Can y'all please stop trying to be us? We get, white people have no culture. But that doesn't mean you can just steal ours, go make your own and stop trying to act black
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Death to niggers, kikes and spics
how dare you assume their race
genes and looks don't matter compared to what they identify as
>pretending you dont jerk it to the idea of white boys wanting to be like you.
Enjoy the flattery.
I dont have anything against black ppl but wiggers are subhuman.
>molest children & say it's an illness.
Who said it's an illness?
trying to be you?
Ok there larper...
This is true.
How dare you assume their race you racist piece of shit, kys. Oh what? Just because they're white they can't be black?? Wow.
Shut up nigger
What makes non-whites think we have no culture? Do you not watch movies?
> White people need to embrace our culture
> whoa whoa whoa, white people stop embracing our culture, we don't want to be THAT accepted.
>whites got no culture
This has been debunked so many times it not even worth discussing anymore. Open a history book and google image search Europe you stupid nigger.
>white need to stop acting black and liking black things
Completely agree, wiggers should be murdered on site. If you see a wigger beat his ass.
White culture is the default culture. Wiggers are double agents. Niggers BTFO
>white people have no culture
Your entire life is based on white culture -- from the language you speak, to the technology you use, to the social institutions which protect and nurture your ungrateful ass, etc. Just because you think obscene, monotonous grunting is "music" doesn't make it "culture".
Any alleged black "culture" is always deeply inferior to the white equivalent -- twerking vs. ballet, for example
You culture was created by white men Jamal. You really think niggers are behind the companies you apes worship?
All the best movies and music are made by us. Whites have no culture.
lol, sure. Name five.
We have a culture called the violent exclusion of others
>All the best movies and music are made by us
What, fucking Medea movies and the "fuck my bitch up" lyrics of rap? By the way, Tyrone, you don't make food better by making it spicier any more than you make music better by turning it up loud; spices are there to enhance and complement flavours, not to obliterate them -- not that black people are noted gourmands in any case, since all the best chefs in history (save a few Asians) have been white
We invented rock n roll
We invented jazz
We invented you, human life started in Africa
>We invented rock n roll
Mostly shit
>We invented jazz
Total shit
>We invented you, human life started in Africa
The scientists are now saying it started in Europe, but this is like saying we're no better than an amoeba because we're descended from them
>Can y'all please stop trying to be us?
How do you feel about Asians and Indians acting black? It's more common than whites acting black.
>Can y'all please stop trying to be us?
that shit stopped 15 years ago. no one wants to be a nigger user
>writes in a language that isn't his
Can you please stop stealing everything. We're a little sick and tired of you trying to communicate like a human being. Worse yet, a white human being. Also please stop using nigger. That's our word for you.
Mkay sweetie. Thanks
White people invented:
-Fried chicken
-Imported watermelons
-Kool Aid
>read post
>look at flag
hilarious tbqhfam
>We get, white people have no culture.
I get that you're larping, but black American "culture" is just Jews selling you shit to control you.
Look who owns all of your "black media" companies. It's old Jews.
>Also please stop using nigger. That's our word for you.
Why would I want to be anything like a stinky dumb nigger? The closest thing I come to it is using nigger slang ironically.
I've never met an Asian or Indian trying to be black ever. They have their own culture to be proud of while whites have nothing but war crimes and incest to be proud of
>whites have nothing but war crimes
Plenty of wars in Africa, Rastus
>and incest
That shit is rampant in the ghetto
That's only 3 and one of them is untrue
>niggers can't even count
We share common ancestors along a divergent evolutionary path.
>Plenty of wars in Africa, Rastus
Whites are naturally savage.
as opposed to blacks who sat around in- oh you know what fuck this why am I arguing? Your either a LARPer or an actual nigger who will get shot next week.
That's a picture of what happens in a school when a police officer comes in to speak to the class
Nothing makes me laugh harder than niggers trying to act superior. Thanks for the laugh niggerlarper.
All the best chefs are white. No one likes shitty over spiced low quality shit.
Its always like a negro to try and claim anything that isn't nailed down
World culture is white culture. You think blacks have culture while you wear blue jeans, Nike shoes and speak English. Every country in the world wears traditional European clothing.
You ever heard of Mozart? How about Bach? Perhaps you know of Tchaikovsky? I don't imagine you know much about those men. To your ilk, culture means standing around with your pants around your knees while talking about your niggas and boasting about how great you are even though you are the source of most of the world's problems.
White people can't cook.
Wiggers are either people trying to fit in with a crowd because there are so many fucking niggers now or they are brainwashed by television/radio/internet literally blasting them with "black entertainment" 24/7. It doesn't help that being told "whites have no culture" or simply not being allowed to talk about or enjoy white culture pushed them to take up another one. Don't get me wrong, I hate wiggers nearly as much as I hate niggers but I can understand what causes wiggers to exist.
