
This is the biggest secret, is not money or a stupid fucking one eyed pyramid, The people that want to control this world want to keep your mind inside a cage, if you surround yourself with negativity and get pissed off the only thing you will get is being transported into a dimension were the world turns more violent, racist, etc. DONT YOU FUCKING GET IT? Why do you think the world is not like you wanted it to be? ITS BECAUSE YOU KEEP HATING, WISHING FOR "HAPPENINGS" (aka wars, suffering) because you are bored and by doing so you are transporting your conciousness into a piece of shit reality, WELL IM HERE TO BREAK YOU FREE! YES THIS IS THE SIGN YOU'VE BEEN WAITING, THIS IS THE MESSAGE, IT DID NOT COME ATTACHED TO A METEOR, IT DID NOT COME WITH A WORLD WAR.

Im just a man that figured it out about 5 years ago and I truly think that many of you here arent even racist in your "real life".

Now you have the key, ITS YOURS, the only way for it to work is as follows:

1.Think about what you want, feel how you would feel when you finally have it.

2.NEVER think about things that you DO NOT WANT.

3.Have 100 percent confidence that you can alter reality, it will be hard, your conditioned mind will treat this notion as insanity, do not let it control you. (THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT POINT, MOST PEOPLE FAIL AT THIS ONE)

4.Once you have aquired this power you will feel the need to tell friends, relatives etc about it, you can obviously do it but be prepared to be frustrated, some of them will not accept it or just dismiss it as a "cool" thing you read online, that does not matter, you keep doing it.

Im pretty sure many of you already know this and im here to tell you YOU ARE NOT INSANE, YES THIS IS A SIMULATION BUT YOU ARE NOT ALONE, THERE ARE MANY OF US THAT FIGHT FOR THE GOOD SIDE.

Do you feel it? The warm blooming energy in your chest? Congratulations you just woke up.

Now go and make your dreams a reality.

Other urls found in this thread:


I just shapeshifted into your mothers anus

Someone ran out of Seroquel I see. but muh laws of attractors.

I know user and I have struggled to reach the apex. People will call you crazy and retarded, they haven't been enlightened yet.

Nice. Who else here is gonna use this to start a thermonuclear war tomorrow? See you in that timeline.

Joe Rogan talks about this. He calls it "The Secret"

It's not a secret though, you have to will your destiny.

all true but there's no need to buy into the simulation fallacy. that's just negative distraction. the reason why we have this power and why this is possible is simply not for us to rationalize.

this. the illusory nature of this world had been known for ages but they're trying to corrupt this teaching with this simulation crap

>taking a guy who is permastoned srs.
He's fine to listen to for the lolz

OP is actually correct af

We live in a dream-state virtual reality, matrix of duality with 11 dimensions, and 9 sub-dimensions (9/11). It is a mental simulation inside the mind of God. The world as you see it, is nothing more than a mere chessboard played by energetic beings much higher than yourselves. It's plastered all over various media and religious artifacts.

so if your a master of shifting realities why are you in the reality where this internet hate machine exists? isnt the fact that your posting here an admission to the fact that you wanted to live in a world with a bunch of disconnected rascists? by your own logic your admitting that.

>new fag learns to think for himself and is telling 30 year old manchildren things they already know...

Fuck off tranny

I attempted it, and I'm very confident. Not sure if its working. How do I know. When do I find out when it has worked?

Truth is pol is actually a sentient machine that gives each user an individualised experience based on there current state of awakening, lurk moar and grow, then give gratitude to the polacks of guidence.

>Things changing
>Mandela effects
>Sleep patterns changing
>Altered senses

Those are a few I know off the top of my head.

Not sure if its working then, cause I'm not feeling any of that...whats wrong? I am even saying out loud stuff like "I'm Rich, I'm Rich, I'm Rich". I am believing it I think???

This is where my studies & (spiritual research) has
led me.....
I am going to use this exercise often .....
Thanks user ....
And just think how powerful it would be if we all directed our energy (strong emotion is key) in one direction .....
It has to be for the good of all or it will backfire on us.
It's why the dirty satanic globalists plans are turning to dust...
Folks are waking up.

>muh law of attraction
My mom believes in this shit why are boomers so cringy and stupid ?

The world Sup Forums wants to live in is the world where they can post on Sup Forums after raking in some Jewbucks, in order to complain about Capitalism and Jews. Praise Kek.

from the inside out
>as above so below

>You can do anything you want to !
>Wait. . . You can't? You must not have enough faith. Try having more faith
>Still nothing? You must not be mentally strong enough to break through The Matrix. Sorry bro.

Yeah I call bullshit.
This is the same garbage new agers having been spouting for years. Like The Secret, and shit.
Yeah, I wish life were that simple too guys, but we don't live in a fucking fairy tale. Sorry.

