How can we stop the moortuguese menace?

Syrians, algerians, niggers, pakis, chinks? They're nothing compared to the huge demographic threat coming from Portugal. Yes, I'm talking about those swarthy midgets flooding Europe like they rapefugees.

Unable to prosper in their own country due to low IQ, the moortuguese are emigrating en masse from that shithole they call homeland, settling in white countries further north while blacking and lowering the genetic quality of the host population.

Over 1/4 of the people born in Portugal lives abroad, mainly France and the USA (1,5 millions each), Switzerland and Germany (300.000 each), UK (200.000), Spain and Luxembourg (100.000+ each).
Just so you get an idea of how the moortguese are destroying Europe take a look this small town in Luxembourg called Larochette. Out of 2012 inhabitants 909 had portuguese nationality (45,2%), and this was in 2011 and without counting all the portunigglets born in Luxembourg. Why the fuck do people from a 10 million country go to live in a 1k small town of tiny Luxembourg?

We have to stop this. The moortuguese are clearly not european, their behaviour and migration patterns make them similar to sandniggers. Can't wait for the day of the rope to get rid off these shitskins.

Other urls found in this thread:

Congrats your level of imagination only surpasses your inferiority complex
Show us your flag third worlder....

portuguese = shitskins

If it´s not a brownzilian it´s some latino , they are known for this shit , but yeah most likely a niggerzilian

Fuck off octoroons.

Are you cranky because you're out of sopa de macaco?

Are you triggered because I called you shitskin you moor rapebaby?

Why are all your women beetle-browed?

You can go one with your cherrypicking strange look's or even foreigner ones, dear mongrl
The reality is a different story

lmao, that guy is obviously not portuguese. who are you trying to fool alien? we are not like you sorry.

Will you accuse me of cherrypicking genetics this time? Your people are that dark because you're all octoroons.

That guy is a moortuguese immigrant in France called Zumeo.

You can´t even interpret a basic graph how can you talk about genetics or phenotypes. This mongrls are becoming ridiculous.

That map you posted, it's pre-historic caucasoid berber, so call it african it's ridiculous. The same to the west asian from turkey in central europe. No less than 5000 years old origin.

>That guy is a moortuguese immigrant in France called Zumeo.

You are lying again. He is not portuguese for sure, much less with that name

Wow, you are a faggot. You do realize that the Portuguese kicked off the Age of Exploration that led to the ascendancy of Europe, right?

Exactly; Moors were not bl*ck like in Afrocentrist fantasy.

>making a X is non white thread
>hiding behind a meme flag
A jew or an American, pick your poison

nigger from angola, moves to portugal for a better live, no job and discrimination moves to france "im portuguese" also with that name probably brazilian

You triggered fags!
Barbosa is one of the funniest memes of all time because its ridiculous. The US is the most cosmopolitan nation in the fucking world on pair with France while the rest of europe is either drowning in migrants or is made up of slavshits.

Whats there not to like? Look at his smug face. Hes making fun of all of Sup Forums.

Your iq is just too low to understand anything.
First of all moors are from Africa so what's wrong on calling them african.
Second what you call "pre-historic caucasoid berber" is actually 75% arab 25% nigger, and you got raped by them. One drop rule my nigger friend.

Go back to Portugal Joao.

Are you implying that researchers who make those genetic studies can't differentiate a portuguese and an angolan?

Post a pic of your dick. We need to see if you are really white. It needs to be security signed and posted on your Facebook account.

Hey. Its only fair. We need to be sure.

so many cases

>Exactly; Moors were not bl*ck like in Afrocentrist fantasy.

It has nothing to do with moors, it's neolithic or mesolithic. That's why northern iberia that rather saw any moors had "more" than the south iberia.
The same for west-asian, it's pre-historic.

>Second what you call "pre-historic caucasoid berber" is actually 75% arab 25% nigger, and you got raped by them. One drop rule my nigger friend.

No it is not arab. It's mozabite - berber. Different from arab, but also caucasoid in origin. and we are talking about ridiclous values 2% to 6% north-african, the west-asian in more in central and north europe.

uh the wikipedia hundreds of times debunked graph

There are one million portuguese subhumans in Paris François. Stop defending these fools.

>It has nothing to do with moors, it's neolithic or mesolithic
Wtf are you talking about you dumb fuck? You got raped by moors, period. Stop talking shit or prove it's neolithic/mesolithic.

>It's mozabite
Ok shitskin then it's not arab but mozabite. Pic related raped your ancestors.

