I had LASIK 2 years ago

I had LASIK 2 years ago

I went from +2.50 on my left, -1.75 on my right, and i had astigmatism on both.
Now i have fucking perfect vision

>using glasses/contacts in 2016

Are you fucking inbred and retarded?? Why do you use contacts/glasses in 2016??? its fucking stone age technology. Fucking grow up

>hurrdurr its expensive
Get a new jobb
>hurrdurr ur cornea will fall off meme
No its a fucking meme lie

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My vision keeps changing slightly so I need to wait

I could easily afford it but the thought of complications scares the fuck out of me

I've been considering this, I have astigmatism and basically we're the best candidates.
I should get it done

>Letting the kikes alter your vision

Good goy.


not lasek
it's like you don't even want to play pro football or become an astronaut

it's a little more painful, but far more durable especially when it comes to getting hit in the face. and you never know when you might get hit in the face

Cool. I'm currently an ophthalmology resident, not doing much with lasik but focusing on retinal surgery. Glad your eyes are better now.

I don't mind wearing glasses, so wheres the upside for me? Serious question.

do you know how to speak to a large crowd of any size? you take out your contacts nice going greatest idiot