>not going to the Nazi flying saucers take over the world and start a galactic reich timeline
Pleb taste fampai

It's a literal chessboard

You have to make a move in order to make something happen. Believing is only half the battle.

What type of move? What stuff do I have to do?

>People who think you can just red-shift into magic timelines

what do you mean? ive heard of the saying before but i dont get how it applies to my question? and btw not trying to shit on op or anything genuinely interested in this concept.
t. brainlet

Jenkem and then you'll open your third eye chakra.

You're getting trolled right now.
Literally every single person that will give you advice about this can't do it themselves.
Read this

Thanks OP. It worked! I got the wife of my dreams. She smells a bit like fried doggo - but on the whole I couldn't be more glad.

First you have to think and visualize on:

>What you want done
>How you want said thing done
>Actually visualizing yourself doing the things you want in vivid detail


It's that simple. Start small then work your way up to big stuff.

>OP is a fag

your hate filled reality is actually just the newest shitty call of duty to OP

he's playing us.

For the record, OP is actually correct.

Belief actually meanings Knowing.

It's a little more subtle than what OP is articulating. You don't wake up in an alternate universe. Things just happen...coincidences as they are called. It takes years and actual manifesting your own will (via your physical body) towards what you want. After enough time and effort...yes things will begin to happen. Things that will make you wonder if it is just a coincidence, and once you ask yourself that question then you have arrived. It's not an overnight thing. The results will come as they would under any other "normal" circumstances. What did you think? A bolt of lightning will fire out of God's ass and transport you to another realm?

I doubt anyone here is racist. Sup Forums is 100% satire and is full of fags that create comedy gold with great memes.

checked. did you guys just read law of one or conversations with god or something cause you should know jews wrote that...

No, its much simplier.
What you described is not dimension shapeshifting, but something similar to waagh effect, a gestalt field.

To expand and give a basic example of what I mean.

>thought enters my mind that I'd like to get strong
>taking this thought I impose my will by lifting weights 5 days a week.
>1.5 years later I am ripped

It can be a little more random. For example one time I had no gas money to get to work the next day and I found a 20 dollar bill in the parking lot. Wow what a coincidence.

your mind can tell your body to do something??? whoa fascinating tell me more

No. I have a completely biblical view of the world and creation

Congrats faggot,you destroyed the world.

Well, what if I have no idea what I want? People keep telling me to work on your goal even if I have no goal whatsoever.

I know it's a little too much for you. Thank you for providing an example of the average mind for all to witness.

Just keep a positive outlook on life user and take care of yourself and the world reflects that same positivity back at you.

Try to teach a downie to do calculus, hell try to teach half the niggers to do calculus, try to teach a born cripple to walk, regrow an arm.

"Durr you can do anything you want bro! It's all in your mind, there is no spoon man!"

Fucking kill yourself retard.

you don't need to be a disgusting new age hippy to believe this stuff works, there's nothing "magical" about it, it's basically focus+visualization+motivation, i for one am a skeptical as fuck guy but i've had things happen that should have been impossible, remember, if you can believe it and see it, you can achieve it.

i dont deny i have a simple mind user, but how is your mind setting a goal for your body to achieve proof that you can alter reality to be whatever you want it to be?

Why do people have such a hard time understanding that where you focus your attention, intention, desire and ultimately your actions determines who you are? Does it really seem that wild to you? Anons are calling it magic but it is really just common fucking sense, but the adage holds true especially among the jaded and apathetic - "common sense isn't very common"

You're making a hugely false comparison too. How do you figure that a normal functioning person putting in effort to accomplish something should mean that a disabled person would be able to literally magically not be disabled anymore? Anyway, you sound like a self victimizing faggot and should try some variety in your life before you waste it all away with your self consuming pseudo intellectual negativity.

Okay, let's assume it's true: what's the catch? There's *always* a catch. Nothing's free in this dimension.

You have to stop eating animals for it to actually work faster and better. In all honesty, I thought it was bs at first but it works. Daniel had to do the same thing

Get a load of this nigger. I'M the pseudo intellectual here? Read the OP again:


Not true, I give the example of disabled people to drive home the point that we are all limited in some way, ultimately by genes and neurology. It takes immense effort to make even the slightest change to yourself, around 95% of humans are totally fucking useless who care nothing for anything higher than eating and fucking. It's not my fault you're to retarded to see that, and fall for New Age mumbo jumbo.

Welcome to the REAL real world nigger.

Because the lifting weights thing was just a very basic example of how it works. The body is a symbol or expression of the mind.

If you have the will to be a great musician, and you practice, then you will one day find yourself as a great musician.