The original populations of iberia were not indo-europeans. They were afro-asiatics who were related to the pelasgians, etruscans and hatians.
Thats why in genetic studies the portuguese are seen as homogenous with ancient iberians. Niggers since 4000 bc.

You are the dumb fuck, lel you can´t even stand a point mongrel.
Portuguese and spaniards are not related to arabs or to moors, if we were we wouldn't be genetically separated of them, and we would cluster with them and not with the rest of europeans

"Genetic distances and principal component analyses [B]show a clear differentiation of NW African and Iberian groups of samples, suggesting a strong genetic barrier matching the geographical Mediterranean Sea barrier. [/B]The restriction to gene flow may be attributed to the navigational hazards across the Straits, but cultural factors must also have played a role. ... Iberian samples show a substantial degree of homogeneity and fall within the cluster of European-based genetic diversity."

(Comas et al. 2000)

don´t cry grandson of slaves

hello immigraant, you have to go back

chupa nisso mouro

A "white supremacist" afraid of white Europeans and wanting every non European to go to his country instead of other Europeans.

He called us swarthy midgets!!!
He thinks he has an IQ above the Portuguese average!!!
And he threatens to kill us! But is waiting for one special day to come!!!!

You are so, so funny... thank you for this.


Also, about Portuguese oversees:
1,5M in USA
1,5M in France
300K in Switzerland
300K in Germany
200K in U.K.
+100K in Spain
+100 K in Luxembourg.

And your forgot Brazil, Venezuela and many other places. And believe me, our numbers are much greater than that in all of those countries.

You will not be able to understand, we are a nation of conquerors and while I am against this new wave of immigration, I have to say as the Father António Vieira said in the XVII century:


It pretty much illustrates our genetic code.

You are either another butthurt brazilian, a crying spaniard, an assblasted angolan, or simply the usual "american" jew.

Please do tell which for posterity.

I bet he is an american. Those other guys wouldn't write in such good english.

Portanto, ou comunista ou imigrante.
O teu lugar é fora da europa.

A verdade é tudo menos comunismo mouro de merda.

Nah , He is a Spanish person , I know that now because a spaniard commented and he didnt insult him or called him a moor , brazilians and burgers would have done that , also see how he includes spain in the list of countries portugal emigrates too

Who's that guy?
I've been told I look like the great Portuguese, pic related. Come on, call this pure Atlantic-Mediterranean European legend a moor...

Olhem o braçinho castanho da criatura , e o cabelinho de panasca merdileiro

Exept ancient iberians don't show nigger admixture but modern portuguese do.

Facts trigger you soooo much. You can't accept that moors raped you and that's why you're part black unlike other europeans.
Look at pic related. Why is PTG (Portugal) much closer to north africans unlike other euros?

Heróis do mar, nobre povo,
Nação valente, imortal,
Levantai hoje de novo
O esplendor de Portugal!
Entre as brumas da memória,
Ó Pátria sente-se a voz
Dos teus egrégios avós,
Que há-de guiar-te à vitória!

Às armas, às armas!
Sobre a terra, sobre o mar,
Às armas, às armas!
Pela Pátria lutar!
Contra os canhões
marchar, marchar!

Desfralda a invicta bandeira
À luz viva do teu céu!
Brade a Europa à terra inteira:
Portugal não pereceu
Beija o solo teu jucundo
O oceano, a rugir d'amor,
E o teu braço vencedor
Deu novos mundos ao Mundo!

Às armas, às armas!
Sobre a terra e sobre o mar,
Às armas, às armas!
Pela Pátria lutar!
Contra os canhões
marchar, marchar!

Saudai o Sol que desponta
Sobre um ridente porvir;
Seja o eco de uma afronta
O sinal de ressurgir.
Raios dessa aurora forte
São como beijos de mãe,
Que nos guardam, nos sustêm,
Contra as injúrias da sorte.

Às armas, às armas!
Sobre a terra e sobre o mar,
Às armas, às armas!
Pela Pátria lutar!
Contra os canhões
marchar, marchar!

Let's see your flag, mate

Listen, boy, you need to know who you are picking to illustrate us. You can't believe we're all South Asians and gypsies, can you?

And why do you hate us so much?
Why are you hiding your flag?

What do you think about Spain OP?

Tenta de novo. Essa foi fraca princesa.
I never said they were niggers, I said they were akin to asiatic populations such as the above mentioned. They were completely akin to north africans.

What's even that?
I have an "eagle" (monobrow), and I am very proud of it. I don't shave it, did you know in the middle ages monobrowed men were hunted for being suspected wearwolves?

Come on, what did Big Portuguese Cock did to you or your family? Tell us...

