Well guys. Its that time again...

Well guys. Its that time again. If you're from Cali or you want to mingle with Cali people then get in this comfy ass server. s62TxHc

I was pleasantly surprised at how comfy it is in this server. Great job op

This is a comfy server desu

wow, this server is comfy as fuck, guys

What did they mean by all those digits? Hmmm

I joined this server just to see what it was and its really nice in here. Lot of likeminded people from Cali. Who knew?

I joined because this server is obviously blessed. Wouldnt you know it they have an outside cali role too

What the fuck are you guys talking about


nice digits tho

But it's so comfy?!

>he doesnt know what discord is

something isnt right here

I didnt either DESU but now that i know, ive made a discord account through their super easy and simple sign up process and joined this server. It was well worth the effort.

Probably cuz youre from bongland. Go fuck a goat.

I already checked out the server and its really comfy. You goys I mean guys gotta get in here

Saw these lads on Sup Forums and joined. P comfy.

t. Irish mick who lives in east Cali aka Florida.

just report the thread and move on with your life

>Likeminded people from Cali
You mean spics, niggers, and faggots? Sounds like a shitty AIDS ridden server to me.

L O L he thinks reporting will stop me. You're a real cuck

Someone tell me what this is all about RIGHT NOW

>if we post le Sup Forums meemee images they might not recognise us
think of a better plan and make it less obvious you retarded fucker

Its fucking discord. Download in and use the invite link to join. This is a really c o m f y server btw

>Using epep unironically.
Don't join this server m8s, seems like an informative grab

What do you even fucking do in it

I love epep hes the funniest thing since pepe. This server is so fucking comfy i fell asleep as soon as i entered. You cant buy sleep like that. And boy was it a restful comfy name. Absolutely comfy

This Don't. That's tracking link if i had to guess that's not a regular discord link. Go ahead if you want but its your info user.

Its a comfy group chat. Its like the modern day irc or aol but way better.

If it's weird and on pol, it's either a fishing for your info or elaborate bait. You lose either way.
My bet is in the second one, but either way op is a faggot.

No dude that's an outright track link look at it. No discord link starts like that so this guys probably got all types of ips :*( Good for him but fucked up.

You had me till you used the meme face. I had to join for myself to see. I checked it out and its legit guys.

>I checked it out and its legit guys.
Well if the anonymous guy from 4chinz /pal/ said it's legit guise then you know it mist be. Also remember, sage goes in all fields.

You don't understand how tracking links work. The server its self might be real and sends you to it. But the link is compromised Hey its your risk. Im just calling as i see.

Here's a real discord link to the elysium discord for vanilla wow Notice the difference. I just hope you were on a proxy or vpn. Im not Bsing you here.

>he forgot to post the link

Top fucking kek. Stop counter shilling. You look dumb


>mods can't stop me


>mods can't stop me

Here's what a real link looks like.



Youre a literal brainlet. Sup Forums doesnt allow you to post full links. The invite hash at the end works just like a full link invite, you literal fucking idiot.