What if we're the bad guys?

What if we're the bad guys?

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You better not lose a war

I don't know about 'bad', at worst we're hamfisted and misguided.

Everyone snipes at the top dog, so don't take it all so seriously.

The bad guys are the ones in power that lie and manipulate things. The ones in power are the Jews.

We're the bad GOYS.


>Everyone snipes at the top dog, so don't take it all so seriously.

lol, no. Your post-modernist American bullshit is responsible for most of the Western world's descent into HIV positive status and your government goes around lobbying for more immigration in other countries. You did one correct thing in fucking DECADES electing Trump so don't act like the hate you get isn't 100% deserved.

FDR definitely paved the way for us to be the bad guys, but Trump is making us great again

France and the other commies in europe invented post modernism. Europians created Marxism and all of its depraved children. Don't fucking blame us faggot.

Was gonna use a Carlos image but thanks senpai.

All of the countries on the planet today is really the same side of the coin.

atleast you still have the constitution.

But if they control America, that makes America bad guys as well.

Good guys and bad guys are just social constructs.

You were. Always

>What if we're the bad guys?
Then I don't want to be right.

I'm the bad guy?

We are the good guys. We have statistics to back up our claims. We live in reality, so how could we be bad?

We are. That's a tough red pill to swallow. Modern American imperialism is as bad as The Soviets, except we got away with all of our war crimes and genocides. God Bless America, user. Big Fed is calling, he needs you to promote civic nationalism and go to war for the Saudi Family/Zionists, don't forget you also need to send in your paycheck for inspection.
>The government and it's sponsors are the same
The banks have the fed by the balls, so the fed has us by the throats.


We are so good at manufacturing and spreading it though.

>What if we're the bad guys?

Bad guys is entirely relative to who controls the media.

The bad one is the CIA


What am I, politically then? If I want total reform in regards to world policy? Who will represent that?

The post modernists invaded from France. Blame them

>What if....
Do good guys kill a million Vietnamese civilians for muh capitalism? We are the scariest chaos unleashed on the world. Everything US touches is destabilized. The end goal is that we have nowhere to run to.

It very well could be a possibility.

The cleverness of The Devil could make us look like the victim though ;)

You guys definitely are the problem. Yanks are very susceptible to jew tricks

Countries are made up of the people that occupy them. Not their ruling classes

>what if
Bro, congress and the corrupt police have been locking up non violent, peace abiding, tax paying, hardworking americans for the past 30 years for as much as a joint. This is why we all hate the police. They are just dumb enforcers. They signed up to ruin the lives of people to make a living. They are just psychopathic bullies controlled by the jews. USA? more like US of Israel.

American "entertainment" is responsible for most of the degenerate behaviour we see today.
Always pushing marxist ideology to some extent.
Your hollywood jews realized long ago that they could normalize virtually any behaviour by making attractive/strong/charismatic onscreen characters endorse it.

Jews in hollywood are good at manufacturing and spreading it*

And yet america isn't nearly as far gone as most of Europe

Really makes you think

I doubt it but everyone is an enemy.
Even your own countrymen.


Non-whites hate us. Cause we were stronger than them. If we lose, then history will remember us as the white devil.

Said every shitty country. North Koreans are great people too. One guy is bad, Kim. Everyone else is a sweetheart, right?

There's not a single "good" country. Every political sphere in the world is infested.

The US has Trump. That's about as good as it gets these days. God help us all.

Relax, you're just Vader.

it's (((Sheev))) you have to worry about

It doesn't matter if we are good or not because there's not going to be any written history once the niggers out-bread everyone and take over the world.

We're not the good guys anymore. That's all I know for sure. And I'm absolutely positive on that.

pigs dont get off that easy chump, they knew what they signed up for. yet were all supposed to feel sympathy when they get off'd. Fuck them and fuck the govt. Just give everyone a gun and get rid of the state police.

Damn, new levels of ignorance right here senpai.

bad guy relative to what? europoors? shitskins? chinks?

nigga please

>what if

We obviously are.

We're not. Objectively.

>see we're the good guys
>posts pic of soulless Jewish harpy

winners write the history.

if actual bad guys, hurry the fuck up and complete your fucking goal already, dragging this shit on is getting boring and miserable, unless that is the actual goal, then, fuck ya.


you missed the point entirely

The fact that we actually ask this question is proof enough that we are not.

It's ok. A lot of people struggle with broad concepts

>t. dindu
Current case not going so well? See, the trick is -- try to stay with me on this one -- to NOT commit crime. Mmmkay, sweetie? Mmmkay.

I have to agree with him. Ever heard someone say, "I love my country but hate my government,"?

we are objectively the good guys, we've stopped nazis and the communists we're also the most right leaning country of the developed world, sorry poland

I posit that Aristole, John Locke, and Ayn Rand are the 3 greatest individuals to ever walk the face of the earth.
Go on. Deabte me.

Sadly we are.


The fact that we "can" without having our door kicked down is proof we're the good guys.

That's the rub. Conflict isn't a means to accomplish a goal. The goal IS conflict.

We are the bad guys user. We were not always, but our relentless greed knows no bounds.

wow it's like you already know how great the north koreans are
yeah just this one guy is bad yeah

America is the bad guys
You're literally the Jews Pitbull

>we stopped nazis
>barely involved in either world war, only came to aid when some passenger liner got btfo
>took in all the german warcriminal scientists to work for you to create fucking bombs





We are the Jews now

More along the lines of lesser-evil, I seriously prefer you guys over slant-eyes or jihadis

pic related are the bad guys.

there are only two sides. we haven't seen the bad guys yet. but we will. 8/9.

>What if we're the bad guys?
If we're the bad guys, I don't want to be the good guys!

Who's we? Do you mean real Americans or fake "Americans" after the jews took over US bank notes 100 years ago, funded communist brainwashing, and started regime changing anti-NWO nations by backing jihad?

>muh nazis
>right leaning
>literally Mexico


We sided with the communists and they infiltrated are government. Defeating the nazis was the wrong move. Back to plebbit retard

Meant for

How could we be the bad guys? We shell out tons of money to help other countries. We give weapons to other countries to fight ISIS. I mean I suppose you could argue we put our nose in other people's business a lot but that doesn't necessarily make us bad guys


Lol what do you mean if?


As opposed to what, "are"?