Já limpastes a minha sanita macacão?
Manda a tua mãe vir agora que a piça nao se chupa sozinha

Aposto que vieste para Portugal mamar com piça "moura" meu panasca.

Oh que lindo. Um ainda está a tentar instigar e o outro mouro ainda acredita que sou imigrante.

O mais engraçado é que ele tira um foto com uma camara com qualidade de merda , com muita iluminação e só tira foto da parte do braço que nao apanha sol kkkk , e mesmo assim ainda dá para ver que é castanho como a merda , depois o cabelinho é mesmo á viado merdileiro

You ignorant bastardised "man".
Did you know that Zumeo is everything you want to believe it is except a Portuguese name?

You ignorant bastardised "man".
Do you understand that genetic map you show *CAN NOT BE* related to any inflow of genes into Europe in the last 3500 years because it presents an East-West gradient in the Iberian Peninsula, as well as the absense of North-South one, going counter every single population movement recorded in History?
And before you say Atlantic Slave Trade, why does Galiza (NW Spain) appear just like the rest of Portugal.

In the Iberia Peninsula the Northwest is Celtic/Atlantic and the Southeast is Iberian/Mediterranean.

Learn your genetics first, uneducated bastard.

Diz o que quiseres, eu consigo cheirar o cheiro a paneleiro daqui, cheira a contentor de esperma.

Vem testar a tua virilidade então.

Iberians (portuguese and spaniards) don´t cluster with north-africans, never ever in any genetic approach even in your map.
Iberians all connections and genetic proximities are other europeans.

Portuguese are:
>dark skinned
>low iq
>emigrate like shitskins
Now tell me what makes you "white European" when you move to France, Germany, Switzerland, etc. to do the same shitskins do? Invading other countries and living off their welfare puts you in the same category as a syrian or turk.

Spaniards are moor rapebabies like but at least don't invade and create ghettos in other countries.

Fernando Meira.
>Come on, call this pure Atlantic-Mediterranean European legend a moor...
I hope you're joking.

Go back to Niggerland you nigger.

The ones I posted aren't gypsies. Tell me which one it and post sources or shut up.

Conheces bem o cheiro então. Anda lá moço não desiludas. Não te acovardes agora.

Cala-te brasucagueiro, tens que regressar ao hemisfério sul.

>That map you posted, it's pre-historic caucasoid berber

It can't be explained as berber. It would be higher in South and Southeast Iberia.
We simply do not know why the Western façade of the Iberian Peninsula has more "African" or "North African" ancestry than the East. We truly do not know - not even the scientists.

At least show your flag you literal faggot , if you have the balls ofc , wich you don´t , you are too afraid of us to show where the fuck you are from

Pá claro que conheço, já fui estudante universitário.

I never said iberians cluster with north africans since for that you'd need to be at 80% moor, what I said is that they raped you and left a genetic legacy in the order of like 15-20% (specially in portuguese), that's why you have black admixture while other europeans don't.

Vem testar Aladino, não percas a bazófia. Nem todos somos zé povinhos. Ainda existem brancos e altos como o nosso primeiro rei.

Show us your flag

>Go back to Niggerland you nigger.

I'm a brit. And youre the cunt hiding behind a meme flag shitting on brother Europeans, you utter ringpiece

>At least show your flag you literal faggot
>posts in meme flag

Mesmo a dizer que andou enrolado com quengas.

Please, show the equivalent for your "white supermacist homeland" or shut the fuck up.

But let me tell you that number seems to high. How many studies do you want me to find with lower percentages?
Do you understand how stupid that game you're playing is, "man"?

About IQ, I'm not revealing mine, but I'd be ashamed if you had two thirds of my IQ.

Já tu tens um braço bem forte filho, que exercício fazes?

Respect our diaspora, you are a shame to that shameful republican flag you sport, bitch.

Lambadas em nabos.

Responde-me em português avec de merda. Fazes tudo pra inglês ver.

>You got raped by moors, period.

Please, show us an evidence of such an interesting claim, "man".

Don't you see you like like a retard when you post mozabites and claim they are *our* ancestors, "man"? Come on, make me laugh again!

>The original populations of iberia were not indo-europeans. They were afro-asiatics who were related to the pelasgians, etruscans and hatians.

Please, show us some proof to that ridiculous claim.

Also, you are joking, or are you that ignorant?

É, aposto que gostas de dar umas chapadas em cus negros, deixa-te todo duro e molhadinho seu safadão, aposto que também tens uma daquelas jaulas para a piça para te sentires preso enquanto te vai ao cu.

Por acaso até me ri.

