Prove her wrong Sup Forums

prove her wrong Sup Forums

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Hahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhaahhahahahahhahahahahahhzhzhahahahahaha...oh my God, this bitch doesn't know what intent is!


It's not my fault they drew the ponies sexy

there's no porn until like, page six, even with safe search off

What's the moral, purge 'bronies' and other furry scum?

You can't safely google anything without getting porn, that's the point.

It's called google safesearch I believe

Feminist cunt BTFO. Entitled woman. (Redundant statement, yes.)

>little girls cannot safely google my little pony

If you get porn it's because you searched for porn before using that computer and Google remembered your preferences. She's admitting that she searches for My Little Pony porn so much google tailors her image searches with nothing but porn.