You are mistaking magic for making the impossible possible. How can an impossible thing ever ever be possible when it is restricted by its very definition?
Magic is the process by which all things possible manifest basically. Your mind and body being the ingredients.

Let's say you want to get some pussy. That thought alone will not manifest a slut knocking on your door asking to fuck. BUUUTT if you perform a ritual through the body (the symbol), by taking a shower, dressing nice, and going out to the bar, well you just by be surprised when you find that slut you originally thought of. Like I said the results appear as they would under any "normal" circumstances. A hot pussy is not going to teleport on your dick just because you thought of it. It's more subtle than that.

I suspect OP is correct. I can't tell you how much bullshit I've brought into my life due to dredding it might happen

Let's do a metaphysical experiment Sup Forums. Many minds can reach a critical mass and have an effect on reality
>when (You) wish upon a star, makes no difference who (You) are
So what is it we actually want?

In the words of the Egyptians "so it is written, so it is done"

Write down on paper the things you want in this life and in time it will happen, but at a cost.

Let me clarify.

Ever hear of that saying "You are what you eat"?

When you eat an animal, you place a mark on yourself (Mark of the Beast) that causes you to be rendered as an actual animal in another dimension. You will act like an animal in the sense that you will not be in control over your actions regardless of what you think. The only way to remove it is to stop eating them. In turn, the mark is removed and you can bring the Law of attraction into fruition.

Check this bitches

Holy Kek! Check em

Is that why vegetarians are limp and flimsy like plants?

hmm ok that makes more sense. sorry im ignorant but when people post shit like op it does make it sound like you just believe pure belief (in the form of thought) will just manifest whatever it is you believed in. but i think i understand a little better now. Correct me if im wrong but it seems like what your saying is that action is the true manifestation of belief, in the sense that a man will never act on anything he doesnt fully believe in. So to the ignorant it would seem that physical action is the cause of manifestation of reality, but the enlightened would know that it was actually unwavering belief of the mind that set off that chain of events in the first place? wish i could put it more elequontely than that but its the best i have right now...

>When you eat an animal, you place a mark on yourself (Mark of the Beast) that causes you to be rendered as an actual animal in another dimension.

Take your fucking me-

Those trips though...

What if I told you if you are not here serving your reality, you may be here to serve someone else's reality and make their dreams come true.

>He calls it
Were you conscious in 2006?


>OP: Magic is real?
>Me: OK, how do I do it?
>OP: I thought you'd never aks. It's easy! You simply shift over into another reality?
>Me: OK, so how do I do that?
>OP: lol blaze it faggot i dunno just do it

Why didn't I think of this? OP truly is /ourfaggot/

Yeah. A lot of them go about it wrong and get close to no protein and don't exercise. You can combat that easily by just eating more protein/calories and lift a little if you're into that.

Wrong.. it's not about eating animals or not eating them. It's this.
>any ritual will do..as long as you are convinced that the ritualistic behaviour will translate into an actual metaphysical effect. As Jesus said "ye of little faith"
>the trick and the impossible problem is how does one convince themselves of the impossible?

Just because OP doesn't have a high enough level of consciousness to fully change his reality doesn't mean he's wrong.

The purpose of the Universe is to create consciousness and the larger your consciousness, the more able you are to change the Universe around you.

It's a fact!

Now Sup Forums can finally join the venerate ranks of universal knowing occupied by every postmenopausal liberal white cat-lady who bought this steaming pile of shit!


It's true but there is a price to pay. Nothing is free anons. Sooner or later we all pay our debt

The secret was bollox..
>I've never even read it but anything marketed as having all the answers is automatically discredited
However I wouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water. There is quite a bit of scientific evidence for actual psychic effects..mostly unconscious ones..
>The observer effect
This shit is real BUT not in a simplistic hippy sense..again it's mostly subconscious and if it could be successfully harnessed consciously people would would already be using it.
>if you believe in a literal Jesus then he could do this stuff and bend realty

The problem is that you will not be the one pulling the strings then and it will be an entity doing it, not you. Same thing Christians do with praying to Jesus. It siphons their own empowerment and creates dependency.

What if I want an asteroid do collide with earth right now to end our civilization?
What if I want a manticore cheshire cat monstergirl to materialize next to me and be my faithful waifu?
What if I want to transmute myself into a golem made solely of orichalcum who rules the Atlantean Empire?

In short, what are the limits on this magic you speak of?


Yes. Think of your action as a show of faith. Still it is a thought at its source.

