51st state of mind

So in case any of you faggots havent realized Puertoricans have decided to become the 51st state...
I'm a Puertorrican myself and I was wondering what a bunch of "racist, homophobic, anglosaxons, white, cis gender, attack helicopters, fox news lovers, etc" thinks about this...

I'm a spic who loves fucking white woman

You pidgin speaking islanders are going to fuck up our flag. Man up and maintain some semblance of your own identity.

I'm a white woman, got kik?

t. nigger
How would you even get to the States? You might as well just apply for citizenship and move to the U.S. right now. nothing would change in terms of geographic mobility if Puerto-Rico became a state.

My advice, invest in Puerto-Rican business, the cheap labor force will be a marketable asset if you do end up becoming a state.

PR becoming a state just transfers power to the democrats

Illinois, you're out. Puerto Rico, you're in.

Puerto ricans are nigger tier
You're basically Haitians and Jamaicans, always going on about how your better than Messicans but honestly, you're even beneath them

Sure, but no more Spanish. Mandatory English. Also legalize prostitution and all drugs.

You retard, puerto ricans are citizens

what's in it for me?

>reason it wont happen
fuck chicago
yes but not worse than Haitians

We are unfortunately getting a wave of Puertoricans who are mostly nu-males and landwhales.

>not worse than haitians

Congress isn't going to let you're monkey asses win with that debt though

sorry we're full we dont want you as a 51st state

Are there any republicans in Puerto Rico or is it going to be solid blue state?


We don't want you.

Nobody cares niggerican

>solid blue

Fuck off, we're full.

I have no issue with Puerto Rican people, however only 20% of your people voted in the whole referendum and Puerto Rico is saddled with a massive debt. So you folks can stay as a territory for now

Oh yeah, nobody watches fox news anymore. Except for maybe registered Republicans but there are not many of those on here or even Democrats for that matter.

You're not getting statehood.

pay denbt

To me, this seems like a no-brainer. I don't see any benefits whatsoever for allowing PR statehood.

They get citizenship by default already, we just get to pay their massive dept, fuck our flag up and add a blue state when they join the union. sounds like a good deal right?

Those niggers are pretty decent. They are better than niggers.

grito de lares 2 electric booglaloo

Lebanon has 50 states?

Why do Puerto Rican chicks get ugly as fuck when they get older?

You mean you get to become the 2nd 39th state?

Gib independence or nuke (or both)
This island is shit and the people are worse.

AMERICA needs maids and dishwashers

Fake boobs are ugly.

Great reasoning to let you become a state. More arrogant beaners is exactly what we need

>Puertoricans have decided

those are real, faggot.

As a puertorican living in the U.S. Don't let Puerto Rico in. Every person from Puerto Rico that moves to the states does it because they're sick of PR's ignorant ass shit.

Mueranse cabrones, prefiero ser gringo que cafres hijos de puta sin nacion como ustedes.

you dont even fuck your own women, because you know ours our superior...got it amigo, keep on fucking from the bottom of the white barrell

Puerto Rico must vote 2/3rds towards becoming a state to even be considered. They voted slightly above 50%

Tiny island that is so inbred & rece-mixed, the DNA there is Fucked-Up. Puerto Rican's are Ugly as Fuck.

He doesn't need to be a citizen, PRs can come to the US mainland.

>He thinks white women are Superior
All women are trash

Puerto Rico is in terrible shape. Financially, educationally, it's a train wreck.

This statehood thing is a last ditch gambit to pass off unsolvable local problems to the US Taxpayer.

Puerto rico is a disgusting third world shithole full of spics, nuke it.

>implying we don't pay taxes

>a bankrupt island full of caribbean nogs
Wow, such great addition to our country.

Fuck off Lauren Southern

Even if you had been a state this election cycle, it would still have been Trump by a large electoral margin.

I personally think PR should be a state.
I also think CA needs split in 2-5 states.

I think we should put the US Virgin Islands and any other Carribean Teri tory with you as well.

I also think we should annex the entire 'Anglo sphere' and Cuba.

All it does is add one extra star. From a distance, it will look the same

This the second time you spics did it.

And congress didn't act both times.
Honestly think they just waiting until you vote for Independence so you can fuck off.

>Detroit/Africa 2.0

>51st State

I warned you Pol

There's a quite a solid republican presence in PR. The state may go blue for a few elections though

This is accurate. I would take 10 Mexicans over one "white" Puerto Rican.

anglo-saxons will civilize you.

Fuck off, America is for white europeans only. We're already working on getting the other shitskins out. Letting PR become a state is like smoking during chemo

Pay off all your debts. Also you can never vote, or have access to welfare or other gibs.

Still want in?

Fuck off you short stupid inbred retards.

help build wall and you're in

welcome, ameribro. I'm white and I'm cool with our spic brothers. I want the flag to stay the same though, so I suggest we nuke california.

Fix your bankruptcy first, and we might consider allowing you in.

>tfw we'll never get a circular Betsy Ross-style flag again

fuck off we're full

fix your own economic problems and threats from other countries first then talk to us sea spics

>not using official proportions

come on now

Sorry, saved it off of Sup Forums

Two questions:

1. Is it true that the rest of the Latino community hates you guys because you're smug about being a U.S. territory?

2. Is it true that Puerto Rican men are quick to use knives in almost every fight?

All good bruv, just pointing it out. The official 51st star layout seems a bit imperial to me anyways.

Jews are going to trick them to fuck white guys or black guys.

Fuck no.

Your women look exactly like the men

Fuck off turnip-muncher.

I'm all for it. It's been too long since we added a state.

jajaaaa were comming for your white women gringitos de mierda

America, YES!

One thing that I've learned from living in South Florida is that they all hate each other. Cubans hate Puerto Ricans. Colombians hate Venezuelans, and Venezuelans hate Colombians. All 4 view Central Americans as subhumans. Nobody likes Dominicans. It's totally fucked.

Venezuelans have the best women, though.

this. /thread.

Island Spics should be disowned as an U.S. territory.

I'd sooner give statehood to American Samoa or the US Virgin Islands.
NO ONE here considers you fuckers to be part of us. Hell, even regular Samoans seem more American that Puerto Ricans.

Can't we just cut your island loose yet? Why do we still have you?

>the American flag with a square canton
Absolutely disgusting.

Come home, Slightly-White Man.

Can't breathe.

Not true. What they need is a vote from Congress to hold a real vote that matters.

that's your potential new flag?
looks cool

You don't pay US Federal taxes. You pay Medicare and soc security.