If the jews ever compromise Sup Forums where should we all meet up
If the jews ever compromise Sup Forums where should we all meet up
how about reddit lol
Everywhere you fool
If you don't already know, you are very very new.
I will shit post and troll while giving aids cancer to all of the internet ending every post with a redpill
Your mom's house. We all know where it is.
Fools just tell me......its already to late they wouldn't let me send last post
You should know by now else you are a newfag
we already have a location, and Sup Forums has already been compromised by the jew.
... and if you don't already know about the path of light and the 8 of diamonds, am sure as hell not telling you.
>we are on the same team
sounds like you are tryimg to gain someone's trust schlomo
btw its reddit
we meet at the local McD's and prepare our onslaught on the liberal faggot whole foods
Nah... You're good son. That's it. That's all we'll have left. I'm not going to jump through hoops with onion or dip my hand in the stormfront honeypot, so 8 or busy if this gets shut down.
They are almost too serious over there though.
I wonder who is behind this post.
Reddit. Thats where we all go.
Isnt that right oldfags ;)
Ehh? Ehh? *nudge*
>... and if you don't already know about the path of light and the 8 of diamonds, am sure as hell not telling you.
Then how does anyne eever find ot about it you fucking faggot
the YGWBT board on user-ib
Can't we do a suicide pact instead? I would rather die than to live without Sup Forums.
You first.
I know about the path of light but that cant be as deep as the rabbit hole goes for ppl like us... I've lurked for years and no one talks about where to go next....there has to be a way to learn :(
>if ever
I got some bad bad news for you guys then... This place has been a honeypot since at least the zimmerman trial. Not only do they have your name and location but your political views and psychological profile as well!
Now when I think about, who would win if one decides to kill themselves?
We'll meet at the docks.
The code phrase is "one hand washes the other"
All i want is a hint ill figure out where to go from there
All right fair enough
Follow the white rabbit
That is enough. If you are smart enough you will figure it out, works as a filter for dumb normies.
>If the jews ever compromise Sup Forums
Hahahaha, who do you think runs it?
does anyone have the pic of brit/pol/ trying to meet up and fail miserably
Fuck off phoneposter. You can't come to the new secret club.
Got it thanks
YOU JUST GOT KNOCKED THE FUCK OUT is the password also be sure to have a 5 of spades card
Password for what? Discord?
shut up lad
The White House.
im to fucking stupid to follow any hints aand i'll never find it
>there are still people that aren't on the radio-packet based Sup Forums image only bbs
4+Sup Forums
Its OK achmed just get on this boat....
No it's the 11 of diamonds
Sup Forums made me sexually attractive to traps and follow MGTOW
I'd say the jew has already been here for years
moot sold this place to (((google))) so it was compromised a while ago. with all the soros jared shilling, it is dead.
Do i need a proxy to access?
I thought being gay wasn't a choice?
I'm not gay
I love women. All women.
Traps = men = gay.
nice try jew
Did you find it yet?
There is more than one Sup Forums
traps have penis, doesn't mean they're men
we'll hijack reddit, they cannot resist us, our meme magic is to great.