Are you a Christian, Sup Forums?
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I like Christian values, but have too much self-respect to debase myself to an imaginary friend.
Yes, I am. I am actually a Celtic Catholic. I don't actually hate anyone I just think the satire is funny.
I am actually leave for mass in about 10 minutes
Well, it's a circular argument, because neither Theists nor Atheists can prove their assertions; hence the term 'faith' rather than 'knowledge' in Christian Philosophy
Good for you, user. I want to get past just Christian morality and become a Christian again. It's taking the final plunge that's the hard part
Yup. My pride prevents me from taking the 'leap of faith'
what is your opinion on Hugo and Jake's bible study that from what I can tell blows literalism the fuck out?
Fuck no
even if it promises you to become godlike and calls mankind sons of God?
>I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. (psalm 82:6)
Gregory of Nazianzus implores humankind to "become gods for (God's) sake, since (God) became man for our sake."
Likewise, he argues that the mediator "pleads even now as Man for my salvation; for He continues to wear the Body which He assumed, until He make me God by the power of His Incarnation."
"Through the medium of the mind he had dealings with the flesh, being made that God on earth, which is Man: Man and God blended. They became a single whole, the stronger side predominating, in order that I might be made God to the same extent that he was made man."
Basil of Caesarea stated that "becoming a god is the highest goal of all"
Augustine of Hippo
"'For He hath given them power to become the sons of God.' If we have been made sons of God, we have also been made gods."
I'm a very believing Christian.
Daily reminder that Sup Forums is a Christian board.
I'm in the process of converting to Judaism
Christ calls on us to be perfect, would that be similar to this? I'm not sure how much we can be godlike or Godlike. Even though Christ died for our sins, I feel like we are innately unable to achieve this, or the qualities of God.
What do you mean Christian morality?
>I feel like
What your currently limited mind can think and feel has nothing to do with word of God, who says that we were made as gods (psalm 82:6), and for our sakes all creation, including angels were made (deut 4:19, 2 Esdras 8:44).
If God said that we shall and should become like him, then we can become like him.
No. There never was a Jesus and the bible has little to offer humanity today, no matter what Jordan B Peterson has to say about it. Nobody cares.
Till my last dying breath
>I like Christian values, but have too much self-respect to debase myself to an imaginary friend.
Christian ethics; otherwise known as traditionalism. Essentially, monogamy, nuclear family structure, and generally non-degenerate behaviour
Because pagans are faggots and have lost their war with Christians
How do you know there was never a Jesus?
Yes. Jesus is the only/easy way to GOD!
Not at all, I am an atheist. Religion is stupid, but I totally respect your religion and culture
>but I totally respect your religion and culture
then what are you doing on pol?
You the faggot, faggot.
He knows man, he watched R. Dawkins video
Indeed, Catholic Traditionalist reporting. Leaving for mass in about 20 minutes
I went to Church today. It was nice. The young adults bible study has some cute girls that asked me to sit with them in service. I read some psalms.
They did communion today but I abstained because I'm an apostate heathen at heart.
I'm an atheist, but I recognize that christian values/morals are best for society so I live by them.
I'm an Imperialist. FOR THE EMPEROR!
Yes, I might get some of sculptures.
As an electrical engineer, your pic triggered me
Well, my dear friends, God is easily provable.
If we accept that every motion in this universe has a cause, then we also acknowledge that there was something that caused it. If we follow the chain of caution back to its source (because infinite causation is stupid), then we find God as the ultimate, or first, causer.
have fun senpai