Are liberals like trevor noah and chris hardwick being on the same channel as southpark (comedy central) sort of like a...

Are liberals like trevor noah and chris hardwick being on the same channel as southpark (comedy central) sort of like a feminist ring girl at a mike tyson boxing match falsely thinking that the crowd is cheering for her?

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I've watched more Chris Hardwick and Trevor Noah than that cartoon, minute-for-minute. Grow up.

South Park is a fucking fine quality show. They admitted they fucked up with the new season and said that they are going back to the show's roots - kids doing stupid kid stuff.

Yes, they're objectively not funny

>South Park is a fucking fine quality show.
They were once, I haven't bothered to check back much in the last decade or so, watched a couple episodes of that PC principal season at a friend's house and was bored to tears.

South Park hasn't been good since the boys got to 4th grade. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

Dear Good Sir, is their anything you could possibly say after what you just said, that would undo the damage it caused to an argument that you are not one of the worlds most inferior people?
I dont think there is anything you could say. Thats pretty sad.

Trey parker was smarter at age 7 than you are as an adult, and you dont even realize that his irony is more character building in a minute than noah or hardwick have been in the totality of their subhuman lives.

I would tell you to kill yourself, but i would bet a pretty penny that your going to end up doing it with or without my loving support ;)

>mfw daily show with Trevor Noah
>mfw Problematic
>mfw The president show
>mfw hood adjacent
>mfw Jim Jeffries show
>mfw I can't remember if thats all of them because comedy central is pumping out so many shitty new shows so fast
Trevor, if you need to be squeezed in between marathons of 10+ yr old south park/futurama reruns to stay alive with viewers who have fallen asleep, you should just get off TV, you arrogant, obnoxious, know-it-all baboon nog.

I think your fooling yourself man....

>unironically watching a single minute of (((Trevor Noah)))
You need to grab the nearest sharp object and become an hero, right now.

It's funny because puke?
Pic related, prime South Park.