Well? It's basically their entire platform, their other bullshit like letting all of mexico in or letting in the entire middle east or going to war against russia or etc are completely hated, and if people actually looked AT the emails instead of who got them they would instalose. If they can't extend the hysteria for TWO YEARS they will lose media credibility and the election.
Will democrats be able to continue the russia hysteria all the way into 2018 midterms?
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probably not, they're always shooting their wad way too soon. look at hillary, she was per-campaigning a fucking year too early.
Half of me almost feels bad for Owen. The other half would enjoy punching him in the face. The media will continue the Russia narrative so long as it is profitable. The moment it is not they will immediately pretend they never supported the idea of Russian collusion, asserting they were merely reporting what others had said. They msm chose to forever lose half their audience for short term profits.
They are running out of stories to push. The Don Jr thing was in the works for over a year but only came out to cover up the story that Comey leaked classified info. They were hoping they wouldn't have to use it since they knew there was a risk that people would find out that Obama let the Russian lawyer into the US. We've gone from "Russia hacked the election and Trump helped them" to "Don Jr talked with a Russian lawyer, please ignore the fact that Obama set it up." The stories will only continue to get weaker, and once we get closer to the mid terms, Trump will put out some stories of his own once there's no longer enough time for the Democrats to do damage control.
>describes himself as a "fourth-generation socialist"; his grandfather was involved with the Communist Party and his parents met as members of the Trotskyist Militant tendency.
>Jones is a feminist,[14] a republican[15] and a supporter of Unite Against Fascism (UAF), speaking at conferences organised by them.
>Jones is gay, often writing about LGBT issues such as homophobia.
>Jones has written several articles defending Muslims and attacking the rise of Islamophobia, which he has called a "poison".
This guy sounds like a real champ.
It's profitable to be Anti-Trump, ala Colbert, but it isn't profitable to be "Muh Russia," ala CNN. If mass media was truly concerned about short-term profits, they would be far more pro-Trump rather than anti-Trump. Media isn't governed by profits nor political pragmatism, but by personal networks.
He's basically the poster boy for would-be commies
The media has no choice but to continue to push the Russian hacking/collusion narrative because it has crossed the line into sedition if it gets shown to be false. If they can't get Trump removed, they risk being prosecuted.
Even people who voted hillary sees the democratic party as completely corrupt hacks. If the democratic Party was less corrupt and had voted for bernie then they would have won. But not even their own view themselves as anything other than corrupted
Eh, I think Bernie would have lost to Trump (he's weak and his ideas are easily dis-proven), but the Democratic party would still have some credibility after the election.
"content" on television is really just bait to keep us watching what's really important, advertisements
nothing else matters
You would think that, but it isn't the case with political media, which is the point I was trying to make. CNN wouldn't be running the Russia narrative if it cared about profits first and foremost.
>Will democrats be able to continue the russia hysteria all the way into 2018 midterms?
I hope they do it for as long you as did it over Benghazi. So strap in boy, you got years of this ahead of you.
/You showed the way, we're just following in your footsteps
I sure hope so. Cause it won't get them very far
You make a good point in distinguishing between being an anti Trump comedian as opposed to manufacturing a narrative by organizations that should at least attempt to appear unbiased when reporting factual events. But I disagree that it's not profit driven. I do believe legacy media senses their demise on the horizon. I'm no fan of PewDiePie, but their attack on him reveals their agenda (you don't see them attacking family guy, which regularly roasts Jews). Legacy media is losing business. For now, Russia hysterics draws an audience. But once that narrative collapses so too will their viewers and ad revenue
People were killed at Benghazi, and Clinton as Secretary of State was using it to run arms to the Muslim Brotherhood. That was something. The "Russia-Trump" thing is completely imaginary, unless of course you have some new evidence to share with the rest of us.
He's also on every fourth question time, gets published in several outlets and is present at any rally or demo. If GCHQ is listening I'm going to acid attack this giga kike who is basically the voice of our generation. It's like the medium is the message and we're supposed to emulate and welcome such a virtuous faggot champion of the people
Just look at his eyes.
>But once that narrative collapses so too will their viewers and ad revenue
It already happened. The question is whether they will push it further, or pivot to something else to raise ratings for profits.
>If they can't get Trump removed, they risk being prosecuted
I don't know that I believe that
I think they're operating with the knowledge that they have impunity so long as they use the right weasel words
The value of media is not entirely ad revenue, but the ability to disseminate information
It doesn't take much imagination to realize how that can be abused
I dont think so
they're already using all the biggest shit they had and it will blow over soon
What makes a man as cucked as Owen Jones?
can anyone link this if its a real article?
they can just point to one RT article that was fake or wrong and say "see, it's technically collusion so we're right"
His love of cock
God I hope so, because they'll surely lose on that platform.
>If the democratic Party was less corrupt and had voted for bernie then they would have won
No. The only people who supported Bernie were underage white kids. He had no pull with brown people (who don't give a shit about free college) or old people (who know Bernie is a retard).
Being British
>Don Jr talked with a Russian lawyer, please ignore the fact that Obama set it up
Got any sources to back that up?
The Obama DOJ got the Russian broad her visa, then she was spotted palling around with Obama's ex-ambassador to Russia (a keen foe of Putin) a few days after her meeting with Trump Jr. The whole story stinks to high heaven. But of course once it all collapses the Left will just move on to the next lie
It's literally all they have. I would expect them to cling to it all the way until 2020 and through Trump's second term as well.
democrats are a dying party and they will fracture.
yeah that's what happens when you neuter everything that isn't the neocon globalist wing of your party for 30 years
... Have another Wendy
Nope. They are all going down under the RICO act-organized crime. That includes the criminally complicit media who were part of the entire conspiracy.
mah nigga
Some leafs are OK.