Preface: Everyone deserves a few months of /pol. Nobody deserves a lifetime of /pol.
This should be obvious (so don't remind me, please). And yet it must be said.../pol is BAD for your health--mental, phyisical, spiritual...whatever.
I'll give you a few examples:
(1) Don't like Jews? Don't come here. There will be about a quarter of a million 'what's so bad about jews, user?' threads, every day, with the most outrageous zionist faggots in these threads spreading mind-cancer to you and others
(2) Don't like porn? Don't come here. If you try and start a nofap thread, a billion satanists and jews will descend upon you and throw gifs in your eyes of japanese women sticking cockroaches in their pussies, and trannies getting fucked by schoolgirls. Why?
(3) Don't like niggers? Don't come here. You will be exposed to a billion (((BLACKED))) threads each day from down under.
(4) You an Orthodox Christian? Don't come here. Aforesaid devils will come here and shit on you. Why sully The Church with these slimeballs and their stunts? Bringing The Church into /pol is like wearing a nice suit in Wal-Mart. Wat?
(5) You are a member of (fill in the blank) political philosophy? Don't come here. The most obstinate opponents of your philosophy will come into your thread and badger you non-stop like chinese water torture, not listening to any reason, but instead doubling-down into the abyss of hell. Don't.