>thinks we think wiggers are a good thing
Wiggers are victims of your fucking garbage "culture". They aren't stealing shit, they are infected by the nigger culture like a fucking disease and we sure as shit don't like it.
If I was going to steal a culture it sure as shit wouldn't the nigger culture.
Oh my god
A strip steak. BRB, going to the grocery store.
>asking whites on a white nationalist forum to stop acting like niggers
Are you stupid? Of course you are, you are a nigger.
>They have their own culture to be proud of while whites have nothing but war crimes and incest to be proud of
I live in the bay area I'm surrounded by east Asians and Indians every day. They listen to rap, get tattoos, use the word nigga ...
I must not be white, then.
Some people wish they were black.
Black people don't have food to cook.
That's a perfect elk tenderloin that I shot. Marinade with olive oil, garlic, rosemary, and thyme. Grill until 120, and enjoy with a good Pinot.
U mad black boi?
See above, it's elk tenderloin. Heathens.
Then don't wear business suits and try to be successful, that's our culture nigger.
wait, so blacks allied with Hitler?
>On another subject I want to say this. Many White people feel as though they dont have a unique culture. The reason for this is that White culture is world culture. I dont mean that our culture is made up of other cultures, I mean that our culture has been adopted by everyone in the world. This makes us feel as though our culture isnt special or unique. Say for example that every business man in the world wore a kimono, that every skyscraper was in the shape of a pagoda, that every door was a sliding one, and that everyone ate every meal with chopsticks. This would probably make a Japanese man feel as though he had no unique traditional culture.
>Whites have no culture
>What is France?
>What is Germany?
>What is England?
>What is Scandinavia?
>What is Italy?
>Oh, and the fucking ROMANS.
God, I know niggers are stupid but you cant be THAT stupid.
where you from?
wanna fight me bruv?
>White people can't cook.
Black people can't eat.
Do you know your ancestors culture? Or do you just think playing ghetto blasters on the side of the street, wearing Addidas apparel, and stealing is the old culture since you guys were kangs and shit?
Why do so many whites commit mass shootings? Is it in the genes or is it the lack of melanin?
White people ARE the culture. You idiots just take our shit and "remix" it into your retardation. 90% of the time when people "act black" they're doing it because they think it's fucking stupid/silly not because they "respect" your...uhh...I guess you can call it culture but it's more like watching hopeless failures of humans trying to have some kind of life purpose since you fail at everything white-tier. If it isn't physical then you guys are worthless. We should have kept you as farm equipment.
They're dumb. Simple as that.
>tfw you realize the chicken invented the egg
dumb nigger
This hasn't been a 'thing' for over a decade...
Statistically blacks/browns are the majority. Which is hilarious because white's are the clear majority of population so that skews it even more into shitskin territory. This meme has to die. You guys are the fucking psycho's.
>Do you know your ancestors culture?
The nigger doesn't even know who his father is.
My black freind told me that his daddy said to act white.
Was he wrong?
Laughs in the best civilization known to mankind
would you mind telling me what the culture of germany is?
drinking beer, raping their own family members, talking about Nietzsche, Kant, Goethe and other while having absolutely no idea what they're about?
>go make your own and stop trying to act black
But don't you niggers hate white culture?
When you are so american than you forget Greek civilization the epitome of western ideals
The things is that blacks kill so many people in the USA every year that no one really thinks anything of it when it happens. I'd better correct myself actually. They mostly kill other blacks, but they do also kill some people.
Because when we decide to become murderers, we actually are smart enough to kill a large number of people and then kill ourselves afterward to avoid jail. Meanwhile you niggers usually only kill 1 person and then go to jail for the rest of your life.
"White culture" is the world wide default culture. Fish don't know they're swimming in water. Our culture is ubiquitous. Ubiquity makes it boring but it's also the basis of EVERY people's culture at this point. We are culture.
>Claims white people have no culture
>Is speaking English and participating in white culture right now
No, stop projecting.
Whites have culture, just violent niggers cause problem in such culture.
Go sniff your jenkem nigger.
What's a simp
>as he typed on his device created by white people
Oh yeah well I accidentally drove down a one way street earlier and passed a cop who followed me but didn't pull me over. Lol you get pulled and arrested for going through yellow lights.
Appropriating white culture is:
- living indoors
- using water treatment
- having clothes
- having or benefitting from science in any way
- using computer/internet/phone
- motor vehicles. including airplanes and rockets
- having a job/money/capitalism
In short, kill yourself nigger. The day of the rope approaches. We do not forgive and we do not forget what drags our society down.