How can people honestly think taxation isn't theft?

Fucking leftist cunts.
>"What's mine is mine, and what's yours is negotiable"
Yeah, bullshit, get the fuck off my property or eat my shotgun. GOVERNMENT GET OUT REEEEEEEEEEE

I agree. Now pay for my toddler's sex change.


I used to think the same until I started thinking on how to build a civilization and suddenly realized why taxation is necessary.

What a bigot. You have to help the inferior so they can multiply and make the world a worse place.

have you ever heard about the term "mutualization"? It's not theft because people agree to it.... If you don't agree go live where you won't be using any public infrastructure; road, electricity, garbage removal, water pipe, street light. People all agree to tax so they can have these.... But how would you know? You've never tried living without these...


as far as I know my taxes aren't going to Germany....

Wrong. Those services could be provided without the use of force. Taxation is theft, period.

I didn't agree to my government. There shouldn't be a government, because TAXATION IS THEFT

our country was created on resistance to tax..just goes to show you how brainwashed we have become

Fine, then stop using gov services

HOW!?! I can't even put solar power and get off the grid without being fined. Are you fucking retarded.

easy, nationalize non renewable resources like oil, coal and national gas, use these profits to fund your civilization...any citizen is free to start a business in any sort of renewable product or service and then will not be taxed

I wouldn't use them if the government fucked off. But they violently insist on controlling things that aren't theirs. Hence, they are a gang of bandits and thieves.

What's wrong with taxation, Seems fine to me.


Go innawoods

>B-B-But how would i eat tendies innawoods?

the woods are government property in most countries

Do that and the government sends its thugs, aka "police" after me for need being a good goy and giving them my property.

Tax is what white people pay to secure a civilized society. Don't like it? stfu nigger and gtfo

What, a tyrannical government bent on destroying the very people it forces to pay taxes? So civilized.

Fiat money is not real. Goes to kikes. The right loves zionism

Don't even use them and still being taxed for it. My company offers me medical insurance to a private hospital, why should my money go to the public one, if I know I'll never use it?

There's always some shithead to make this exact comment. As if
>I can live anywhere and not be under some governing body's magisterium
>I agreed to some kind of contract upon birth
>I wasn't born into involuntary debt slavery under the threat of force

Our governments are actively trying to wipe out white people and you run into their defense

Lies, In Brazil they really steal all of the taxes money and we can still use all of those