Newest revelation about the meeting not looking good. I'm kinda starting to believe it is the beginning of the end...

Newest revelation about the meeting not looking good. I'm kinda starting to believe it is the beginning of the end. I'm still gonna vote Rep. in 2018 but I don't think he'll make it to 2020. If Jr. is on the way to jail Trump will resign to save him and what little is left of his name.

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it's fine, most voters don't care about the constant lying unless it's a democrat doing it

Remember when they staunchly denied ever meeting with any Russians at any time? Good times.

No one will remember it in a year, it's one scandal after another with these people, they forget all the time and the narrative changes constantly. After months or even years of campaigning, ultimately, that last week is the only one of significance. The rest is just fundraising money and then setting it on fire. There's really no point in it all, what sticks with the voters is what had happened in the days leading up. Unless legal consequences happen and someone ends up in handcuffs, nothing of substance really happened. People will freak about it for a week or two, and then that's it. No elections in that time and it doesn't matter.


weakest bait I've ever seen

You mean like Trump's lawyer telegraphing that Trump Sr must have been at the meeting, since that is the only case under which the Secret Service would have vetted any of the attendees?

>unarchived clickbaiters

stopped at the 4th

the major coal mine that has been in planning and construction for years because china is pivoting away from coal? The one that will employ 70 people? That mine?

>0.02 shekels have been deposited into your account.
But in all seriousness former grumpf supporter here it was funny watching him crash and burn but we can't let this guy get the twitter codes.

Why the fuck would Donald Trump resign when he's in the only position that would allow him to pardon his son?

This is an idiotic post.

The entire grand game between Trump and the Republican party on the one side, and the intelligence community and foreign policy elite on the other side must necessarily play for or against the removal of Trump from office by impeachment.

Trump will not have the chance to resign, nor would he agree to. The only deal the IC could cut with Trump would be to promise Trump and his family to avoid prosecution, but I don't see how any of them would not realize the disastrous precedent it would set for the Trump family to get away with their actions. Since they cannot cut that deal, Trump can't resign because he cannot risk losing the power of the pardon. Trump would have no compunction whatsoever with using the pardon on everyone involved in this mess.

Since this basically precludes his resignation, the whole game comes down to two questions:

1) Can the IC and foreign policy elite flip the Republicans against Trump by threatening with something bad enough to get them to cave (the likely leverage would be the threat of a RICO prosecution against the GOP including seizing the party's bank accounts during an election year).


2) Can the Trump Admin and the Republicans turn Mattis against the IC and foreign policy elite as they would need to in order to get the backing of the military to defend them against the intelligence community. You may think this sounds crazy but Trump has no choice. Even if he gets 2 terms, he will eventually have to leave office and lose the power of the pardon. Not only that, but the pardon cannot protect Trump and his family from state level prosecutions. Only the suspension of the rule of law itself can protect Trump and his family from prosecution/persecution.

In the end Trump will have to go all-in by provoking a full blown constitutional crisis and attempting to suspend the rule of law to protect himself and his family from prosecution/persecution.

B8 kangz

This is Mensch tier bullshit man. I'm concerned but not that much, shit!

I wasn't picking a side. Trump supporters already realize the Deep State is really out to get Trump. Do you think that they will just give up and let bygones be bygones if Trump resigns or leaves office after 4 it 8 years?

My friend, Trump has no choice but to play for ALL the marbles.

>doesn't show his actual flag
and into the trash it goes

>concern trolling
>in the current year
Fuck off nigger.
Saged for b8

This flag feature was a mistake.

OP is either a Canadian or Ukrainian.

hello Hilary, you sill sucking penis blood from babies?

Stupid post. Pardon power makes the whole discussion dumb. Prosecution is not going to happen, crime or no crime. Impechment will not happen either, the repubs will not support.

trump voter here. seriously guys if someone tells me something enough i start to believe it. he definitely shouldnt have the nuclear codes

You understand that the Deep State is going to try and turn the Republican party against him, by any means necessary, right? They have the tools to play pretty dirty if they want to.

Do you really believe the Republicans in the House and Senate can resist the threat of a RICO prosecution of the party and a seizure of the party's bank accounts?

Do you also believe Trump and his family will be safe from persecution by the Deep State if he makes it through 8 years of being President? He would eventually have to leave office and lose the power of the pardon you realise?

Note, I am not taking a pro or anti Trump side here, I'm just trying to read the tea leaves as to how this has to play out. I mean, it's not as if the CIA and NSA are above the use of extra-legal means to achieve their objectives, so I don't see how having the power of the pardon is enough to protect Trump from the Deep State.

2/10 made me reply

>Entire political party
3/10 made me reply again

I'm sick of Blumpolikuytinsffffffffff thinking they can just expose our corruption and criminality without consequence. The cheek of it. We rigged our primaries fair and square. We really need to ramp up our efforts to curb free speech so this can never happen again.

Yeah, took me less than 5s to call bait.

Anything to say about Hillary's multiple crimes?
Oh that's right, for Hillary, your skepticism meter is set to a 10 but when it's associated with Trump, you know the truth even BEFORE the facts are in and your skepticism meter is a 1.

No one takes you liberal morons seriously anymore. It's frankly why Trump won, and why he will sin again - no one believes your shit anymore.

>friendly fire
I was being facetious.

Yeah, and Trump will be impeached any day now

>being this much of a cuck

PS I know that you are a shill, kike

Nothing has, nor ever will, come from the Russian story. It's something they made up so that plebs like you keep paying them shekels. 'I hate Trump. Look Pedro. CNN has proof that he is a traitor. He's going to jail now and little Lupe can stay. I'm so progressive!'

That being said, please don't stop shilling this. Half of the country is so fed up with you that they either don't watch the news anymore, or get it from here plebbit.

>said the faggy weaboo mod
keep posting with cartoons of little girls you fuckin queer

He is Canadian, whenever i see a meme flag i know it is a Canadian shitpost

What revelation. It is not against the law to meet with anybody from any country about anything. We are not at war with Russia. FBI assets were in the room. Obama and Lynch set up the scam as an entrapment. They are the ones who committed RAL crimes and a REAL conspiracy. Don Jr. could have met with Putin himself about anything and it would still not be a crime. The fact the Russian at this meeting and the Russian Emon and his dad are Putin HATERS makes the whole thing even more obvious. Emin's rich Russian Father's PR firm was the Podesta group. Murkier and murkier? Don Jr. cannot say much more since the whole meeting was held with an FBI asset, the Russian translator, in the room So were they stinging the entrapment 101 stingers? it will all come out. THAT is collusion and there are real damages from this conspiracy.

Secret Service vetted anybody going up to the Trump offices as part of their security detail.