Só para todos verem, este panasca já foi virado tantas vezes que se ri de uma piça preta a entrar neste cu.

Responde-me em português. Estou farto que cantem hinos e façam merdas pra inglês ver.

É muito parvo estares a tirar esse tipo de fotos pa provares que és "branco".
O melhor que um tuga tem a fazer nestas situações é ... baleia branca!

Mas a sério, é parvo. Não sejam tão ridículos. Isto deve ser um puto que apanhou a irmã a ser comida pelos tugas da construção civil ou assim...

>what I said is that they raped you and left a genetic legacy in the order of like 15-20% (specially in portuguese), that's why you have black admixture while other europeans don't.

But that's a wishfull thinking halfbreed lie.
No iberian scores 20% north-african. The values in iberian peninsula are ridiculous small to even have a discussion about them, besides being caucasoid, it's 3%-4% 7%. I dont see you worried about the westasian in all central europe and i know why, because you are a buthurted mongrl

If we were 20% northa-african, in the genetic dna - most near populations genetically connected to us in the entire world (see pic)... the morrocans had to be there, but they are not, not even in the first 30 populations. Portuguese people are even more similar to a guy from norway than to a morrocan

Simplesmente hilariante, tens jeito pra esta merda.

Dude if your people were any good Portugal wouldn't be a shithole and you wouldn't emigrate by the millions.
What makes you shorter, browner, poorer, less successful than other european countries? Shitskin admixture. It's a no brainer but you guys live in a perpetual state of denial.

Sim antifa brasucagueiro, sim. Achas que enganas quem? nenhum portuguea digno diria a merda que tu dizes, isso é comportamento de escumalha.

I used to have a Portugese friend, Jorge, he was white I think. Dark hair, green eyes, pale skin.

Good guy. Couldn't drink. Once cried at a party because no girls would talk to him (fucking lol).

Ahh I miss that fella.

Eu concordo com o op. Tenho senpaiília emigrante. São todos uns covardes que queriam vida boa a viver das regalias de outros povos mas adoram proclamar a nacionalidade. Se lhe perguntassem quem é o maior herói nacional diriam com certeza Ronaldo ou Salvador.

>13 posts by this Id
>hides flag

What would it be? Leafs or Kangoos?

You can't. Moortugals have already taken over.

Há sempre um panisca que acha que sou imigrante.

I already did you retard. Check my previous posts.

As I showed you before you're on average 3,2% black, so if north africans are 20-25% black that makes you indeed 15-20% moor. Deal with it.
You just need to look at a crowd of portuguese people to notice the foreign admixture.

Sabes que não é de graça.
Tens fotos das mamas de alguma e namorada/amiga/prima?

Lados obliterados

Não cultivo selvajaria, vai pedir à ciganada que anda aqui à solta.

yes, the new "portuguese" people, and this is "french" people. lmao

Now that made me laugh again! Thank you, "man".

1) I've never "moved" to any country. The burden of proof is on you to show me that my compatriots abroad live like those funny creatures (shitskins, syrians, turks). I am waiting for some semblance of proof to such a ridiculous claim.

I am posting an image of Fernando Meira without an heavy tan. Yes, he seems to be a pure Atlanto-Mediterranean as well, but I was referring to myself. And honestly, I don't care if you don't consider us "white" because you sound like a stupid person, I just find it amusing.

>tfw undercover portugese mooring the population of Germany

Putas de gajas feias, fds, obrigado por nada, rabeta.

>Demographic threat
>A country with a population less than 10 millions

There are literally more Shitskins in UK than Portuguese people in Portugal

Fuck off sandnigger jew

>hides behind a meme flag
>proceeds to insult other people/nation

Yes, you might have solved the mystery...

You have been debunked in all the lies, and about that, you were debunked here:

see graph... sorry third worlder.

pic related
keep in mind the earliest traces of megalithism are in the levant, what happened is that some of these levantines followed the north african coast, mixed with the locals, and entered Iberia following the atlantic coast
another interesting thing is that the megalithic people from Sweden, Funnelbeakers, apparently also showed african/north african signals

Ya ya, mantêm o soldado de pé.

Quem é o melhor homem para presidente, e porque é o Bruno de Carvalho?

É tão raro encontrar uma mulher portuguesa atraente.

Se te comportas como um imigrte a falar merda sobre Portugal (tipico de sabujos ressabiados), ou então como comunista traidor, é normal que todos achem que és. Nos tempos da outra senhora já tinhas voado de varandas


De onde achas que vem a capacidade de estar a dizer uma mentira ao mesmo tempo que inventa a próxima?