How did she lose Sup Forums?
It was literally her turn...
How did she lose Sup Forums?
It was literally her turn...
She was too smart to win. Plus, all the suburban and rural people who voted for Trump. All cities voted for her.
this whole " her turn " is played, jump in front of a bus please.
Quite honestly OP...
This was the speech that finally killed her....
Her supporters cried and the Trumps guys cheers because they knew she had committed political suicided...
What were they thinking here?
The Democrats also failed to realize that 99.8% of Americans are not screwed up lesbian faggots...
But they pandered to that 0.2% way toooo much...
rural and suburban retards
if it was her turn why did she rig the primaries
She's a cunt and nobody likes her.
Also the Russians fucking did shit or something and made people vote for trump.
She offered no change at a time when people wanted it
>if it was her turn why did she rig the primaries
Because she was forced to do that to get the nomination... Bernie is luck Hillary did not have him assassinated too...
They had to make it look like they weren't crowning her queen. It backfired.
Horrible candidate.
Horrible campaign.
The Democrats should have seen how popular the anti-establishment sentiment was, but they are beyond retarded.
It is sort of interesting that if Democrats where pro-gun and not stupid retards they would be winning now... But they really are just too stupid...
Why ARE they SO married to gun control when its cost them more than any other issue, and when the keep wanting a white rural outreach?
And Hillary's. "Sensible gun laws like the UK or Australia" doublespeak. Who was that supposed to fool?
Alex Jones benefited most from that speech. His ratings and traffic blew up afterward.
>Why ARE they SO married to gun control when its cost them more than any other issue
I think it is because they cannot deny their super failed past.... They stepped into that boat, and now they are sinking with it.
bernie was controlled opposition because even she knew no millennial would ever vote for her outright
She was the most unlike able person ever,and her being part of a 30 year plus crime cartel hurt her.
She's just a horrible human being. She was hated since the days of the original Clinton presidency.
user, you bring back happy memories.
People in DC know about the body trail. Everyone knew she had Vince Foster murdered, and that man was one of her oldest and most loyal friends.
Folks, this goes beyond her being just an evil murdering demon.
God showed His hand in this election. She waited 40 years to achieve her lifetime goal and at the last moment, God looked down and said...
He is truly great.
Why did Bill marry this hag? Because she let him rape?
She was a good partner in crime. That's what the Clintons have always been, a crime family. She was completely heartless and ruthless. Willing to do anything to succeed.
Bernie is just a good Jew cuck... At least the Clintons have their jews under control...
Yeah and it all came crashing down.I bet Don has a boner for how hard he's going to punish then.
>How did she lose Sup Forums?
>It was literally her turn...
she s a frickin doosh thats why praise kek
Another gem:
Old washed up actors just destroying themselves...
They are all gone now....
There are many reasons informed people hate her. From her judgment. her questionable actions. her political stances.
But that's not why she lost. Most people aren't informed. I'll tell you why most people rejected this crow.
Shes unlikeable. Unrelatable. She oozes untrustworthiness. Something is off. She doesn't connect. Something is wrong, its hard to nail it down exactly however. Cold? Inhuman? On top of it all, shes annoying. Screechy. Full of herself. Full of shit.
Shes a women. Yes. Women have uniwue characteristics that they can use to their advantage. Especially older women. She could have had a mother like appeal for example. She could have dressed nice. Elegant. She could have played to her gender given strengths to put her over the top.
But no. Not Hillary. Instead, she thought it a good idea to REJECT all the possible strengths being a women affords. She wears the ugly man pant suits. She has the ugly man haircut. She purposely goes out of her way to act dull. Boring. As little as a mother as possible is her motto. She rejects every unique trait she could have had and instead pretends to be a man while talking nonstop about women and her experience as a women. It makes no sense.
And so she lost.
She was sick.
1.4 billion pissed away on faggots and niggers. How did that work out? Lol.
Shut the fuck up with this. If you don't know now. Fuck you.