.

isn't he incredibly awkward and skittish?

dude has social anxiety.

Well, he's just related to the Rockefellers.

we all know this, but would you actually vote for zuck over bernie if they have the same platform?

I thought rednecks loved doomsday prepping?

He's not wrong. I even had to tell Doogie Howser that James Woods got it right and he should go back to the Magic Castle and shut the fuck up.

Whoa man, honestly that's how Commies talk about Trump. He would be the liberal Trump but way less social.

What are you going on about. You ass hurt because I said he was a bigot?
>Someone who is intolerant to other views and opinions.
Literally exactly what is needed to counter the PC culture.


Daily reminder to delete your kikebooks.
Speaking of soulless kikes, I just learned that jewess criminal Debbie Wasserman Shultz is a kike slumlord.
When is this cunt going to prison for her other crimes?

>I will get tough on Putin
>But first I must feel

I’ll fuck you till you love me

anyone means anyone, so yes
we're arsonists, not politicians. Trump was our fuck you to the democrats, the democrats might as well be our fuck you to the republican scourge if he fails on his promises.

>What are you going on about.
call you a stupid leaf like I just did.

they're running the same platform.

why would you vote zuckcuck over bernie?

I hate this asshole but I would probably vote for him.

They should be in jail for child abuse. Poor kid, I don't think anything makes me as angry as shit like this.

how cringe worthy is it that he's paying people to meme this shit?

paying people what? like money?

I thought all he had was GOLD.

Fuck that guy literally the biggest pussy ever