This is correct
>normal thinking human consciousness is designed for normal human activities
The so called higher consciousness or consciousnesses are not human as we understand human to be..and human problems and desires are completely unrelated to these realms of the mind
Carl Jung though synchronisities were "meaningful" coincidences. Well IMO I disagree, as I have relentless synchronicities that appear to have meaning but there is never any end result or answer. The net conclusion is that reality and the mind are interlinked and either the mind has a direct imput on programming reality OR the unconscious can know ahead of time when something will happen..eaither way the two are absolutely interlinked and ultimately ONE thing.

Definitely. The entire universe, which is probably just part of some chain, tree or cluster of infinite other universes in some other unknown amalgamation of shit exists purely for the side-effects of the evolution. K.

You have to answer that question for yourself.

I've had a lot of experiences like this. Makes me believe in a God or Universe that truly is looking out for me.

thanks for the wisdom user, have a good night

Can confirm. I realized, be careful of what you fear because your fears in your mind can manifest in your reality.

Don't do that.Don't mess with higher dimensional begins , they will fuck you up.They aren't your friends

nigga what the fuck kinda meth are you smoking

This truth is widely known here. There's nothing inherently negative about using this force to try and manifest punishment for the wicked kike overlords and their subhuman armies.

Can you elaborate on this some more?

lay off the acid hippie

Should I stop now? Can't I just be judged when I die? fuck me user, you ruined me.

it didnt work but for a good 40-50 seconds while concentrating really hard my body felt really fucking weird, like energy was flowing through it.

>What if I want an asteroid do collide with earth right now to end our civilization?

You cannot use your power to destroy the Earth. Your intent to kill massive amounts of people along with this illusionary platform is malicious and will be made null and void. Such a situation cannot happen unless it is needed to happen.

God I hate stoners!
Manifest yourself off this board.

Interesting. Very interesting. Could this be the missing information when Krsna (not the namefag on here)said to Arjuna that any beast that is consumed by man is blessed, but the beast who consumes man is cursed? It fills in the missing "as above so below" details. The beast consumed by man, would then live as a man in another dimension. Wouldn't this then mean that basically all creatures have the chance at increasing their level of consciousness and their vibration in each lifetime?

But ultimately, I am not sure if this is accurate regardless of the "trips of truth." I've eaten meat as my primary source of food my entire life and I have brought the Law of attraction into fruition for quite awhile. Perhaps it is not the eating of the animal that brands one so harshly in another dimension, but the way of eating it? As in, pink good. Blood bad.

Ya you know what I did this 10 years ago. It does work, but funny enough, no matter how positive I stayed, or how many good things happened at the time, ALL OF IT BLEW UP IN MY FACE.
Literally everything I manifested turned into the opposite(bad) version within months.
Thing is, you can control YOUR own energies, but you can't control those around you. And energies mix and entangle and interact, and unless you know how to block it out you won't be able to keep your reality in tact.
If it makes people happy to have war and suffering, well guess what? Same rules apply

>any beast that is consumed by man is blessed, but the beast who consumes man is cursed

In an upper dimensional setting, everything is viewed through a scope of neutrality. How you do a certain action or live a certain way will not matter. With meat, it will not matter how you eat it; If you eat an animal, you will be viewed as an animal. Something to be eaten. Something that doesn't have control over itself.

>Wouldn't this then mean that basically all creatures have the chance at increasing their level of consciousness and their vibration in each lifetime?

Animals do not possess consciousness. They receive no benefit of that nature other than physical nutrition from eating other creatures/humans.

> I've eaten meat as my primary source of food my entire life and I have brought the Law of attraction into fruition for quite awhile

You can still have great experiences and continue to eat meat, but you will not be in control over when those good experiences happen...among other things. The meat greatly interferes with your ability to manifest by killing your life energy and replacing it with death (dirty energy).

"The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts: therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature"
-Marcus Aurelius

"Man is ruled by Earth. Earth is ruled by Heaven. Heaven is ruled by the Way. The Way is ruled by itself."
-Lao Tzu

"Free your mind...and your ass will follow"
-George Clinton, of Parliment Funkadelic

The truth is here in that this box we call our computer and this space we call our homes are manifestations of the universe unto us. Good, bad, ugly...We have the power to change. America was invented where man in his providence could achieve this unity with the universe, nature, brahamin, tao, god -- whatever you want to call it.

Realize your thoughts are the precursor to all events you face, learn to control them and the benefits will flow. Life will still occur but you will have a much firmer grasp. Don't forget self-discipline, positivity and the fact that you've made it this far already with the odds of uncertainty stacked against you.

what if what i want is to see the magic around me that you say my eyes are unable to see?
it would be so much easier to manipulate the magic if i could see it.

user's planting seeds ......
Thanks ....

You mean women, right? Also, snowflake, you're probably a faggy little genzr, which means your mom is a millenial or genxr. I'm going with millenial, you seem about 11.