Why don't you smoke marijuana? It's safer unlike others such as alcohol, meth, heroin and etc. We all need to get off sometimes, you know? Plus it makes you happy. If you're down, Sup Forums. Why don't you toke it up?!
>b-b-b-but b-b-brain damage nice big pharma propaganda
Elijah King
>Becoming dependant on drugs, legal or not. Wew
Ethan Rivera
Weed is for niggers. Neck yourself.
Juan Gomez
Need For Weed: Pot Pursuit
it's hard to hate weed when you're baked
if weed ruins you, then it means you already sucked, because only someone who sucks would let weed ruin them
Henry Green
weedposters are cancer
Oliver Flores
Why try to push an illegal habit on anyone? I don't care about the facts, reality is white people could go to jail because of your faggot post. Do weed or whatever you want but don't push it on others.
Aaron Wright
Weed will make you one lazy motherfucker , mark my words.
Sebastian Davis
My brother is in his late 20s and he has smoked pot for over a decade. He constantly loses things because of all the short-term memory loss due to marijuana. It's not a safe drug.
Henry Ward
he clearly smokes too much
having a single beer after a hard days work and getting drunk every day are different things too
moderation is key, if you suck too much to moderate how much you smoke, then you already sucked
Luis Foster
Fuck off good for nothing stoner. Weed actually contains carcinogens like tobacco so it can give you cancer. It also fucks up your mental health and makes you an unproductive loser. It can also make you impotent.
No reason to do any of these shitty drugs, be healthy and raise a healthy family.