This triggers Sup Forums like it's tumblr

>oh no, the white guy is not the center of attention
>oh no, different people are getting along
>oh no, a non-white guy is next to a christian girl even though I fap to anime, watch porn and don't practice christianity, I'm offended!

time to grow some thick skin before this place becomes tumblr 2.0

ive seen a lot of netherlands posts with racemixing propaganda today, Sad!

>racemixing propaganda
see. where did I mention anything about mixing or sex or procreating or anything?

you get triggered and then you get your autistic vietnam flashbacks and start seeing shit that isn't there.

>black kid with an e= shirt
Fucking lol. They're really trying to push this "niggers can be smart too," thing.

>implying they can not be


Go away Ahmed


fuck off tyrone

What did they mean by this?

>le cool kids from the past, made by graphic artist who is too fucking old

much better