Who do you consider to be White Sup Forums

Who do you consider to be White Sup Forums

I'm predominantly of European ancestory. But also have some native American ancestors.

Am i white?

(>90%) European Ancestry is the minimum for being "White"

I have blue eyes
5, 11
Pale skin and light brown hair. I was born with pure blonde hair but it got darker at about 11 years of age.

I don't Have the money for a Dna test

Nah Nah you good you good

Only slavs remain white.

>Who do you consider to be White
You need 2/3:
-light skin
-light eyes
-light hair

For reference. This is me last year. I know, i look like a douche in the photo. 19 btw

now that we are in this thread if you were to fuck a mulatto that was about 60% white and you are over 90% white.
Is that okay because you would be popping out mainly white children anyways?

>Be me
>Half white
>Light skin
>Dark hair
>Dark eyes
Yup, this rule of thumb actually works out pretty well.

i guess brown eyes/ brown hair ppl aren't white now, despite that being the majority of europeans

digits check that you are white i guess

I can't even detect nonwhiteness in your appearance, I think you're good.

8/8 would fuck

Thanks senpai.

>The face of shitposting
Why are you Indian and don't live in America?

I don't understand?

Average white man. Could have more white skin but i think you are leaving your basement.

Australia would make a sub Saharan tanned.

I think it depends how dark their hair / eyes are.

Brown eyes occur naturally in Europe ,and light brown hair too.

But very dark eyes or hair (like pic related, black) are almost always non-European.

You said you have native American ancestry (aka Indian) yet you don't live in America?

If you don't look like this, you're not white.

My family emigrated here in 1950

If you're not a seven foot tall, marble skinned, blonde haired, blue eyes aryan god then you're not white.

Damm.. thanks for giving me the truth Ivan

English ancestry, with a bit of Welsh and Scots mixed in.

So, not only am I white. I'm from a superior breed of white.

White is anything from Spain to Siberia, and the European diaspora living in America, Australia, Canada, etc. There are places like America and the middle east where you have to really soft through the people to find the ones that are purely of Caucasian descent. Semetic (Arab and Jewish) and gypsies are not white, as they have self-revoked their white status based on their savage behavior. Anything Caucasian mixed, even to the slightest degree, with anything else is by definition a new race and therefore not white.

yeah ok fair enough



Fix your skin and haircut dude your shit is fucked up

can trace my family back to the same village since the 1500s, before that records didnt exist
there are 100 people in the UK with my surname and i know every single one
english through and through m8

Sorry. I don't have that haircut now and my skin is starting to get better.

Don't apologize to the random aussie that insults you on the internet

Mong ancestry washes away easily
Theres a full blooded enjun in my family tree from a few generations back. I look full on germanic

If you look European, you are white