Spread this image like wildfire! Make similar or better quality images like this! Tweet it at alt right figures who can get this trending with their base sizes, we need to expose it to normies.
They do this in every poll to delegitimize Trumps presidency. But when Twitter has a moment just to mislead the country, we can't let them get away with it.
this is where the screenshot is from, they have it at the very end, casually
Caleb Foster
Jack Peterson
Jason Reyes
My bad forgot to highlight key part
Ian Morris
they still believe that the polls they put forth are paid attention to
Benjamin Ward
they energize leftists and sway independents/normies, this needs to stop
Samuel Stewart
>methodology adds up to 93% wat
Landon Smith
probably "other" option, or maybe just more fake news elements, still thats besides the point, we need more threads to make this trend, we have to fire back when the media is this bad